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Snow for a Bluegrass Winter Holiday?
If there's snow, take the fiddle down off the wall!
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January 10, 2022 - 9:47 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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I figure as long as we potentially have snow (at least another month or 2), then it's still a Bluegrass Winter Holiday! 

Here's a good Bluegrass fiddle tutorial by Chris Haigh, "Footprints in the Snow"



I really like & want to learn this tune, "White Snow Dove" - maybe not Bluegrass (think it's "American Roots Music"), cause no Banjo?  Performed by The Reedy Buzzards. 



"Bluegrass, White Snow" is a great tune and you can hear the fiddle player very clear in this performance.  



"Snowshoes" - I thought I posted this somewhere (can't find it) - Daniel Carwile, from 'The Atherton Session' (?)  Discussion before playing it all the way through - interesting. 




- Emily 


January 10, 2022 - 10:24 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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Feeling bad I didn't look at any Bluegrass Christmas music this season, so besides the tunes for snow, there's a few to consider learning for next year! 

"When It's Snowin' In The Mountains", the Wildwood Valley Boys. 



"Christmas Time in The Morning" - maybe more 'Old Time', Joe Huff fiddle & John Meade banjo. 



Think this "Bluegrass Christmas Fiddle Jig" is more 'jig' than Bluegrass, but I still like it. (lol) 



"I Can't Go Home This Christmas" - pretty Blue, glad I didn't post this before Christmas. 




- Emily 


January 12, 2022 - 6:51 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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"Snow Deer" - Megan Lynch Chowning (Fiddle Star). 

Megan said:

Today I bring you a simple but classic tune called Snow Deer. I might be stretching things calling this a Texas style tune, but it is widely known due to a Bob Wills twin fiddle recording from 1961 so it absolutely counts. It actually started its life as a Tin Pan Alley song, written by Percy Wenrich in 1910 or thereabouts. It was part of a group of songs centering around America’s thirst for Native American-related entertainment which is, well, what it is. Then it got big in Arizona and Oklahoma and then Don Messer and Ned Landry played it so now it’s commonly heard in Canada. My point is, you should know this one. It’s a standard. Basically everywhere. I learned it as a kid from Linda Scott, a wonderful fiddle teacher from Northern California and I’m pretty sure it’s one of the first tunes for which I learned a harmony part. Good times.



...so, is this Old Time or Bluegrass? 

- Emily


January 12, 2022 - 9:57 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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Seems snow is a popular Bluegrass topic! 


"Rain & Snow" (aka, Cold Rain and Snow), modified lyrics (love it) performed by Hayde Bluegrass Orchestra & Blue Tram - Norway.  Old tune, also sung by Jerry Garcia/The Grateful Dead!  More interesting info AND SHEET MUSIC, here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.....n_and_Snow


"Snowin' on Raton" - composed by Townes Van Zandt, performed by Town Mountain. 


According to Wikipedia:

Ratón Pass is a historically significant landmark on the Santa Fe Trail.  Ratón is Spanish for "mouse". The pass crosses the line of volcanic mesas that extends east from the Sangre de Cristo Mountains along the state line, and furnishes the most direct land route between the valley of the Arkansas River to the north and the upper valley of the Canadian River, leading toward Santa Fe, to the south. 



...really like "Cold Rain and Snow"! 

Guess what the weather is for me right now? 

...yep - don't like this kind. 🥶

- Emily 

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