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Fiddlin' or Bluegrass music...in a hurry
Seeking some quick links to either Bluegrass or fiddlin' music
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July 18, 2022 - 11:59 am
Member Since: November 9, 2021
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I am going to take a look at the music fiddlerman has on here, but I wanted to ask you folks if you can direct me to some fiddlin or bluegrass music that Thomas can practice the next two weeks. He was just invited to the Benton Fiddlin' and Bluegrass Festival here in Maine on July 31 and even though he doesn't know if he will dare to play in front of an outdoor crowd or to enter the childrens fiddlin contest, he wants to be ready for it just in case. It doesnt have to be simple because he is the fastest learner I have ever seen and he is very good at fiddlin pieces. If you are familiar with Wohlfarht , op. 45, he is up to No. 49 since he started March 3, just to show you his ability. I look forward to any feedback and thank you so much. 

Jim(Thomases Dad)


July 18, 2022 - 12:31 pm
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Ive been to a handful of slower style jams but my main thing is Irish.  Jams will have their own personality from place to place so what i say is in general.   But across the board these tunes seem pretty standard.  find one version of these he likes and have him listen to them alot till the jam.  if he is interested

 1.Angeline the Baker 2. Cripple Creek 3. Old Joe Clark 4. St Annes Reel 5 A vocal Bluegrass tune he likes... something like Ill Fly Away or Old Spinning wheel

Concentrate on Angeline the baker and old joe clark.  id say 99% chance theyll be played.

TAKE SOMETHING TO RECORD with.  ask jam leader if ok to record what he doesnt know.   

Bluegrass jams will have individual players taking a "break" where they play a solo...usually improvised..which will be a skill itself.  so expect that and he can always pass that in most cases to next player by shaking head or something.   theyll know what he means. 

The better jam to me as a beginner is old time.  everyone plays same melody together...MANY times before moving on.   easier to sorta find your way.  bluegrass typically faster and a bit more technical and puts individual players more out in the open during solos. 

theres absolutely nothing wrong with not playing any on first or several jams...probably better just to sit and listen first few times, record, practice to that and keep going back.   get about 5 or so tunes/songs down and go from there.


ALSO... look up the Maine Fiddle Camp.   If he likes this music it looks to me to be a great place for kids to get a start.   it may have already been held this year but if not...maybe something to check out.


July 18, 2022 - 12:39 pm
Member Since: November 9, 2021
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TY very much @ABitRusty I am new to this fiddlin music, even though my grandfather, father, great grandfather played it frequently, but love it! Thank you for all the advice.

Jim(Thomases Dad)


July 18, 2022 - 12:48 pm
Member Since: November 9, 2021
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@ABitRusty here is a link to Old Joe Clark, but finding the sheet music that matches this is hard. As with Angeline the Baker, i found a video of the song with the double stops but can't find the sheet music that matches it....


Jim(Thomases Dad)


July 18, 2022 - 1:20 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@JimandThomas -

That's GREAT news! 

You already know a few Irish & Old tunes you can play, but if this is a 1st festival - maybe just take the violin along to see what you can learn from others while there. 


From these past videos (I'm sure the last few years have been slim pickings with covid) - looks like you can expect everything except Classical music, besides Bluegrass. 


ABitRusty has good suggestions. 

We can help you find free sheet music - like this huge list that's a good mix of tunes played at festivals: https://squirrelsnestlive.com/tunes.php

You can skim thru Style tunes, just to pick what you'd like, here:  FIDDLEVIDEO  - Contest tunes and everything else.  I'm sure people will know the Canadian music, also. 



- Emily


July 18, 2022 - 1:24 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@JimandThomas -

Guess I type too slow! 

Old Joe Clark sheet music at the Squirrel's Nest Link I gave. 😊 



July 18, 2022 - 1:37 pm
Member Since: February 10, 2019
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Thomas B. said
@ABitRusty here is a link to Old Joe Clark, but finding the sheet music that matches this is hard. As with Angeline the Baker, i found a video of the song with the double stops but can't find the sheet music that matches it....



Thomas thats a great site and has super content but its a subscription to get the music UNLESS its a free version tune.

Look up at the menu on fiddlerman up top...there is an old joe clark and i think angeline the baker is there also.

i understand wanting sheet music...i still use it...but for this style the SOONER he starts picking up tunes by ear the better.  its a skill he will have to grow.  It just takes practice and listening alot.   BUT.he can do it with some practice.  Most all fiddle tunes will be in D G or A.  to a lesser extent C.  and vocal songs in whatever the singer chooses.  The more ypu practice it the easier it starts becoming.

.. this book has  great selection of common tunes in basic form.   from that he can build up his playing and add his own to them.  Ill also be looking for what think are some good versions...but theres gonna be some differences probably.  wont be exactly whats played.   ill post here when i find some.   order this book though.. and look up on the menu on this site under sheet music.  Itll get him going.   But make sure to listen to the tunes over and over until he can whistle or hum them.   that will get it in his head quicker and make it easier

Parking Lot Pickers fiddle edition


in my experience.. this is what to expect.   you may be going to a contest type thing though... but in general this is pretty well what to expect old time wise.  Alot of fun.  Same kinda format.."what you wanna play"  usually itll stay in same key for a while so helpful to know what key tunes are commonly in.  maybe make a list on a flash card.


Theres also a teaching method aligned with Pete Wernik that youll fimd for bluegrass this is an example. of how that will go.   I dont know for sure but id say its the end of class concert.


Best thing is get how its played there on recording and what the format is and take it from there.

all the above is for jams... like i said he may be in a contest or something which is another animal all together.


July 18, 2022 - 4:07 pm
Member Since: November 9, 2021
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thank you everyone. Boy are we loving that squirrelsnestlove.com site. I checked out fiddlermans list, but they are too easy, with the exception of a couple.

Jim(Thomases Dad)

Fort Lauderdale
August 18, 2022 - 3:48 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

Thomas B. said
.........Boy are we loving that squirrelsnestlove.com site........

Should be live and not love at the end though. 😂 

Great link for sure.

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