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Getting a Good Sound From the Cello C String
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February 21, 2023 - 10:59 am
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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I came across this video when looking for how to actually get a good aound from my C string on my cello.

Adult Cello, Pull Rich Cello Sound C String

This makes a lot of sense. I have to figure out how to add the extra bow "pressure" when on the C string, but not on other strings, For me, being eight handed, it is like trying to write with my left hand.

I will have to train myself to be aware of this.


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February 21, 2023 - 12:14 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@Mouse - 

You can do it! 

Take this into consideration when playing your Viola, too. 

We've talked on the forum in the past, that ALL strings need to be treated differently & you need to find what is best for each string. 

I notice the extra effort I need to start a tone on both my Viola & Violin C strings, compared to even the G strings - and if I'm a little excited about what I'm playing, I can easily 'overdo it' when I go to play on the E string, afterwards. 

This problem for Cellists is interesting, because I thought the way the cello was played upright with the C string nearest the bowing arm - it would be easier to deal with.  I always thought, for a 5-string instrument, it would be an ideal situation to have the more delicately bowed E string farthest away.  I know you only have 4 strings, but same thing. 

When it comes to the 'how to's' - I've always felt this is not as much a matter of weight, but of bowing articulation & flexible fingers. 

This video might help you for Cello bowing articulation on all strings: 




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