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Trying to use ukulele with cello, but hard to strum beats instead of note counts
I am trying to learn ukulele to use with my cello
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July 21, 2023 - 2:11 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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So, today I did my cello, Myfanwy. It was a good day with it. Then I did, What a Wonderful World and it went well, too. 

When I was done with my cello, I got out my Fiddlershop ukulele. I am just now starting serious self-lessons. I am using  Hal Leonard Essential Elements for Ukulele by Marty Gross. It is a good book and I can access the tracks online after I registered the code. 

My problem? I am just learning strumming patterns, right now. I can do the three that have been covered. When I play them with the song, I am not strumming the strum pattern, I have issues with when the note counts do not match up with the strum counts. That is an issue even without a pattern, when just doing quarter note down strokes.

For instance, if there are 8th notes anywhere between the quarter note strums, I am strumming to those 8th notes, even with the tracking playing. Simple songs, Skip to My Lou, He's Got the Whole World in His Hands, The Lion Sleeps Tonight are all just quarter note down strokes.

The it moves in to, Jambalaya and that is the first one with an up down pattern. I also can do the up down pattern exercises, nothing to it, but I have issues with putting it into a song and not start strumming the melody instead of the strum pattern.

Anyone else, who is using tracks, have this issue, or are you all just doing the melody? 



The Bumblebee Flies!

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July 21, 2023 - 3:03 pm
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Just stick with it.   It will come.   It seems like it should be the easiest thing to strum but it takes a bit of practice if trying to stay true to a count or tab.. or whatever.

One thing that helped me if you can stand it...is to listen to the track for a while on its on.   like youd listen to some music on the radio.   Im talking like on repeat while you cook dinner or something.   Then also listen more technically and clap to where youd strum.   or maybe tap foot to where the down strums would be.

then go back and try again and focus on the measures where you think youre losing it.

Its like anything on cello or violin thats new that you havent done.   It has a feeling like itll never work but then one day you get it and move on and think why was that so difficult.

so yes i had a time strumming especially with a pick anf getting the downs DOWN and the ups UP where theyre supposed to be.  Hitting individual strings in between strums was a nightmare at first but now is second nature.  keep at it!  

July 21, 2023 - 3:18 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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It is like rubbing your stomach and patting your head. My ears hear the melody or better, my mind is thinking the melody, but my hands are to do a different strum.


The Bumblebee Flies!

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July 21, 2023 - 4:10 pm
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ABitRusty's advice is VERY good! 

I think it's important to be able to at least get used to tapping your foot, or your leg with your hand, while relaxing & listening to your tunes (without looking at notation). 

Are you comfortable strumming just with all down strokes for 'Skip to My Lou'? 

I'm asking only because if you aren't real comfortable doing this first, I mean comfortable enough to play it with the tune & not look at the notation, then maybe introducing a new pattern is kinda jumping the gun.  ...if you don't want 'Skip to My Lou' stuck in your head forever more, pick something you DO want to keep for learning the strum patterns with - you always have a choice.

I don't know what your tracks are like - it almost sounds like the strumming isn't prominent enough/loud enough for you to be able to focus on it (?)  Maybe there is something on YT that has the melody more in the background, so you can concentrate better on the strumming you hear. 

Hope you can try to relax & enjoy it - sing along!

...just my approach. 



July 21, 2023 - 4:25 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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I am following the book. Patterns are introduced on the next page, Jambalaya. I am fine with the lesson format. I just have issues getting my strumming not to pay attention to the melody. It might be better tomorrow. I have been listening to the track. The strumming vs melody on the track is a well balanced. Hal Leonard does a good job with that. I think I have a coordination problem, 😂😂😂😂

I like the sound of the ukulele and I think that if can get it good enough, it will work well with my cello.


The Bumblebee Flies!

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Gordon Shumway
London, England

July 25, 2023 - 10:19 am
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I wouldn't strum a uke with a pick - I'd recommend your index finger instead.

(Picks for ukes need to be quite soft - leather ones are popular, but they tend to be kneaded and bent back and forth hundreds of times before using them.)

And strum near the 12th fret.

Strumming is an art - it needs to be rythmical, not jerky, whether a march or a shuffle rhythm. That way, if you have a note on the off beat, it is played on the upstrum in time with the music. But a song like What a Wonderful World is a different kettle of fish. You might strum that every 6 beats (starting on the 4th - or it might be some kind of "thumb two three strum two three" rhythm) or you might fingerpick it.


July 25, 2023 - 10:35 am
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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No pick involved. Thanks for the tips.


The Bumblebee Flies!

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