Meet “Late bloomer” from Fiddlerman’s “Fiddle Talk” forum

• Please begin by telling us anything you would like to about yourself. Age, place of birth, residence, etc.
Well, my name is Erich Feldhaus, I am about to be 53 years young on April the 19th .  Born in Paris Texas not far from the Oklohoma border. (Red River) Moved to Dallas to find work and have been here ever since.  One very understanding wife of 30 years  and Three semi understanding children.

• What made you decide to play the violin?
I have always loved the sound of the violin, to me it has always been the ultimate instrument.

• How long have you been playing the violin? I bought a violin when I was 18 at a pawn shop but couldnt make a sound , didnt know about rosin. Took it back a week later. (no enternet  back then). The next time I held one was at the tender age of 49.  So about 4 years.

• How often do you play? How long are your practice sessions?
I probably play three or four times a week. Sesseons can run any where from 10 min. to 3 or 4 hours.

• In your opinion, what’s your proficiency on the violin?
I play pretty damn good when no one is listning!  but really I think I am about on the level of a two year player.

• Your greatest personal experience with playing?
My wifes grandfather made violins and played all his life . Well he passed on and about two weeks after I started playing,  my wifes grandmother was on the phone and I played amazing grace for her. She loved it !  I cant explain the feeling I heard in her voice.  I am sad every time I think about how my life was so busy that I couldn’t take the time to learn from her grandfather!

• What other instruments do you play?
None really , I have always been good with tools though.

• What does music mean to you?
I don’t know what it means, but it has always been a part of how I feel and a factor in my emotions.  Its a powerful tool , as represented in movies. A sound track can make or break a movie. It has had a similar effect on the events of my life.

• What or who has been your greatest influence?
To many artist to name. My taste for music is wide and veracious . Jean Luc Ponte has to come to mind , Issac Stern,  Perlman, of course Kershaw. Rock , jazz , classical, blue grass , blues , it s all great  I  love It!

• What are your goals for playing violin?
Short and long. I want to have fun and lot of it. Play things that will make you tap your feet and say  “Play another one”.  Or make you cry and say ‘Play another one”

• What type of violin training?
I took lessons from a little gal , 30 minutes every two weeks for two years. She really pushed the basics and used the Suzuki book but not the method.  Then I found a older gal that I go see every chance I get . Not very often. Shes great really down to earth.

• How do you warm up? I don’t. when I get it in my head to play , I’m ready to Play!   • What is your favorite type of music? Sometimes blues, sometimes folk, man it just all depends on my mood. Just like Obama nothing is off the table.!

• What is your favorite piece of music? Why?
Off the top of my head , I never get tired of Bartoks Romanian dances. Parts of that piece make my heart fly.

• What are your 2 favorite things to do other than playing violin?
I am always building things , or planning to build things. Building my farm in my head.

• Do you come from a musical family? If so please tell us about them.
No, my sister sings pretty well and used to do so in church. but I don’t know of any  of my family that music took hold of like it did me.

• Are you a member of any orchestra?

• Do you ever perform publicly?
Closest thing is the videos I have posted here.

• What do you work with?
Been in construction ever since I left the hay fields of East Texas.

• Would you please share with us information about your violin and bow and if you have several please tell us about them as well.
I would love to if I knew anything about it.  It was given to my daughter by my wifes grandfather. He did not make it I was told. I found it in the closet after she gave it up . It had been there about 5 years. I did buy a Cecilio electric and have some fun with it occasionally .

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