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Another new member from England.
Raw novice.
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September 29, 2021 - 11:22 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@Retired - 

I think the perseverance and attention to detail you've shown in your projects makes me believe you'll be very successful in your violin endeavors!

Your tuner is probably fine for starting out.  Later on you'll want to refine your intonation - you can invest in a different tuner at that time.   

Along with all the great Fiddlerman Tutorials, you might also appreciate looking over additional sources/view points that can help reinforce learning.  Just take away whatever you can handle and maybe try to look ahead a little as you go. 

Just try to listen to everything that happens on your violin. 

It's wonderful you're learning to bow straight, Colin!  I found it's very important to learn as much as you can about using your bowing hand & fingers.  You will be good at understanding your hands must work independently of each other, while also working together, because of your wood and metalworking skills. 

Violin Lesson - Look at what I can do with my bow

Bow Grip: Flexibility

Since you don't know how to read sheet music, yet - I can also suggest this tutorial playlist as another good source to help a beginner.  You don't need to be able to read sheet music to start playing your violin. 🤗

Beginning Technique (and Tune) Tutorials on The Fiddle - Fiddlehed Playlist

More to help you get started:

You will find Scales (Modes are also scales) have "Finger Patterns", consisting of intervals between notes. 

Finger Pattern 1

How to translate what you see in sheet music to your violin:

https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zJ6sAKR6YhI/Ut-PJf15mHI/AAAAAAAAACE/jJKGmeR4VQc/s1600/violin_neck_music_staff_notes_web.pngImage Enlarger


Someone here on the forum will always try to help you, whenever you run into trouble.

- Emily


September 30, 2021 - 6:29 am
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Thanks Mouse for your reply and useful information which I'll definitely be looking into; at the moment I haven't a clue as to what an "Etude" is but then this is all so different to what I'm used to doing; I'm pleased you're making so much progress and I think I'll be playing catch up with you over the coming months. crossedfingers

Oh dear Emily; I'm in deep trouble up to my neck; thank you so much for all your valuable informaton which at the moment goes straight over my head; I've briefly looked and WOW I nearly fell from my chair; I found learning the English Alphabet difficult it having 26 letters which of course are doubled with higher and lower case but just looking at the finger board pattern you've kindly posted I see there are 17 rows of 4 notes making 68 notes; thinking about this makes my head spin but as I say I like a challenge and already I can change the tone of the E string using my fingers; I keep playing over and over again placing each finger in turn just to get the hang of using my fingers in time with the bow and on the E string which I find easest to reach without dropping the violin I'm making decent notes even on full bow length although I'm still struggling a bit with the first four inches of the bow nearest my hand where I'm prone to produce scratching which sounds aweful but it's not the bow or violin at fault it's just the pressure I'm applying to the bow; I'll eventually stop moving the bow around as I used to move RSJ's around.

I'm still very much learning to walk but have reached the toddler stage in only a few days; I was informed at work upon my promotion 80% of the job can be learned very quickly the remaining 20% takes a lifetime to learn. I've now got the bow and the violin and can produce sound so I think I must now be on the 20% part of learning which I can well understand is going to take immense dedication and lots of time.

I find I can now practice for about an hour at a time before my right arm decides enough is enough; yesterday I managed two one  hour and one half hour practices; I'm very much aware many others who wish to start playing a violin will be experiencing exactly what I'm experiencing; I have friends who started to play a violin but walked away; I can't find my shoes.

I don't waste members time because I truly appreciate all the generous help I receive so will work through the information and suggestions already supplied; now I'm amongst violin experts I need to listen and take a lot of notice as to what I'm being told; I'll still watch YouTube tutorials but start leaning towards this forum much more; as I say it's all so strange to me I'm in an alien world involving a different language but I'll survive.

I'd like to use my computer but it's located in my office next to our front room; I don't want to torture my wife whilst she's watching a movie so I'll learn more slowly.

Funds aren't a problem so last night I bought through eBay;

D'Addario NS Micro Clip on Violin Tuner. With A Non-Marring Clamp. P/N. PW-CT-14


When this arrives I'll have a cross reference to check my violin tuning against the cheap tuner I bought; the second hand Rainbow violin came with "pipes" but I've already enough to learn so I'll use the electronic tuners until I gain more experience. I've been using the Hidersine rosin so far but I'm happy to experiment and this morning the  D'Addario Kaplan Premium Dark Rosin together with a pair of D'Addario E strings Golden spiral K420B-3 have just arrived these are ball end but I believe supplied with adapters although I've yet to open them; I might be digging a big hole for myself taking up violin but I've got a long ladder; I'm certainly never bored.

I'm already inspired by Fiddlermans video's and for my own interest and what I plan to go for is to play Lara's Theme so to have this on the forum together with details I could print out would give me something to really focus on; I might as well start with something I like and can relate to.

I'm going to put in a bit more practice but between practice sessions I can now study everything thus far kindly suggested and I'll keep posting. Please bear with me whilst I make lots if mistakes and for comparison this is the world I'm starting from;

Graduate-restored..JPGImage Enlarger

Union Graduate woodturning lathe bought in scrap condition with missing parts; now fully restored and I made the missing parts; brush painted in machinery enamel.

Lorch-as-bought..JPGImage Enlarger

Lorch Schmidt German precision lathe very rare and expensive bought after it had been dry stored in a scrapyard paying scrap price.

Lorch-nearing-completion..JPGImage Enlarger

Here the the Lorch is nearing completion; I've upgraded both the Graduate and Lorch to Inverter rated 1.1KW 3 phase motors and use just one VFD with switching to give power to each lathe with full speed control and forward reverse. It's now driven by Poly V drive I didn't like the slipping flat leather belts but the modification only meant one hole being drilled in the lathe pan.

Under-power-on-test..JPGImage Enlarger

This is much more dangerous; I installed 3 phase 415V into our garage to power my big machinery; here the 75kg transformer I hand wound using conduit cable is under power on test; I'm a mechanical engineer so electrical work I've picked up over the years on a need to know basis but using all the safety I was taught during my apprenticeship.

I'm chatty and like to add additional information as long as this isn't objected to; I can stick strictly on topic but I learn so much just by watching and listening to what others get up to. I'm a true dinosaur taught the old way and like to share my experiences; I'll put as much dedication into learning about violins as I've put into all these projects I've shown. The lathes will come in handy for when I start to make a violin even if only to make the many clamps needed.

Many thanks if you've got this far you've got staying power. 1st-place

Kind regards, Colin.


September 30, 2021 - 7:53 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@Retired -

😊 You only have to learn the 1st 7 rows, now - the "1st Position Fingering". 

I just wanted to show you that the whole fingerboard is usable (I edited my post). 

You won't need more than this for "Laura's Theme".

https://takelessons.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/violin-chart-three.jpgImage Enlarger

You can buy a 'fingering tape sticker' to apply as a guide for where to place your fingers in the beginning.  Find all the information here: 



Finding where the notes are for "Laura's Theme" is an excellent goal!  This might be helpful. 

This shows you what finger to use, and on which string.


September 30, 2021 - 7:59 am
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Don’t try to learn everything at once and don’t worry how much there is to learn.

There are certain notes on violin which give a ringing tone which when played correctly are unmistakeable, these are g,a,d, and e, these notes help you to know where you are    
on the fingerboard, when your ears start to develop you will hear them plainly but I won’t lie it can take a while, some people use a tuner to make sure they hit the right note, others use fingerboard tapes but there are lots of ways of developing this skill which is called intonation. Record your self play regularly because you will find what you hear when you play isn’t what other people hear, which to me came as quite a shock lol, you need to video yourself though to find out what your mistakes are and correct things like bowing, 

Dont get bogged down, and most of all in my finest Yorkshire ,

EE lad dint think thou canst do   Allavit reet off.

Ask any question you like and people on here will do their best to help.

Fort Lauderdale
September 30, 2021 - 9:50 am
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@Retired - Baby steps. One thing at a time. It's not that bad. In truth you don't need to learn to read music.

You have some mad talents with the machines. Very interesting. 

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


September 30, 2021 - 12:04 pm
Member Since: September 27, 2021
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Emily you're so good to me thank you; I know it takes time posting so I appreciate help all the more. Referring to your previous post my wife and I watched three videos by Fiddlehed at dinnertime and found them interesting and informative taken at a pace we could understand. I realized I wouldn't need or even be expected to tackle all the finger board positions but it's useful to know these exist. I'm in the UK and just tried to purchase the fiddlershop stickers; the stickers are fine at $3.25 but the second mortgage needed for the shipping at $59.93 came as a surprise. Thanks anyway it was worth a try.thanks_much_smiley_gif

Would you believe I'm hopelessly colour blind; I sat at the computer with my wife and we did an online colour blind test consisting of 26 samples; my wife got the lot right I managed only three but I'm pleased because I never wanted to be perfect.

I think I can with practice memorize the finger board positions; if I get them within shouting distance I can then tweak them as needed; I've just been practicing and it brought our neighbours three cats; Ruby; Harvey & Dudley round so I've got a fan club and they think I'm purrfect.

The Lara's Theme you kindly posted is just wonderful; I've been watching the video over and over including this one too just being a link from the first so between both I've something visual to see and to work with;

I need to learn how to add YouTube links on this forum but these two video's are just the job. The fingering chart you kindly added I also understand all I now need to do is pull it all together; this is increasingly getting easier. I've a feeling I'll be playing a rough version of Lara's Theme quicker than I ever expected. I'm spending more time on the forum than practicing but I need both these being equal to my learning. If I can learn to play Lara's Theme then what a wonderful stepping stone this will be.

Ee by gum stringy tha knows what thas yapping bout. I bet you like Yorkshire puddings? I lost a lot of my Yorkshire accent when I was promoted at work; they do say wearing a tie cuts the blood supply to the brain. The only way I learn is ballistic; being a guy I can't multi-task but I can become obsessive in the single thing I do at once allowing me to fully concentrate on it.

Thanks Fiddlerman; you make it look like a walk in the park whereas it's a marathon to me at the moment but I'm now past the starting line and agree I need to exercise baby steps until I get my feet a bit; my biggest problem now is not in using the bow but in supporting the violin; I simply can't get it to sit under my chin so I'm resting it on my shoulder with the chin rest in place but having to support it with my left hand makes my arm quickly tire whilst limiting my finger movements where I have further problems reaching the strings with my finger tips especially the G string; I'm actually doing OK with the E string and improving with the A string; it is coming together though and I'm delighted so far.

Thanks I'm just mad with the projects I take on but I like to tackle things that are unusual testing me to the limit; a member on another forum who was an ex service guy had become terrified of leaving the safety of his house; he posted on the particular forum requesting help from anyone who owned a lathe; his interest was in chaine mail and he needed a punch making to precise measurements; it took a month for me not only to make a very basic punch he could use with a hammer as he requested but I made him a punching machine designing it from scratch and shipped it over to his adress in Ireland all totally free of charge with my compliments.

On another forum a member had a hugely expensive antique car; the petrol gauge and tank sender unit didn't match; the tank was reading full but only actually half full so I saw this as a challenge and sorted it out; I've said many times I'm not smart but I was taught how to use my head and hands allowing me to make anything.

The rain is coming down like pencils so the weather is back to our normal Yorkshire climate; if any of you Americam members ever visit the UK then on a good sunny dry warm day there's no better place on earth than Yorkshire.

Tea time radidly approaching; after tea I'll enjoy another practice session; during a Fiddlehed video he stated praticing using a bow really should be done for over a week so I'll practice with the bow more.

Kind regards, Colin.

Potentiometer_0003.JPGImage Enlarger

Here's the potentiometer track removed from the petrol tank sender unit all I needed to do was to dream up a way to not only replace it but to calibrate it to the gauge.

Potentiometer_0004.JPGImage Enlarger

Working out the sweep of the potentiometer allowing me then to work out the resistance needed.Potentiometer_0009.JPGImage EnlargerThe new potentiometer track made from scratch.

Potentiometer_0010.JPGImage EnlargerThe petrol tank sender unit with the new track installed giving a perfect reading. An interesting and unusual project. I know I'm barking mad I also did this at no charge doing it just for fun.


September 30, 2021 - 5:50 pm
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@Retired -


Because of where you are located, try Amazon - to order a Violin Finger Guide/Fingerboard Sticker. 

You're on your way! 



Btw, you can click on my user name to see my profile. 😊 

- Emily

Brora, North-east Scotland
October 1, 2021 - 1:06 am
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Ahhh, good day to you @Retired, and a belated, but very warm welcome to the forum!

Love your various projects, great stuff.  I'm similarly driven in retirement - well I always have been - it's just that now I have more time to get into these interesting things I always wanted to do, but never found the time !  Awesome !

I'll refrain from hijacking your thread by writing more about that, but, only one small point - you say - 

The rain is coming down like pencils so the weather is back to our normal Yorkshire climate; if any of you Americam members ever visit the UK then on a good sunny dry warm day there's no better place on earth than Yorkshire.

Och aye ye ken, mebbe so, mebbe so, but ye'll aye get the same in the north o' Bonnie Scotland !  LOL ( Billy is standing by for a flame-war from @retired and @stringy!  Hahahaha - I'm just kidding with you, lads !  It's all good ! )

More to the point Colin - there'll be many ups-and-downs and I'm not just talking about bow direction changes - also don't fret - haha !   I'm sure you will enjoy your fiddle journey.

I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)


October 1, 2021 - 7:35 am
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Thanks Emily; what an interesting life you've led; I hope your health issues are not preventing you enjoying your life to the full; I'm impressed with your helicopter involvement; I've never been in a plane and the only two boats I've been on was one on Lake Windermere the other a short boat trip to Beachy Head; both my wife; it's time I stopped saying my wife because she deserves to be called by her correct name of Bron (Bronwyn) we are equals and Bron deserves respect. Bron and I are home lovers but Bron has traveled abroad many years ago with her artist friends to Paris enjoyng the view from the top of Eiffel Tower; I oten joke that I've been abroad; once to Scotland and once to Wales; yes BillyG I've been up your way with Bron but only once whilst courting we were in a three wheeler Reliant Robin and only remained three days camping due to the rain coming down just as our rain did yesterday.

I used to have an Amazon account Emily but after being messed around for a couple of weeks years ago by Amazon when I wanted a computer I closed the account but I think it likely the stickers will be available on eBay.

Very funny BillyG; glad to meet you and yes a bit of friendly kidding is good; stringy would be welcome to a mug of tea and biscuit here the welcome mat would be out; the UK is small and stringy is only about 70 miles distant from us; in America I'm sure he would be classed as a neighbour; I hope your weather is better than ours stringy.

Never worry about hijacking a thread of mine BillyG; I learn so much when members drift off topic after all I'm an expert at this and encourage it.

I think I might embarrass Bron at times; it only took less than two minutes having boarded the "Lady Of The Lake" boat on Lake Windermere that I was enjoying a good look at the boat engine with the skipper; he was happy to discuss it's long history; I'm just encourageable.

Back to the plot; I've been putting in lots of time enjoying violins but last night was in some pain with my upper left arm; it sure ached and with a very strong burning sensation; I hope this is just newness of using muscle not used before but I really do need to sort out either a shoulder rest or after browsing I've found higher chin rests are available;


If I persist then I'm heading into serious problems so I need to sort it quickly; any advice is most welcome because I want to enjoy learning to play a violin.

I awoke this morning with a feeling of bewilderment; when I start a new project/hobby it tends to become an obsession with me and I fully embrace it; I've been going hard at it since taking up with violins; not just here on the forum but browsing the web and watching lots of videos both here on the forum and on YouTube. This morning whilst awaiting Bron who had an hospital appointment I was reading "Violin Making" A guide for the amateur by the author Bruce Ossman.

It's the way I am and I'm unlikely to change; I've often lay awake in bed with some problem on my mind to resolve and find around 3am is the best time when I can think in peace with great clarity often getting out of bed with a working solution.

My aching arm is a problem and as with any problem there will be a solution I just need to find it. I'm a ten stone six foot tall stick insect so not the strongest of guys; if I tilt my head I can't support the violin without using my left hand otherwise the violin would simply end up on the ground. At work many years ago my late friend Clive once told me I looked like I'd been through a famine; I replied saying he looked like he'd caused it. A good laugh makes for a better day.

I can't fully relax even in retirement because something always demands my attention; yesterday it was the heavy rain spilling over from the gutters so 8 o'clock this morning just before it started to rain agin I was up the stepladders clearing the blockages.

Dinner time again so got to go.

Kind regards, Colin.


A-splash-of-rain_0001.JPGImage EnlargerA splash of rain.

A-splash-of-rain_0002.JPGImage EnlargerThe garden steps often turn into a lovely cascade.


October 1, 2021 - 9:17 am
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@Retired -

Thank you, Colin! 

When I first got my violin, my left arm and fingers were VERY weak.  It was so bad I had to prop my arm up with a pillow, because I'd get sore - but I still wanted to play.  I had trouble with the skin on my fingers being thin and too delicate, so for a while I played using a knit nylon glove that was meant for guitarist's practice.  Eventually, I was able to get rid of the pillow and the glove - no injuries. 

Please do whatever you must, to avoid pain & injury! 

The old saying, "No pain, no gain" does NOT apply here! 

You are probably using muscles in ways you never had to in the past - so if you are just overdoing it, break your time up into smaller chunks. 

If you start getting too frustrated and sore (you are supposed to be relaxed while you balance your violin) - then have Bronwyn take a photo of how you hold your violin & post it.  Experienced members (much more than I am) here will be able to help you. 



Please tell Bronwyn I think her name is beautiful!  One of my little Granddaughters' name is Ceinwyn. 

- Emily

Brora, North-east Scotland
October 1, 2021 - 11:32 am
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@Retired - you write -

Back to the plot; I've been putting in lots of time enjoying violins but last night was in some pain with my upper left arm; it sure ached and with a very strong burning sensation; I hope this is just newness of using muscle not used before but I really do need to sort out either a shoulder rest or after browsing I've found higher chin rests are available

Just a "for what it's worth" comment - here's some thoughts and my own experience -

When I first picked up the devil's own instrument, I had a normal, beginner's fear of dropping the instrument.  I had a death-grip on the neck - not to the extent of fingers wrapped all the way round - but just where it rests, between the thumb and index finger.  I have a pretty strong grip in both left and right hands, and my left HAND did not experience anything untoward.  However, yes, I felt my upper-arm somewhat achy. I realised while I was gripping the neck with my hand, I was actually also tensing my entire arm - unnecessarily!

It took some time to overcome the concern of dropping the instrument, but, being aware of the tensed whole-arm muscles, I learned to be AWARE of it happening and limit my grip to the hand muscles.  Achy upper (and fore-) arm - gone - still with the death grip from the hand.  [ This of course relates to my REALLY early days.... ]

The death grip on the neck however remained, and to gain confidence I adjusted the chin and shoulder-rest so that with all but the slightest head movement, I could successfully hold the violin in place and wander about the room - with my left hand free from the neck (but still a couple of inches below should it slip)!!! ( I had read about doing this somewhere ).  I appreciate with a longer neck and slighter build, that may not be for you.   For me, it kind-of-helped - probably not so much in the actual mechanics since my LH was never in contact with the instrument, but purely as a psychological thing to the extent that "Look, Bill - the instrument is happy like that - I simply don't NEED the old death grip on the neck.  You're NOT going to drop it"

Subsequent to that realisation, my LH and arm very quickly became happy to oblige. No upper-arm ache, no death grip.

That probably all occurred over the first 3 to 4 weeks of "playing" (if I could call it that back then)

As a side point - I was NEVER happy with chin rests and shoulder rests - and was continually swapping them with a couple of other players to try different ones out (also bought a couple, although ultimately not used and donated to a local school!). 

I finally settled on a center-mount chin rest and now I simply play my violins (with the exception of the thin-bodied electric) without a shoulder rest.  But, in that respect, sure, we're all different.  

I have no concern whatsoever now about dropping the instrument.  Sure, it MAY happen, but that's 7 years in to playing with rarely more than 2 days not playing.

Hahahaha - talking of dropping violins - even @fiddlerman Pierre did (but he was fooling around at the time as the result of a dare from a stand-partner - check this post - https://fiddlerman.com/forum/playing-the-violin/have-you-ever-dropped-a-violin/#p75878  so there you go if it's good for Pierre, it's good for all - and there are a few funny (well, let's say disturbing) posts on that same thread !!!)

No idea if ANY of that relates to your own situation Colin - and it could be something entirely different, just sharing some similarities during the early days of playing!


I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)


October 1, 2021 - 4:16 pm
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You're most welcome Emily. I showed Bron your post and she says you're so kind and to thank you. Ceinwyn is an unusual but nice name also we like your name Emily it reminds us of The Bronte Sisters who lived not far from us; actually only 16 miles away but obviously many years ago;


It appears we have quite a bit in common with our entry into violin playing; I'm sure aches and pains must affect all novices at first; it just came as such a surprise to hurt so much last night and I'm used to plenty of pain given the hard work I've carried out over a lifetime.

Thanks for your useful suggestions which I'll bear in mind if things start to get out of control; I've not practiced during today being too busy but also letting my arm rest but tonight I've enjoyed half an hour with only mild discomfort but this is having taken your advice and also the excellent advice from BillyG in the following post to yours. Thank you.

Thank you too BillyG for adding such an extensive and informative post it's much appreciated as is Emily's post.

I'm going to try to play without shoulder rest and see how I get on; tonight having tried not to strangle my violin it is as you say a great deal less painful; I also changed the angles of play making it a lot more comfortable for me; I prefer to play whilst seated which I find much easier this too helps. I watched the fiddlerman dropped video you kindly posted and also read of others who too have dropped their violin; trying this new position though feels better and I'm not in any discomfort as I type.

Bron and I have just enjoyed an hour or so of Fiddlerman video's on TV through YouTube where we are premium members hence no advertisments so it was video after video and Fiddlerman also discusses pain in one of his videos but involving chin and shoulder rests; It's highly unlikely I'll get near to Fiddlermans high skill but I'll do my best.

I'm used to aching all over;

Normal-work._0001.JPGImage EnlargerLast year working on my own at the top of our mountain I completely removed a very high mature hedge mostly of cherry laurel the hedge being 60' long I even got the stumps out this one in the pictures must weigh at least a ton.Normal-work._0002.JPGImage EnlargerWalkers along the adjacent lane watched my progress every day this one stump alone taking five days to get out involving 24 tons of hydraulic jacking pressure to break it free then I used a 2,500lb winch to drag it across the steep slope. I've done lots of free favours for a number of our neighbours but guess how much help I received; I prefer doing this kind of work on my own it's much safer and I'm used to handling heavy items from my mining days. I was a lot younger last year though. dunno

Today the lovely brass thumb plane arrived from China bought through eBay; it's heavy for its size and seems well worth the money also tonight I've bought £52 worth of assorted engineers files for when I start to make a violin so I'm gathering kit I think I'll need; these files working on wood alone will last a lifetime; I'm heading towards making a violin.

I've been browsing this forum expecting to see threads coverig members making violins from scratch but so far can't find any such threads; am I missing something surely I'm not the only member to want to make a violin from scratch; time keeps getting away from me and now at 9:14pm I think time to call it a day and spend a bit of quality time with Bron before going to bed.

Thanks again Emily and BillyG.

Kind regards, Colin.

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October 1, 2021 - 5:29 pm
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@Retired Check out this forum room

Fiddle Violin Repair Making and Set-up

I don’t know if there is a thread from an earlier member who made a violin from scratch, but there are discussions about different parts of violins being made or repaired. 

You might want to start a topic thread there when you start so people can follow along, plus, you can ask questions there. One of our members, who does not log in really often, is really big in these sort of things and if he sees it, will most likely follow along with answers to your questions and maybe questions for you. Other members will also join in. 

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


October 2, 2021 - 1:31 am
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@Retired -

One YouTube site that can lead you to more:

Jon Mangum - Playlist

From this Thread you may enjoy:

The Violin - Exquisitely Patterned Wood For Bowed Instruments - Thread



- Emily


October 2, 2021 - 7:48 am
Member Since: September 27, 2021
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Thanks Mouse; the link you kindly supplied is going to be very useful and yes once I start proper on making the violin I'll start a new tread on there so the novices to making a violin can see my successes and mistakes. Looking at what's involved in making a violin from scratch I'm in for a lengthy project so as in a number of threads I've posted on other forums the story will be better than Horlicks for bedtime guaranteed to put anyone to sleep.


An example is shown above; last page; I restored this TV in two parts this is just the cabinet part.

Thanks Emily; I've now enjoyed watching Jon Mangum's "Building a cedar fiddle with plate tuning" video which is very interesting indeed especially the set up he has for tuning the plate; time permitting I'll watch a lot more of his video's.

Your thread covering the patterned wood is also very interesting. There are so many beautiful wood's to choose from showing the wonderful world of nature at its best.

One of my hobbies is woodturning hence I'm familiar with many types of wood and their properties; figured wood tends to move a lot and is often unstable; turned items can easily distort so it's very unlikely I'd use such wood to make a violin because I'd be concerned about the wood having put in many hours of labour; I veneered a vintage radio cabinet using Burr Walnut with hide glue; it looked superb after french polishing but now years later the veneer has settled and shows thousands of very tiny splits. Figured wood is also much more difficult to work with not having a grain as such so different techniques are needed; just planing even with the plane having a finely adjusted mouth can tear up the wood; scraping though is excellent with a freshly sharpened scraper. Anyone having succeeded with this figured wood on a stringed instrument I take my hat off to.

The D'addario tuner arrived this morning and I've just been comparing it against the cheap tuner I bought through eBay; on three strings they are very near to each other but on the "D" string there is quite a difference; the cheap tuner shows quite sharp the D'Addario shows just the opposite by equal amount; the cheap tuner though is excellent for a raw beginner such as I and appeals if funds are low it gets the violin mostly into tune.

Bron and I have been out this morning and I've now bought a decent sized mirror which needs wall mounting but propping it up I note when I bow I was slightly out of line which I've now corrected very easily and also I've just tried reaching the G & D strings with my left elbow well under the violin so well done Fiddlerman your advice works a treat; still not easy but I keep practicing bowing.

I've been looking into creating a video but as there's a learning curve involverd I've already got more to learn than enough; creating a video isn't difficult but I'd need to buy a camera etc all taking time; I've added dash cam footage onto YouTube but never used a video camera and I don't use a mobile phone either unless absolutely necessary; I don't have a mobile phone welded to my ear.

Dinner time again so got to go; my introduction to the forum has turned out rather long winded. serenade

Kind regards, Colin.


October 2, 2021 - 11:12 am
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@Retired -

Food for thought:

Good quality recordings can now be made & sent as easy as a couple clicks - if you have a smartphone.  Mine takes better quality video & easier to use than my HD Video Camera! 

I probably had the oldest dinosaur of a cell phone, up until a year ago, then the smartphones just became too remarkable for me to pass up.

They are a worthy investment now that they're super user-friendly.  Even I can use one (that's saying a lot).  My husband uses his even more than I do, in place of his PC. 


- Emily


October 2, 2021 - 12:13 pm
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Thanks Emily for the phone suggestion. I have an SOS mobile which I bought a few months ago to replace my ancient mobile which timed out; the new phone cost an whole £11 and I even splashed out putting £20 credit in it; it's pay as you go.

Over the last many years I've only used my phone once per month the first Saturday of each month whilst attending Rufforth Auto Jumble near York just to let Bron know I'll be home in an hour; less than a minute a month and only then weather permitting.

I bought Bron a new phone her first phone ages ago and she still doesn't know how to use it and isn't bothered in the least; the only time I ever use it is to receive a text code when I want to log into a couple of accounts which demand a mobile number; we can happily live without a phone at all.

I can explain my total dislike of telephones of any description; during working at my last job before I retired I was absolutely tormented by telephones; I was in charge of three departments each having office and desk between them there were five phones; two internal and three external; on top of this nuisance I also had a non stop pager and on a good day when two of my collegues were off site I could have three pagers; I couldn't go to the toilet or even hide in my car for sandwiches at dinnertime; I had to hide just to eat the sandwiches even in the middle of winter.

A short while before I volunteered for redundancy aged 53 there were strong rumours I was to be put in charge of a fourth department; I was already in charge of Home Trade Despatch; Export Packing and the Timber department the fourth would be the Export Warehouse; I came down with shingles letting me know to get out before I was carried out; years of non stop 365 days work; when not at work I was still on the job all the time I was home.

There were suicides; strokes; heart attacks; departments at each others throats; sadly when I retired my former boss died at the age of 55. I'm not surprised the comany now has the goods manufactured in India.

I dislike any phone with a real passion hence I don't even know how to fully use a mobile phone and don't wat to; I can browse my emails on my computer and reply at my leisure not being controlled by a phone; how many times have you been speaking to someone when their mobile phone rings and the phone is more important than you?

I do though fully appreciate your suggestion as I appreciate all the kindness and time you've put in already doing your best to help me; I'm possibly unusual in my dislike of phones but this is the reason why. I dislike sport also Bron and I never touch alcohol  and we've never smoked; we're happy in our own little world. thumbs-up

I've spent a while in the workshop this afternoon becoming reacquainted with some of my old finishing materials; stains and dyes; french polish flakes of Blonde; Garnet & Button; also rottenstone; pumice powder; veneering hammer and bar abrasives for use in polishing metal etc; I'm just stocking the new studio with anything I might possibly need before winter sets in when it's unpleasant visiting my workshop; this winter I want to be warm and comfortable for a change. I also have a 36" 2" wide leather honing belt I had specially made for the belt grinder I made but no longer use; I'll use this leather belt in the studio for honing chisels and plane irons; when I wanted the leather belt I browsed many sites here in the UK without luck and in the end of all places I had it made in Dallas; it's increasingly difficult buying things like this here in the UK but then I'm a one off wanting such things.

I'm just adding an edit having spent half an hour practicing; I was very poor indeed at the start with screeching and bouncing but after adjusting my position and taking a bit of tension off the bow I improved; I'm getting more used to these regular practices which I make a point of each evening, things no longer feel as strange as when I first started with violins.

Kind regards, Colin.


October 3, 2021 - 12:42 am
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October 3, 2021 - 4:49 am
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Thanks Emily.

I'm off to a flying start this morning having just impressed Bron playing the E string using four fingers; Bron's my first audience and of course fully supporting me but I'm pleased so far considering I'd never touched a string instrument until recently; now to build on this minor success and start seriously looking at Lara's Theme; my dream is to play this on my own home made violin but I can start practicing on the violins I have whilst gathering items and materials I need to make a violin from scratch.

I can also use four fingers on the A string but need more practice reaching the D & G strings but with Fiddlerman's video showing how to place my elbow under the violin I'm moving forward at a steady pace; as Fiddlerman kindly says in a post "baby steps" which I fully agree with.

I'm so pleased I chose this excellent forum because in such a short space of time I've learned so much and from baby steps I'm now turning into a toddler.

In the studio I've found being seated whilst practicing has been easiest for me but I think the posture is bad; as I say this morning I played in front of Bron but was standing upright in our front room and suddenly it felt OK. I've now got a decent sized mirror and today I'll hang it in the studio.

Last night we watched a young lady on YouTube showing how to hold a violin and we've also watched Fiddlerman's video on this but this young lady was using a center chin rest and a Kun shoulder rest; the shoulder rests I have I can't seem to settle with one is a Wolfe; funds aren't a problem at all so would it be worth buying the Kun shoulder rest and the center chin rest?

Obviously I could run up a huge bill buying things which might or might not aid me in any way; I'm rather reluctant to visit a violin or any other store when it can be avoided because of Covid; restrictions are lifted here but yesterday morning whilst visiting a store to buy the mirror many customers were ignoring the wear mask instructions; we always wear our mask and due to dermatitis I wear gloves because the hand gel attacks my skin. At 74 and 70 respectively we're in the high risk group but both of us have had both jabs and shortly will be due booster Covid jabs as well as flu jabs.

My clothing isn't helping in holding the violin because I wear both a shirt and a jumper these having a collar each; I need to find better more suitable clothes to wear but moving around is now becoming much colder with winter imminent; the studio is centrally heated so perhaps I'd be better putting the heat on before going in then wearing much lighter clothing; it's a nuisance having to keep changing clothes because of our climate.

Due to the world being as it is these days I'm very security concious regarding online activity hence I'm running a VPN and at times I also use TOR browser; I think these are causing logging in problems; our bank and places like PayPal now phone us with a code before access is granted; I'm definitely not against online security but it's getting out of hand with the amount of time I spend just logging on. In order to log onto this forum I have to jump through hoops; it's not just this forum but having to play computer games with fire hydrants; busses; cross walks; mountains and hills etc whilst ticking I'm not a robot and having to enter my log on details twice is becoming so frustrating but necessary in order to be protected; what a terrible world we now live in. When I was a child our house door in warm weather was always wide open and windows and doors never locked at night; kids ran into each others homes without a thought but I can't help wondering in a few years time if logging on will take longer than actually using a site. Just rambling on as usual so time now to hang the mirror in the studio.

Another additional step before posting "Math Required". No criticism or offence intended at all because as I say I'm having to do this so often on many sites I visit.

Kind regards, Colin.

Brora, North-east Scotland
October 3, 2021 - 5:57 am
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@Retired - the "math required" bit -

Another additional step before posting "Math Required". No criticism or offence intended at all because as I say I'm having to do this so often on many sites I visit.

I believe this ONLY happens for the first "n" logins.  I've forgotten what "n" is, probably 25 or 50, not sure, but it WILL go eventually !  

LOLOL - hey man - break up your longer posts into two, and get your post count up quickly drummer 

I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)

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