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How Long Before Our Phones Give Us Playing Feadback?
Maybe sooner than you think!
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July 25, 2022 - 1:45 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
Forum Posts: 8088
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I'm certainly not happy with most current events in our Country, so I'm not sure about the social impact of A.I. advancement... but it's just too cool! 

How long before our phone identifies what's good or bad about the sound we produce on our Violin, Viola or Cello, as it watches us play?  

Maybe it will be able to suggest how to improve our playing skills, and give us motivational feedback!

Will it be able to debate the merits of our opinions about music and playing our instruments? 

It may happen sooner than you think - just take a look at what we already have! 



Yep, we're better off with an A.I. for President 🤔 but what about A.I.'s in every home that repair & program themselves, supply our every need - for free... reminds me of some horror films. 😬 

- Emily


July 25, 2022 - 3:02 pm
Member Since: June 24, 2020
Forum Posts: 1550
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Scary video. Maybe it's time to kick Alexa out of the house!

I've sent angry emails to Amazon to tell them to make Alexa stop the "By the way," extraneous comments (e.g., "By the way, you can reorder birdseed by. . ." etc.,). I told them I was going to rip every Echo device out of my house & cancel my Prime if it didn't stop.

I don't want to spend my time being angry with a computer voice.

I just re-watched The Terminator movie this weekend—Skynet is on the horizon!

It's hard to believe I grew up in a world without internet or smart phones.  How did we make it through? 

BTW, if you ask Alexa if it is part of Skynet, it responds, "I have nothing to do with Skynet.  Don't worry".  I am worried.

Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.


July 25, 2022 - 4:07 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
Forum Posts: 8088
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I'd like to think it's more than "curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought him back" and ends up helpful for health care, but afraid it's human nature more like -

🤔... just wonder what I can do next?  

Mua ha ha ha! 




I have two Alexa's. 

The old original version understands what I say, the newer one, a piece of garbage that knows my voice, but doesn't understand it -

I gave to Kevin to deal with.   

...yeah, I hate when I forget to tell it to shut off, e.g., the other day I said "great" to Kevin & Alexa said "Oh thank you, you made my day!" 🤨 

Even when 'off', I'm sure it's still listening to more than it's cue word. 

(like I really care if it hears me play Edgar) 



- Emily

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