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The Chop!
Fun exercises.
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May 12, 2023 - 4:32 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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I thought it would be fun to see how chopping on the cello might be different than on Viola, or Violin...   

I WAS surprised to find some really great exercises in this video! Good for Violin & viola, too! 🤗



August 25, 2023 - 12:31 am
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I've been on a bit of a mission to try to incorporate different bowing in whatever I play.  There's some really GREAT video tutorials & discussion of 'Chopping' in the "The World of Bowing Possibilities! Thread" & even more unique 'percussive' bowing techniques in the "Scratch & Squeak 😖 How NOT To, or How To? Thread"

Anyway, I can't believe I stumbled upon a treasury of 'Chopping Riff Tutorials" from Raphael Maillet (France)! 

But first, an interesting interview where Raphael talks about chop origin & how adding chops can help us soloists sound like we are playing more than one instrument! 


Here's a little Chopping Demo from Raphael! 


Here's just ONE of the TWENTY-TWO 'Chopping Riff Tutorials'! 

'Level 3'! 


Each Riff tutorial is VERY UNIQUE (some are inspired by Casey Driessen's and Oriol Saña's work) , fairly short & are ranked in complexity - 'Level 1 to 3'! 

Here's the YT link to all 23 tutorials:


...learning about violinists in other Countries has really paid off for me!  🥰


August 31, 2023 - 7:07 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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Jeez, I didn't realize this was the cello section, but I don't want to split up the info I posted earlier! 

Just so happens I did see something more done on cello, that I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to reproduce on my fiddle! 

This "Triple Chop" is killin' me, though! 



It's VERY COOL, but my bow does NOT want to bounce at the frog!  🤬 

I refuse to believe this can only be done on cello.

...changing my little finger helps a little, but it's gonna be a long night. 

August 31, 2023 - 7:19 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Yep. Chop sounds really cool. My former instructor does it really nice. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


August 31, 2023 - 7:35 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@Mouse -

The basic 'chop' is one thing... but did you ever see your instructor do the 'Triple' chop? 

The bow doesn't bounce for a basic chop.  I've spent so much time making sure I DON'T bounce at the frog!  Not sure how I'm going to get over this hurdle. 😶 

...not giving up just yet.

August 31, 2023 - 8:08 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Yes he did. It was very cool. We were goofing around and he tried to get me to do one. He threw his triple into a song we were doing. Kind of blew my mind. I stopped and said, "What the heck did you do?" He showed me. I was always too heavy on the bow. I have major frog issues. My frogs techniques always croak! There were a couple songs we were doing before he showed me that chop and triple chop, that had frog techniques. I got one of them once in a while, but not the other two. I think the one was in a Bach piece. I wish I could remember what they were so that I could give them a shot again. Oh well, I have enough to learn.

When he did the chop, he decided to show me how there is more to cello than what I was thinking, as far as what can be played on it. It was neat. I also think it was because it was frog work, which is my nemesis. It didn't really go with that song, whatever it was, because I play slowly, but even if I was doing a fast one, I kind of think that I would have noticed he did that. It was a fun lesson.

He really does play some crazy cello, along with what you would expect. The store owner told me I would be very surprised when he signed me up for the lessons. There were just a few other neat things he threw in here and there to just make me aware of possibilities. I can't remember how to do them, but it was neat hearing and seeing someone do them. It wasn't to teach me them, just to make me aware. I have enough trouble with normal bowing. He did some kind of a plucking and bowing together one time. It looked and sounded like he was doing it at the same time, but I am not positive. Not sure how that would be done. I just watched and listened. Those times were just little few minute breaks in a lesson once in a while, again for interest. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


September 1, 2023 - 2:35 am
Member Since: November 10, 2018
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I'll have to look at this more in detail, thank you! The other day I stumbled upon this, and wondered how they did it, now I have my answer.


September 1, 2023 - 4:19 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@Mouse -

It's wonderful you got to see that in person! 

Really a shame that was a bit too early for you to take any advantage of it. 


@wtw -

Hey, that's one of my favorite "Banish Misfortune" videos! 

If you are interested, I linked a few threads with some great "Chop" tutorials (up in the 2nd post).  You can pick up good tips just by watching.  

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