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Georg Mertens, Australian cellist, and his cello method
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Honolulu, HI

October 10, 2015 - 3:05 am
Member Since: August 28, 2014
Forum Posts: 376
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Aloha everyone,

Georg Mertens, as mentioned in the subject, is an Australian cellist that has been performing and teaching cello for over 30 years.  He has a rather comprehensive teaching method, as well as a good amount of free, albeit hand-written, sheet music with cell accompaniment.  In the free music, you'll notice cello accompaniment for Minuets I and II of Bach's Cello Suite in G Major, BWV 1007.  He mentions that he had a shy student, so he wrote an accompaniment to help her perform the minuets.

For those of us that may want to attempt to teach ourselves to play the cello, this is an outstanding, if sheet music only, resource.  There are links as well to YouTube videos for a lot of the free music.  I haven't had time to look at them yet, but I would imagine one could get fingering/position, as well as bowing, hints from the videos.  I'm going to spend some time looking at everything offered, but wanted to pass on what I found.





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