Facebook protest prompts orchestral blackout

Facebook protest prompts orchestral blackout

Brazilian Symphony Orchestra

Brazilian Symphony Orchestra

A row over re-audition procedures at the Brazil Symphony Orchestra has prompted many local musicians and overseas colleagues to black out their facebook photos in protest.

The points at issue are laid out in a letter (below) from the former Chicago Symphony oboist Alex Klein to the music director, Roberto Minczuk. They are mostly internal and occupational, of no wider interest beyond the working conditions of musicians in Brazil – although some comments on my facebook page from musicians in other countries indicate levels of intense solidarity and condemnation of the re-auditioning process.

But the fact that the musicians are using facebook as their medium of protest gives the matter wider attention and ensures that the orchestra management cannot ride roughshod over the dissenters. It could signal a new phase in musical negotiation.

For blacked faces check, e.g., home pages of Juliana Bravim, Victor Astorga and more.

via Facebook protest prompts orchestral blackout – Slipped disc.

Read the Open letter to the Music Director of the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra, Roberto Minczuk.

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