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The Guardian's "Lockdown Orchestras Online"
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Boca Raton, Florida

April 15, 2020 - 8:45 am
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April 15, 2020 - 8:54 am
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That was neat info. 

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

Brora, North-east Scotland
April 15, 2020 - 11:02 am
Member Since: March 22, 2014
Forum Posts: 3744
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Hmmm..  cant see it - just the crazy characters like


is it a link, or an actual embedded (into the forum) file....  

Ohhh - gimmee a moment or two - I recall this -

Yup -I have it now - yup.. all my fault for using Win 7/10 and not a "smart thing" rofl and LOL ...struggled with these types of posts/links before...   really confusing....   yep it's just me LOL - 

But indeed @bocaholly - yup - got it - REALLY REALLY good stuff I missed that myself, so thanks for sharing !!!!   Nice one, and still going through it all  Cool ty !!! ! :)

Beautiful.....  lovely...  moments of sound-pleasure....  well cool - making my day here as I write my response... 

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Gordon Shumway
London, England

April 15, 2020 - 11:08 am
Member Since: August 1, 2016
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I do right click then open image in new tab and it downloads it as a tif that I can click on and look at - and see a screenshot of the link, which is a disappointment after the link.


Brora, North-east Scotland
April 15, 2020 - 11:20 am
Member Since: March 22, 2014
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Yup - supremely confusing Alf @Gordon Shumway  - the "real, actual" link is indeed


... which is the original link in @bocaholly's post - I have NO IDEA what the crazy character string means.... LOL

 Yeah, goog listening !  Ty Holly !!!


***EDIT*** please equate my "goog" as being "good"   D'Oh....facepalm

I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)

Gordon Shumway
London, England

April 15, 2020 - 11:27 am
Member Since: August 1, 2016
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I didn't add this to the Guardian's page, but it's one of my teacher's groups (Sheila on viola).


Brora, North-east Scotland
April 15, 2020 - 11:42 am
Member Since: March 22, 2014
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Ohhh... honestly - only 1 minute in - that's just FUN FUN FUN and so well brought together in a "relatively simple mix" ( and no, NOT REALLY THAT SIMPLE, - I just mean a few numbers of players - and that has "its demands of its own" - well cool)....   TYVM for that LOVE IT....  it works realy, really well, nice vid, yup - say TYVM to Sheila, the/her players and the organisers who brought it together from me - GOOD WORK - wish **I** had a teach !!! LOLOL

Ok - truth comes out - by the time I finished writing this (and stopping more and more often to listen in detail) it has played 3 times over... still love it !!!!!!!  Yup sweet work without a doubt  !!!

Thanks, Alf  thumbs-up

I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)

Sacramento, California

April 15, 2020 - 9:13 pm
Member Since: November 5, 2017
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They missed some of my favorite lockdown orchestra performances.

One I posted earlier, which I think is still my favorite of all:


Some Mozart:


I love the visual effect of this one, where they arranged the individual musicians' videos like an orchestra on stage:

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