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Other Hobbies and Interests?
I was wondering if any of you have any other interests or hobbies other than violin, viola and cello. I guess, mostly, non-music related.
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Sacramento, California

September 10, 2019 - 5:54 am
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Learned to sail as a kid in Dubai, but haven't lived close enough to water to sail regularly since moving back to the United States. I've sailed Laser 2s and FJs  a few times since then when visiting a friend in Seattle, only needing quick refreshers each time so it seems I haven't forgotten completely.

Fort Lauderdale
September 10, 2019 - 10:22 am
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Irv said
@Fiddlerman .  Two books that should be on your boat for a rainy day.  Ice! and Heart of Oak.  Both by Tristan Jones.  

Some day I might start reading again. 😜

Mimi Aysha said
Did sailing and nautical studies at school as a kid...

Unfortunately spent more time falling out of the sail boat and having to be drug out soaking wet and riding in the speedboat with the instructors for the rest of the day...I felt so sick...they started making me wear a bright yellow plastic suit thing (probably so they wouldn't lose me) wasn't my finest hour...

I passed, but I think it was cause they didn't want me back for a 2nd year!

LOL. Yes, I can see where this would turn you off from wanting to sail.

AndrewH said
Learned to sail as a kid in Dubai, but haven't lived close enough to water to sail regularly since moving back to the United States. I've sailed Laser 2s and FJs  a few times since then when visiting a friend in Seattle, only needing quick refreshers each time so it seems I haven't forgotten completely.

Totally different type of sailing. Fast and sensitive. Sounds like fun. I'm sure you would have an easier time sailing a much larger vessel.Also, I feel it's like riding a bike.

I imagine the lakes around Seattle are relatively smooth compared to the Atlantic.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Gordon Shumway
London, England

September 10, 2019 - 10:53 am
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September 11, 2019 - 7:30 am
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Gordon, roflol

I guess they were literally rolling on ROF!

Here's my one contribution I made (using one of my interests) to the nautical sailing theme a year ago. For those that sail, does this make you feel like you're going out on the boat? Lyrics need work on this.

Fort Lauderdale
September 11, 2019 - 11:39 am
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@Gordon - That's hilarious.
That's a bit different. I wouldn't enjoy that. If you are outside it's a completely different ballgame. Indoors would be terrible under these conditions.

@starise - That is super. I love it!

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


September 11, 2019 - 5:42 pm
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starise said
Gordon, roflol

I guess they were literally rolling on ROF!

Here's my one contribution I made (using one of my interests) to the nautical sailing theme a year ago. For those that sail, does this make you feel like you're going out on the boat? Lyrics need work on this.


Well I dont sail but I like it.  You should keep making these.  I know you said something about putting it aside in an earlier post somewhere..mistake in my opinion.


September 12, 2019 - 12:22 pm
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Thanks guys! Maybe we can see some examples of others interests as well... 

GregW I would love to do that. Just doesn't seem to be any time lately. Starting my new violin lessons now on Thursday evenings. That's tonight. 

I did buy IK Sampletank SE since they had it on sale. Didn't even have a chance to play a sound on it last night. It's a 30gb download. What I really need is two of me laugh

September 13, 2019 - 9:13 am
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Boating? Well, I have not had many good experiences. 

First experience. Probably 12, 13, or 14 yrs old. Went to my brother-in-law’s parent’s cottage. He had two sisters. One a couple years older than me and one a couple years younger. I spent the night. Early in the morning the sisters decide we should go out in a canoe. I do NOT know how to swim. I think I was the only one out of 9 kids that did not get swimming lessons, not sure how that happened. 

Well, I figured they all knew what they were talking about and were taught boat safety or whatever, who was I to argue? Plus, I tend to not disagree, most of the time, at least back then (I have found my voice). We got dressed and went out in the canoe. I did mention I could not swim. “This is a canoe, we won’t go out deeper than you can stand”. I remember that line clearly.

We get out there and I see water coming in, “Barb, there is water coming in the boat.” “Oh, there is a hole, we have to bale it out.” The two sisters got into an argument because neither wanted to row. I found that kind of weird because I was dying to try to row. They both wanted to bale. I offered to row and they said, “You are our guest, you do not have to row.” Huh? Shouldn’t I be allowed to do it if I wanted to?

I told them, rather bluntly, because I had had it, “Look, I cannot swim, the boat has a hole, neither of you want to row, and I do. Let me have the stupid oars! I want out of this boat! It was your idea to come out here and neither one of you want to do it. Just let me row.” So, I rowed us back to shore. The quotes may not be exact after all the decades, but pretty close. I know I was quite angry and a bit concerned (scared to be precise). I was sure were out deeper than I could stand. I think we were a little beyond the end of the dock, which was my self-made limit.

I mentioned this little episode to my brother-in-law and he said that he should have warned me not to go out in that canoe. I said, “Thank you very much.” As a side, he is still my brother, not brother-in-law, if you get my heartfelt meaning.

Not a good experience.

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

September 13, 2019 - 9:32 am
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Second bad boat experience.

We take a ferry from New London, CT to Orient Point, LI when we visit my daughter, and then take the ferry back. Needless to say, I am not very calm when I am on that ferry. 

Well, one time I was sitting in the booth with my husband and was actually getting sleepy. Then it dawned in me, this ferry is doing a heck of a lot of rocking. The waters looked calm to me when we drove our car into the car area, and also when we were walking to the sitting area. I looked out my window and just saw sky. I looked across the area to the window on the other side and saw nothing but water. Then it switched, it looked like the water was going to come right into my window and the other side just had sky! I was not happy. I was sure our car on the lower level was being destroyed. That was not a fun ride.

I tried to keep my mind off it, but I usually do look out the window to see the lighthouses. Lighthouses are one of my favorite things. I also, and this is weird, love to watch water, just don’t have to be in it on a boat. I actually like to look out across the sound when we go across. I just have to not think about the fact that I am on that water. “I am not a fish”, is always in the back of my mind. I was more than happy to reach the shore at Orient Point that time.

There is one part of the trip across the sound that always gives me the willies. Where the sound freshwater meets the saltwater ocean, there is a fairly long well-defined large ripple. I always know we are a little bit in ocean water at that point. The ferry route is at the very end of the sound where it meets the ocean. It gives me the creeps! It is weird because I love the ocean, the expanse of it, the waves pounding on the shore, etc. I do not, however need to be on it. In my mind, I see sharks, electric eels, groupers, whatever. There are also a ton of stinging little jellyfish in that area that are visibly seen. Nope, do not have to be there.

I actually wanted to just wear a lifejacket the whole time on the ferry each trip, but you can’t. Maybe I should buy my own and bring it. I could wear it the whole time then, right? It would be mine, not the ferry’s.

I have a great fascination for oceans, but no desire to be in it. Will never take a cruise. My sister and brother-in-law do cruises periodically, but I won’t do it. 

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

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