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March 19, 2022 - 4:31 pm
Member Since: October 11, 2021
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It seems like I've been talking about uploading this piece for months.  Well, here it is for your amusement and critiques.



March 19, 2022 - 4:47 pm
Member Since: August 23, 2020
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Cant really critique it because I have never tried it myself, to me though you look and sound like you are making good progress, I love the concentration.

One thing I can say is that, believe it or not, relaxation is one of the key things to aim for which is a lot harder than it sounds, which you by now know already. At first I personally was really uncomfortable, my neck would cause real pain and my shoulders and back as well through tension, I am now at last starting to relax and dont suffer anymore from these things.

I think you are doing well, its a hard instrument and no mistake.


March 19, 2022 - 5:28 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@RDP -

You are making really good progress! 

It might make your life much easier if you visit the Fiddlerman tutorial on how to hold the bow.  Right now, ALL your fingers are just resting on top - it's not helping you.  https://fiddlerman.com/tutoria.....old-a-bow/

I think it's important to keep a tuner on your violin most of your 1st year - it will help train your ears.  I slowed tutorials down when I first started out - like this one by Duncan Cameron: Inisheer

Playing along, while you practice, will help you with timing and intonation. 



March 19, 2022 - 8:04 pm
Member Since: September 30, 2014
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Your making good progress  keep up the focused practice and you'll keep improving quickly.

Thanks for posting 


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


March 19, 2022 - 9:21 pm
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sounds like inisheer to me @RDP !  Impressive!! yourr doing great on intonation.. a little off on B part but thats expected..ESPECIALLY considering time youve been at it.  Im sure youve been listening to it alot.  playing along with a version helps with timing.... at least the timing of the recprding youre playing to.  But the more times through the better.   Youve got the A part down pretty well..sounds like going from the A to B you were hesitant so the only thing id suggest is to practice just the bar before the transition to the B part and the 1st 2 bars of the B part.   over and over again.  Get that transition down then start playing whole tune again.  Say do a successful transition to B part 5 times then try the whole tune again and see if its easier.  repeqt process until youve got it.  take time as you know.  not saying anything new there.

I wore this version out practicing this..  I liked her dynamics and slides on it.   whatever veraion you like play with it over and over again.  on loop.  hit the notes you can and if you stumble just pick back up wherever the tune is when you can.  dont stop the recording.  it helps.. well it seemed to help me.  dont forget you can slow it down in youtube.   if on a computer there is a custom slider that allows more granular speed selections.

Greater Chicagoland

March 19, 2022 - 10:17 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2021
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I like it! I hear a quaver that appears to be one of my problems, in that my bow stroke is sometimes shaky, like my arm is jerking instead of smoothly guiding the bow. 

Nice work!

The old curmudgeon!


March 20, 2022 - 12:11 pm
Member Since: October 11, 2021
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Thank you all for your comments.  I wish I could do justice to the piece but that will have to wait until sometime in the future when my playing is a lot better than it is right now.  Maybe in a few months I'll play/post this again just for comparison purposes.

@JohnG - tremors suck.  I'm going to see a neurologist in a month to see if we can figure out what to do about mine.

Katie L

March 20, 2022 - 4:13 pm
Member Since: December 8, 2020
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I think you have improved a lot. I’m sure I saw a video a while back and you are a lot better now. I’m impressed !


March 21, 2022 - 10:33 pm
Member Since: June 24, 2020
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@RDP You’re doing well on this piece—your focused practice shows.  Recording is difficult at first, but the fact that you’re doing it right from the start is going to benefit you.

BTW, I think you’ve qualified for both a critique badge (for Innisheer) and a video badge (for Romeo & Juliet).  Instructions to request them are here:   


Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.

Fort Lauderdale
March 23, 2022 - 2:07 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

RDP said
It seems like I've been talking about uploading this piece for months.  Well, here it is for your amusement and critiques.

Congrats on your critique badge, and thanks for the post. I had never heard it before.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

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