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Pernambuco Bows and summer dry heat or summer hot humidity
How do summer dry heat and summer hot humidity affect a pernambuco bow?
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May 23, 2020 - 8:07 am
Member Since: December 26, 2018
Forum Posts: 5452
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I have a pernambuco bow for my violin, viola and cello. I know the summer heat is not good for the instruments, so, please do not change this thread to instruments. I have searched to find information on if the summer dry heat and hot humidity can harm my pernambuco bows. Every search talks about rosin or I get hits about instruments.

Will playing a carbon instrument outside in the summer dry heat or hot humidity damage my pernambuco bows?

Again, I am not asking about the instruments, I am talking about the bows. I am not asking about the rosins to use in dry summer heat or hot humid summer days. I am asking about the pernambuco bows, only.

There is the pernambuco wood, the frog, the hairs, the wrap by the frog (forgot the term ), the holding of the hair at each end, etc. are any of these affected by dry summer heat, or hot humid summer weather? Is it more than just causing you to loosen or tighten the hairs, or does either scenario actually damage the pernambuco of the bow or other bow parts, etc?

The Bumblebee Flies!

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May 23, 2020 - 11:05 am
Member Since: December 23, 2017
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An interesting question, @Mouse .  

The wood should be fine.  If it got really hot, the varnish might soften and stick to the case fabric (or dust might adhere to it if left on a stand).  The bow hair will likely tighten in a highly humid environment.  All of the above are minor considerations.

The area of most concern is hand sweat migrating into the threaded portion of the frog button and rusting the nut to a fixed position.  This is s fsirly common situation.

Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal. —Earl Nightingale.

May 23, 2020 - 11:42 am
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Irv said
An interesting question, @Mouse .  

The area of most concern is hand sweat migrating into the threaded portion of the frog button and rusting the nut to a fixed position.  This is s fsirly common situation.


Oh, no worry. I do not work up a sweat when playing, and if I got that hot outside, I think I would call it quits, if I was aware. Sometimes, I get involved and don’t pay attention, my cause for concern with outside playing.

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

Sacramento, California

May 23, 2020 - 1:36 pm
Member Since: November 5, 2017
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High humidity will cause bow hair to stretch (and loosen), not tighten -- this also means you should loosen the bow before bringing it back into an air-conditioned room.

But otherwise Irv is correct. The wood should be fine. The varnish on the bow might not be, especially if playing in direct sunlight.

May 23, 2020 - 1:43 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
Forum Posts: 5452
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Thanks, Irv and Andrew. 

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

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