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Fiddlerman's 2014 Group Christmas Project - We Wish You a Merry Christmas
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November 5, 2014 - 9:30 pm
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Fiddlerman said
Just finished the Viola parts. They are also on the mother page for this project.


Cool, just played through Viola 1, great piece choice. what will be the BPM so I can practice it at speed until the click track is ready

There is no shame in playing twinkle, youre playing Mozart

Southern California

November 6, 2014 - 12:34 am
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Looking forward to this!

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Queensland, Australia

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November 6, 2014 - 1:24 am
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Barry, I think Pierre settled on 108.

Don't quote me, it's in the posts somewhere!

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November 6, 2014 - 7:18 am
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Robyn.fnq said
Barry, I think Pierre settled on 108.

Don't quote me, it's in the posts somewhere!

/\  quoted you anyway !!  LOL, thanks Robyn !!

There is no shame in playing twinkle, youre playing Mozart

Brora, North-east Scotland
November 6, 2014 - 8:38 am
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The "back-chat" on this was -

(1) The original project document referred to 76bpm (a left-over from Thaxted ) - now changed by Pierre, to refer to setting the metronome to "the correct tempo" but with no specific bpm value yet....   - because -

(2) FM was asking for suggestions on tempo.  I did a short take at 120, which felt a bit "pacey" (not difficult to play, just a bit fast for the overall feel )

(3) FM suggested 108, both Gil and I voted for that

(4) But we are awaiting a definitive answer and for those who need it, a click track - I'm sure it's close to the top of @Fiddlerman  's things-to-do-list.   Give the man a chance!  LOLOL

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Fort Lauderdale
November 6, 2014 - 12:49 pm
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108 BPM and here is the click track.

Can also be found on the main project page.

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Honolulu, HI

November 8, 2014 - 3:59 pm
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Aloha @Fiddlerman,

Get ready!  I was practicing one of the violin parts (I don't remember which one) and my wife walked into the computer room.  I normally get a bit nervous when she listens to me, but this time I didn't screw up too badly.  She was really impressed and is really encouraging me to record all of the violin parts I can play and submit them all.  With this kind of support, how can I not record at least two of them?   :D

I don't too bad thus far, but we'll see if I can actually get a good recording.  Expect something within the next week and a half.  Actually, on the Violin II part, I would like to ask about bars 13 and 14.  The notes go from B3 to B4, which crosses two strings, unless I go to 2nd position on the D string.  Is that what I should be doing instead of trying to hit the B4 with the 2nd finger on the A string?






Honolulu, HI

November 8, 2014 - 4:02 pm
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Aloha everyone,

I just wanted to add that I haven't tried the upper octave, so I won't be screeching that much!  hahaha :D





California, the place of my heart
November 8, 2014 - 4:58 pm
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HI there... congrats.. so happy that you are enjoying the  project.  

I have been playing the upper octave... but the one shift... has me  thinking I will only do the one octave twice....

But that could change in the next week or so...

NOVEMBER 8th..... 22 days y'all!!!


Vibrato Desperato.... Desperately seeking vibrato

Fort Lauderdale
November 8, 2014 - 6:31 pm
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Happy to hear it iBud. :)

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


November 8, 2014 - 8:55 pm
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How do we send you our recordings?

Brora, North-east Scotland
November 9, 2014 - 1:39 am
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Snickers said
How do we send you our recordings?

Hi Snickers,

   We usually use the "sprend" ( http://www.sprend.com ) service - on that page just enter FM's email address [email protected] in the "To" field, and add something in the "Message" field - like your name, possibly your email address, anything else you need Pierre to know....

Hope that helps....


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Brora, North-east Scotland
November 9, 2014 - 2:04 pm
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OK, I need professional help ( ! )

It's to do with bowing - and maybe should be posted elsewhere, but the specific question does concern the Xmas score.  Right.  Here we go.   I have my bowing generally under control - I can keep close to the fingerboard, or close to bridge as needs demand.  I can achieve quite a flexible "touch" in terms of dynamics, so I'm happy with that.   HOWEVER - once I have the tune in my head, that's probably the last time I look at the sheet, and I bow "pretty much how I just feel it".   In other words, although I'm probably remembering where to change dynamics etc, and the tune will sound "fine (within reason)", what I will NOT be doing is necessarily "bowing in unison" with everyone else.

So, because the Xmas piece is really straightforward, I was making an attempt to follow the up-and-down-bow instructions on the score.  And I'm running into problems - so any feedback on this would be extremely welcome !  ( Thanks in advance! )

Below is the first 8 or so bars from Vln 1

mxbowing.JPGImage Enlarger

   So, you see the scored up-bows on the original score.   I have added the "bowing" and "Bar" lines so I can discuss this.   I appreciate there are "other ways" and I don't HAVE to be changing bow direction in the repeated D U D | U D U fashion, but, to "land on the scored up-bow in bar 7 - which I've marked "X" - I just can't manage it....

  Oh - I can play the tune easily all the way through, and it sounds OK, but this actual bowing eludes me, and it would be nice to "visually be in synch" with other Vln 1 players

  So - how would you best bow this to follow the score ?    Any thoughts would be WELL appreciated !!!!!   Thank you very much !


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November 9, 2014 - 4:46 pm
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I can't say for sure, since it isn't my puppy, MadBill.. But I *think* that unison on the bowing direction is more of an issue when a string section is sitting side by side.  On a video where it is going to be changing view every few seconds, I doubt most people would ever notice. 

I also may be an uninformed provincial clod on such matters, but I have to say I've never much noticed when watching vids or orchestras, if they are all bowing the same direction at the same time. I would have kinda figured they couldn't be, much of the time, since there is more than one violin part?  Just goes to show how much I know of such things. 



"This young wine may have a lot of tannins now, but in 5 or 10 years it is going to be spectacular, despite the fact that right now it tastes like crude oil. You know this is how it is supposed to taste at this stage of development." ~ Itzhak Perlman

Fort Lauderdale
November 9, 2014 - 11:32 pm
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Great question Bill

The best way to bow it is to follow my suggested bowing if you want to match others in the videos. That being said, I've never concerned myself to much with matching members bowing on our projects. I guess I would be happy if everyone would do the same bowing but it's never even been the case. :)
I think what is confusing you Bill is that you are probably slurring the last two eighth notes in every bar.  When reading bowing symbols in written music you always change bowings on all separate notes unless another bowing is indicated. The only time you slur is if there is a written slur in the music.

So I have chosen to have two up bows in a row in the 2nd full bar and similarly in the 4th full bar, then again in the 7th.
It's to produce a better effect as a pickup to the first beat in the 3/4 bars.
The pickup beat is to the 3rd, 5th and 8th bar, from that section you showed.

Your U (up bow) and D (down bow) markings are different from what I suggested.
The correct bowing is indicated in red. Where I didn't change anything your bowing is correct.

mxbowing_corrected.JPGImage Enlarger

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"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
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Brora, North-east Scotland
November 10, 2014 - 1:26 am
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 DOH!   As Homer Simpson would say.  That's what I get for discarding the sheet once I "have the tune" LOL.  Thanks very much Doc, oh I mean @Fiddlerman !

EDIT: Oh and @DanielB - thanks as well - internet is so slow here it leaped to the page end - just saw your post.  This has "worried" (OK, too strong, I'll never be playing in an actual orchestra) me as well, and I just kind of "imagined" that in an orchestra, all Vln 2 fr example would be in synch visually (professional players?), as would all other "same strings" players on the same part?   If not, the conductor might have a few words to say because of the subtle nuances in sound.....  but, I dunno either !   LOL  Probably awaits another comment from Pierre !

Thanks folks !

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November 10, 2014 - 2:05 am
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You ain't alone Bill! I was doing EXACTLY the way you were! Ha.

Well, at least there would 2 people in the video bowing the same way. LOLdevil-violin 

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Vermont, Massachusetts or somewhere in between

November 10, 2014 - 10:21 am
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Need a little help please. I have been working on the Viola III but confused as to why there are two titles on the sheet. I have been working from top to bottom Measure 0- 36 ignoring the second title, but on the first title it says 2nd time. do I start with measure 19 and end with 0-9 twice? I am more accustomed to working fiddle tunes/jigs that have 2-3 parts (A/b, A/B/C) but never seen it on the sheet like this.  My next scheduled lesson is late in the month and if I wait to ask my instructor I may just miss the boat... Thanks

California, the place of my heart
November 10, 2014 - 1:25 pm
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Thanks for the bowing tips and clarification.   :)

I had worked it out ...but I wasn't feeling comfy that I had worked it out the right way and I was doubting myself. 


Vibrato Desperato.... Desperately seeking vibrato


November 10, 2014 - 2:28 pm
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@Ripton ~~ Fiddlerman is giving you the option to play an octave higher the 2nd time. It is just an option so you can choose to play measures 1-19 and take the repeat (ignoring the 2nd title) or if you want to play an octave higher the 2nd time just move down to the 2nd title on the page on beat 3 of measure 19 and continue to the end. Hope this is clear.semiquaver-1214christmascandle

"A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy?
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