Arrrrr!!!!  We Fiddlerman.com band ‘o pirates have put together a movin’ picture wit’ mates from all over th’ seven seas. Ye too can join in th’ next project at Fiddlerman.com

This is how our projects work.
Parts are posted free on this site for anyone to learn and enjoy. We as a group work on those pieces on the Fiddle Talk Forum as well as a lot of discussion and tips from all the friendly forum members and some demo videos by Fiddlerman. Many members post their progress to get used to playing in front of each other. Many member choose to play more than one part. When enough members feel that they are ready with the piece we set a deadline (which is traditionally broken many times ;-))  Fiddlerman uploads a click track to use when you make your own recording to keep the parts synchronized. Participants upload their movie files to a server and Fiddlerman puts it all togeter.
Stay posted for the announcement of the next project soon on our forum.

This months,”He’s a Pirate” International Fiddlerman Youtube Project is starring:

Cindy Marshall, Marina Goman, Minh Thien Nguyen
as Soguns Black Violin, Naska as Mad_Wed, Sara O. as SaraO, Denise as dionysia, Brigitte as NoirVelours, Terry Taylor as TerryT and Pierre Holstein as Fiddlerman

We will soon be announcing the next project which you will hopefully also become involved in.

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