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Hiatus From Cello Lessons due to,Coronavirus
I had to end my cello lessons today because of the coronavirus. Instructor texted me about Skype lessons...Interesting
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March 16, 2020 - 7:02 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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I had to call the music shop today after much thinking and drop my cello lessons temporarily due to coronavirus risk.

My instructor texted later after he found out and said he was thinking about doing lessons online with Skype and wanted to know if I was interested. I do Facetime, but not Skype. Never did it.

I told him I was interested and to let me know when he was ready. I just emailed my son for information, so that is not what I am after.

My instructor said he won’t be playing along with me. That might actually be a good thing for this temporary setup. He can pay attention to my playing more, downside, I won’t be playing with him, which is a help.

Do any of you, or have any of you, done Skype lessons? I wish it was Facetime, but he does not use Apple. If so, what was or is your experience?  It is better than nothing, so I am pleased and if it does not work out, I tried. 

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

Sacramento, California

March 16, 2020 - 9:41 pm
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Skype or Zoom lessons (rather than tutorial videos) are the first thing I think of when I think "online lessons." I haven't used Skype, but I took a few lessons on Zoom in 2017-18 to rework my vibrato, and it's surprisingly effective if you have a reliable connection. It can be less efficient, because you may spend time moving the camera around so that what you're doing is more visible. I find the most awkward part of it is just looking at the screen rather than the camera.

Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 17, 2020 - 3:26 am
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AndrewH said
it's surprisingly effective if you have a reliable connection 

There's the nub. I'm forced to use Skype with a bad connection, and it would be useless for music.


West Sussex, England UK

March 17, 2020 - 5:49 am
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I've cancelled my violin lessons, too.

Ironically, teacher is just 300 yards away on the same road; this means that closed-circuit TV is almost viable as a teaching medium, although stringing a coax feeder across Worthing's second-busiest road is fraught with problems.

Since as a family we often txt, email and WhatsApp across our own property, I see no reason not to suggest to teacher that we carry on using Skype. I shall discuss.


"It is vain to do with more that which can be done with less"  - William of Ockham

"A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in" - Frederick the Great

Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 17, 2020 - 5:55 am
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Peter said
I've cancelled my violin lessons, too.

It seems a bit extreme. I have a lesson on April 1st which will involve 4 bus rides. I assume I'll cancel it, but it's early days.

Worthing's second-busiest road

An Austin 7 went down it only yesterday. We wondered what the noise was. moony-2173


West Sussex, England UK

March 17, 2020 - 6:20 am
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Gordon Shumway said

Peter said

I've cancelled my violin lessons, too.

It seems a bit extreme. I have a lesson on April 1st which will involve 4 bus rides. I assume I'll cancel it, but it's early days.

Worthing's second-busiest road

An Austin 7 went down it only yesterday. We wondered what the noise was. moony-2173


The figure is around 22,000 vehicles per day; second only to the A27. We have a screen of cherry-plum trees on our roadside border to help with noise mitigation, and the worst part of my walk to teacher's house is crossing the road.

If I stood by our bedroom window, teacher could watch my bowing with binoculars from her conservatory and signal her report back with VHF radio, visual Morse, semaphore or signal flags. A two-way teaching opportunity (my specialisation was RO / bunting). violin-bang


"It is vain to do with more that which can be done with less"  - William of Ockham

"A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in" - Frederick the Great

March 17, 2020 - 7:56 am
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Gordon Shumway said

Peter said

I've cancelled my violin lessons, too.

It seems a bit extreme. I have a lesson on April 1st which will involve 4 bus rides. I assume I'll cancel it, but it's earl days

Not extreme cancelling lessons at all. Other than my own personal situation, I am not interested in being one who participates in spreading this. I actually think canceling my lessons was the responsible thing to do.

Even if you are not in a high risk category or have to have contact with someone in a high risk category, I don’t want to be a possible “infector” to someone who is in that category but has to be out at the moment instead of inside. 

Maybe those who are not in high risk think it is not necessary to be vigilant, but as members of the community, it is everyone’s duty to do their best not to spread and not behave in risky behavior. We are all responsible for each in situations like this. 

******************About My Original Question About Skype***************

At any rate, this thread was not started to be a coronavirus risk thread. I really am looking for Skype information.

What I will be using is my iPad Pro. i will not be using any added on camera or microphone. Please do not reply by saying it will be better with a camera and microphone. That is a given, and is not my situation. Does anyone use an iPad or iPad Pro to Skype lessons, without any add-ons?

Also, I have Googled about Skype and it was confusing. I was wondering if I have to connect my cell phone number to this account, or if Skype gives you a number to use with your account. I am not interested in having my cell phone connected to that app, What I read was, once again, contradicting. Why is there nothing that starts from scratch and explains thoroughly, and applies to those using an iPad, iPad Pro or iPhone?

One reason I do not want it connected is because someone asked how to delete her account. She was told she cannot delete or close her Skype account because she would have to remove all her Google accounts. The, supposedly, Google rep said that Google connects it to,all,ypur accounts and you cannot delete a Skype account. Now, I will be using an Apple device but my emails are google emails, I can’t find any information that is of help. 

Does anyone here use Skype on an iPad or iPhone? Has anyone here used it and been able to delete it? Did you have to use your cell phone number from your cell phone?

Oh, it says it is free to use, but then they start talking about subscriptions, refunds, Skype credits, etc. I do not want to do this if I have to pay a fee. My cell phone bill is all I wish to pay for phone calls.

They also say you search a Skype directory for Skype contacts. Does that mean that if I do have to use my cell phone number, that my cell phone number will not be in some directory available for all Skype users to see and add to their annoying telemarketing lists? Does this mean people I do not know, will be calling me via Skype and bugging me like I get on my cell phone? I do not want my contacts from my phone accessible, either. I protect all the information of my contacts as much as possible.

Sorry for all of the questions. 

Thank you, and thank you in advance for not turning this into a coronavirus discussion thread. Much appreciated.

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

Stroudsburg, PA

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March 17, 2020 - 10:09 am
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Even though minimal risk going to your lessons, @Mouse, it's probably best you canceled.

Here is a simple video for us complicated folks. I think this says all we need to do right now considering what's going on these days.

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Mimi Aysha

March 17, 2020 - 11:30 am
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Skype is still free if you are using it for video interaction. But since Microsoft bought it, they have made it very confusious...the necessity to now have an account is a nightmare...

I did find this...might be worth a shot!



March 17, 2020 - 2:42 pm
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My teacher was unfamiliar with Skype lessons but wanted to offer them to her students who might prefer it due to the virus.. She asked me if I would help her to "test" her Skype connection.

Went off without a hitch. I told her I preferred in person lessons. I might try them with her short term though.

Fort Lauderdale
March 17, 2020 - 8:13 pm
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starise said
My teacher was unfamiliar with Skype lessons but wanted to offer them to her students who might prefer it due to the virus.. She asked me if I would help her to "test" her Skype connection.

Went off without a hitch. I told her I preferred in person lessons. I might try them with her short term though.

That was nice of you starise.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

x Coach

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March 18, 2020 - 1:51 pm
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We’re all have to adapt in some way for awhile.

Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 18, 2020 - 1:58 pm
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I noticed my bus today had 5 people on it, plus the driver. It might not be too unsafe to go to my lesson on the 1st April.


Stroudsburg, PA

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March 18, 2020 - 4:25 pm
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Gordon Shumway said
I noticed my bus today had 5 people on it, plus the driver. It might not be too unsafe to go to my lesson on the 1st April.


Unless one of those 5 on the bus or your teacher has been infected. Is it that bad if you miss a few lessons?

Folks...stay home and flatten the curve of this virus. Many lives, especially those with compromised immune systems and the elderly depend on us to do the right thing.



Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 19, 2020 - 8:54 am
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Thanks, I studied network theory as part of my maths degree.

At the moment, plenty of people are staying at home imagining they are being responsible, but they have friends and relatives going out to do their food shopping for them (that's very convenient - I have no-one, and I don't have a washing machine, so I have to use the launderette), and the schools aren't shut yet, nor the work places. That is all networking, and individual music lessons are a tiny part of a large whole. How you risk manage will depend on your individual fear factor. At the moment "I'm not hiding because I'm afraid; I'm socially distancing because I'm responsible" is just a political stance.


March 19, 2020 - 9:53 am
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Ok, I still would like to know how to do the Skype before I download the app, etc. I am not going to use a laptop. I am going to use my iPad Pro. I have only found a little information on this that is not older than a year. Microsoft now owns Skype and most of what I did find was when Skype was its own entity.

1. I read that you cannot delete a Skype account once you create one because Microsoft will not let you without deleting your entire Microsoft account, including things you purchased. You lose it all. Please do not ask “why would you want to delete it?” That is of no help and has nothing to do with what I am asking. 

2. I also do NOT want my cell phone attached to my Skype account. Again, asking “why” is of no help.I simply do not want to. I have read contradicting information on this.

3. What do people who you are Skyping with use to contact you without them using your cell phone number? There will only be one person I am Skyping with. I use Facetime. Unfortunately, my instructor is not Apple.

4. I read you are listed in a directory for people to be able to find you to Skype you. I really do not want this. i have enough numbers blocked on my cell phone.

5. I read that Skype gives you a name or something when you sign up and you can change it to a screen name that is easier to remember. Does that negate what I read about having to sign up for Skype with Microsoft THROUGH THE APPLE APP with a cell phone number and your cell phone number is not used for Skype?

6. I cannot doit without an account if I am doing lessons because my instructor calls me, so I need the account, right?

7. It is absolutely free, right? I keep reading about Skype subscriptions and credits.

Thank you for any answers and clarity. I am not asking about social distancing, etc. Can anyone answer my questions above? The internet search has been useless.

Thanks again.

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 19, 2020 - 9:55 am
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As I said, Skype is useless for me. Sorry.

If you and your connectee both have super fast, super broad broadband it might be great.



March 19, 2020 - 2:04 pm
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cid said
Ok, I still would like to know how to do the Skype before I download the app, etc. I am not going to use a laptop. I am going to use my iPad Pro. I have only found a little information on this that is not older than a year. Microsoft now owns Skype and most of what I did find was when Skype was its own entity.

1. I read that you cannot delete a Skype account once you create one because Microsoft will not let you without deleting your entire Microsoft account, including things you purchased. You lose it all. Please do not ask “why would you want to delete it?” That is of no help and has nothing to do with what I am asking. 

2. I also do NOT want my cell phone attached to my Skype account. Again, asking “why” is of no help.I simply do not want to. I have read contradicting information on this.

3. What do people who you are Skyping with use to contact you without them using your cell phone number? There will only be one person I am Skyping with. I use Facetime. Unfortunately, my instructor is not Apple.

4. I read you are listed in a directory for people to be able to find you to Skype you. I really do not want this. i have enough numbers blocked on my cell phone.

5. I read that Skype gives you a name or something when you sign up and you can change it to a screen name that is easier to remember. Does that negate what I read about having to sign up for Skype with Microsoft THROUGH THE APPLE APP with a cell phone number and your cell phone number is not used for Skype?

6. I cannot do it without an account if I am doing lessons because my instructor calls me, so I need the account, right?

7. It is absolutely free, right? I keep reading about Skype subscriptions and credits.

Thank you for any answers and clarity. I am not asking about social distancing, etc. Can anyone answer my questions above? The internet search has been useless.

Thanks again.


Not sure about adding or deleting an account because I haven't attempted to delete mine.

Skype is free unless you use it for long distance. You pick a user name or you can use your real name. 

On a PC, if I don't have the Skype program launched no one can call me. It's one of those things that probably requires some kind of a prior conversation through text,email or phone to set up. Alternately some simply leave the program running on their desktop if they use Skype on a regular basis.

I can't comment on using it with iPad. Since Microsoft and Apple are corporate competitors it seems odd to me that there would be a Skype app, but they have have likely worked out some kind of a deal if there is an app. Should work in a similar way. I had no issue with either my desktop PC or my laptop. In the case of the laptop Skype automatically found the camera and mic but you may need to give it permission to use them. Same with the PC.

March 19, 2020 - 2:30 pm
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There is a Skype App for apple devices. I think, from what I have been able to find, it has been available for a couple years. 

So you do not use your cell phone number as others in articles I have read have said? Again, most articles are 4 or 5 years old. Even questions on help sites are old. 

I will probably do it is I am not going to be included in some directory for any Skype user to be able to set up RoboSkype (for lack of better words) calls with. 

Another question, if you are offline, it is not going to do whatever it does to let you know someone wants to Skype, will it? Will it tell the caller you are offline, instead? I don’t want to be bugged by this thing if I am not online, or the device I am using for Skype is offline. I am only putting the app on the Pro:

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


March 21, 2020 - 11:48 am
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About my experience with Skype. I joined Skype many years ago, before Microsoft got their claws into them. My Skype user name is BobBrothers (not coincidentally, my name).

Before I retired, I used my Skype account to communicate to my wife's Skype account when I went out of town. Between Skype accounts there is no cost at all.

Now since I stay home all the time (GREAT!) I don't use my account in this way. My wife, who is from Indonesia, uses it to call her family back home. Since these calls go from my Skype account to a landline or a cellphone they are not free.  I need to have a subscription which I pay from an account that when it gets below a certain dollar amount they will add another $10.00.  I don't know the exact currrent rate, but it is much lower than my landline long distance charge would be.The only downside for my wife is that since we don't have a "Skype Phone Number" they can not call us from their normal phones. We have to call them. It seems folks in Indonesia use "Whatsapp" and know nothing about Skype, so I can't convince them to get a Skype account so I can call them for free :)

Previously I did have a Skype phone number with a Florida area code (I live in Texas now) so that my family could call me ( I was able to pick my own number). Now that they are all gone, I have no  real need to buy a Skype phone number.

I've never experienced any privacy issues using Skype. Nobody tries to call in to my account, but then I don't call any other Skype accounts either now. 

Like anything on the internet, the possibility of abuse by some is always present. 

Bob in Lone Oak, Texas

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