Lexington violinist teaches kids to tell musical stories

From the Boston Globe:

Anwell Tsai and his son, Alec, 6, played a Chinese spouting bowl. Alex helps Tsai test new techniques for his Playful Tunes music instruction program for children.

Anwell Tsai and his son, Alec, 6, played a Chinese spouting bowl. Alex helps Tsai test new techniques for his Playful Tunes music instruction program for children.

Anwell Tsai is an accomplished violin soloist who has performed with many regional symphonies, so he knows a thing or two about classical music. Tsai, founder of Lexington based Playful Tunes, wants to change the way people think about early childhood music programs by using real instruments, technology, and social awareness.

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About KindaScratchy

I'm a novice fiddler and mandolinist. I've played the guitar for many years and also play the recorder, fife, flute, and, more recently, tin whistle. I work in the communications field and, in addition to music, I enjoy photography, writing, gardening, golf and travel.
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