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Opinions and Advice
Here on the forum.
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October 15, 2020 - 1:02 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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Hmm Thinking Here SmileyI have been thinking about this subject "Opinions and Advice" quite a bit this last few months.  Especially when the forum has been pretty slow/dead and while I've made a few attempts to stir up interest. 

Being a fairly new member here myself (new to any forum), I'm obviously not the best qualified to give any advice.  It's true I barged in here, made myself comfortable in a relative short period of time because, like for many of you, this forum helps me. 

I stay motivated and learn to play the violin better, among other things, because of all of you.

Thank you all! 

Many times I've felt that maybe I've posted too much, in maybe too many threads.  I just want to make sure I don't get misunderstood, because I've never been afraid to discuss or debate anything here.

Much of the time I don't hesitate to post a reply because I feel people who ask questions or have problems deserve to at least hear "a little something from someone" - until more qualified members get a chance to weigh in on a subject.  I try to be careful with what I post and just as I can learn something from the opinion of a child, I learn from everyone - so I always hope my own personal insight might also help open a door for someone else.

Getting more to the point, I place a high value on all Forum Members' opinions here (you)!  Please just tell me if any of you think I've overstepped with inappropriate post content, or if I just don't make any sense - to at least give me a chance to explain/correct it. 

Thank you for all your patience & help!  I always appreciate all opinions & want to help this forum continue to thrive! 



- Emily


Love to hear thoughts on this subject!

Gordon Shumway
London, England

October 15, 2020 - 2:35 pm
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Sounds like you feel you have been criticised?



October 15, 2020 - 3:31 pm
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No... Thanks for asking!  I'm just pretty hard on myself, but maybe I wouldn't know if someone was (lol)!

I just want to make sure I'm not coming across as so bold that others don't want to join in the conversations or step back because of me.  I know I can get a little excited (thank goodness) - and, unfortunately a little obsessive.


- Emily  

"it's alive!", still.😁

October 15, 2020 - 3:34 pm
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The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


October 16, 2020 - 12:01 am
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Your enthusiasm for all things fiddle is very evident.

I personally have no issues what so ever with your enthusiasm in your posts to sharing and learn.

You have open several styles of fiddle playing I had not explored, and for that I'll say thank you.


Were all different animals with different tastes but hopefully we can agree to disagree and still support each other through this forum.


Just my 2 cents,



Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons

West Sussex, England UK

October 16, 2020 - 3:43 am
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Stay loud & proud. You've proven to be a major driving force in this forum and I for one appreciate that. Your command of the Christmas Project this year was impressive, and it's made me much more committed to presenting recorded parts for it (I've so far fallen short in previous Fiddlerman projects).

I'm glad of the variety of personalities I've met on this forum; integrity precludes providing examples and naming favourites but there are some lovely folks here. Keep on keeping on!


"It is vain to do with more that which can be done with less"  - William of Ockham

"A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in" - Frederick the Great

Sacramento, California

October 16, 2020 - 4:36 am
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If it seems like I've become less active or less enthusiastic since your arrival, it's mostly because of my most recent physical injury (whiplash from a car accident) keeping me from playing entirely, and I've been spending much less time around online string players' communities because I really hate being reminded that I'm not playing. It seems like every time I recover from one injury I have another one, and I've spent the last month trying to suppress thoughts of giving up completely and listing my viola for sale.

Also, I don't feel qualified to offer advice on anything other than classical music, so I tend not to comment on any kind of traditional fiddle playing.

Brora, North-east Scotland
October 16, 2020 - 6:36 am
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@ELCBK - your enthusiasm (or virtual obsession as you say ) is welcomed !

I've never observed anything contentious in anything you've posted.  Some of us here have previous musical experience, and some are newcomers, not just to the violin, but to the fundamentals of music as well, with the violin being their first instrument and first ever foray into making and playing music. Many take lessons, and just as many (I'm sure) are self-learners.

I generally find that where any "areas of contention" occur - they do tend to be from folks who appear to suggest "this is the (implying "only" or "right") way to do such-and such"- and - while it may be the preferred approach as taught, one glove as they say, rarely fits all.   (Such a suggestion is perhaps of course unintentional - we must always remember that the written word can sometimes lack the subtle nuances of actual speech - I got caught out once by replying, "Well... thanks a lot" - and it was taken as a sarcastic response - which it most certainly was not, it was a heartfelt "thank you" LOL - it really meant "Well, wow - I've learned something from that, thank you so much") 

It's only through sharing and writing about our progress, the difficulties we face (be they physical limitations or technical playing issues) that we learn from each other.

Sometimes, of course, we make mistakes.  We may suffer from a misunderstanding of, or struggle with - a particular technique - and it's often through discussion with other forum members that suddenly (with me, it's eventually... lol) "enlightenment" comes.

Keep doing what you do !!!

I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)


October 16, 2020 - 6:51 am
Member Since: May 19, 2020
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Oh Emily, I love you and your enthusiasm for all things!
You really are keeping this forum active, you are not posting too much!

I like also this forum very much, here is a good atmosphere and everybody are so kind and supportive for each other. I really like to hang out here!


October 16, 2020 - 10:28 am
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Emily @ELCBK Im glad youre on here and active!  especially like your taste in music and enthusiasm.  


October 16, 2020 - 10:45 am
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Thanks to ALL of you! 

I didn't miss a single word.  


How many of you are Grandparents?

Think I was having "Grandchild withdrawal", yesterday.  Geez, this week we tried shifts of 2 at time - had me reflecting on the importance of how I communicate, how well I listen and how I learn, so I can be a better Grandparent.  Makes me continually try to be more aware/careful with my words - without totally losing my personality (lol).

  • Realized my 1st post was a long-winded version of "hope I'm not too overbearing or overenthusiastic here".  I won't revisit this question again!
  • https://www.crappie.com/crappie/attachments/main-crappie-fishing-forum/280963d1511552866-huge-thank-excel-boats-brm-craftybelovedarctichare-max-1mb-gif@Fiddlerman - Hats off to you, Pierre, for creating/nurturing this edifying environment! 
  • https://www.crappie.com/crappie/attachments/main-crappie-fishing-forum/280963d1511552866-huge-thank-excel-boats-brm-craftybelovedarctichare-max-1mb-gifHats off to all you members, too!  You all make this the ideal haven from the insane hostility outside. 


Running a little late, but I better get back to learning Halloween tunes before Halloween! 

Dracula Coming Out Of Grave Emoticons- Emily


Btw, "Number 7" (he or she?) is coming earlier than expected - maybe in a few days, maybe HALLOWEEN (lol)!  So far, one 4yr old twin is possibly interested in the violin - the other is crazy good on harmonica/likes keyboard! There just must be something wrong with the rest (sigh).


October 16, 2020 - 10:56 am
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ELCB said 

I just want to make sure I'm not coming across as so bold that others don't want to join in the conversations or step back because of me.  I know I can get a little excited (thank goodness) - and, unfortunately a little obsessive.


Ps. I sometimes feel this same way in the one cellists Facebook group where I also like to hang out. I'm always talking there and sometimes I wonder if I should be quiet and let the others start topics too. But I do it all just because I want to learn everything and the best way to learn is to ask! Active discussion is so good, because there is always somebody who can give that tiny advice which brings you the great aha-moment.

October 16, 2020 - 11:47 am
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@Ilona ... sometimes I wonder if I should be quiet and let the others start topics too. 

Actually, anyone can start a “conversation” anytime they want, not like we are talking face to face, so I would not worry about it. Besides, we all have the option to read a post or not. Therefore, if someone thinks someone “talks” too much in a forum, all they have to do is not read their posts. So ... go for it. 😂😂😂🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣🤣

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

Gordon Shumway
London, England

October 16, 2020 - 1:15 pm
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AndrewH said
I don't feel qualified to offer advice on anything other than classical music, so I tend not to comment on any kind of traditional fiddle playing. 

Yes, this is one of my problems. I have books on jazz, Middle Eastern/Gypsy and bluegrass violin, but I haven't had time to read them yet. I need more skill before I can start tearing through bluegrass!

A problem I have with fiddling, is, there are 1,000 fiddle tunes, and they all sound the  same to medazed, and I have a very bad memory, so I'm bound to start playing one tune and accidentally switch over to another half way through, lol! pie_in_the_face-2223



October 16, 2020 - 1:50 pm
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Well, I hope there aren't anymore slow times like this Summer! 

I remember times I looked down through all the "Recent Forum Posts" and thought, "hmm... I know I talk to myself, but do I really want to post replies to myself, too?". 


Soooo glad to see things picking up!



- Emily 


@Gordon Shumway - Laughing So Hard SmileyI do that all the time & mine don't even sound the same!  Some just probably start on the same couple notes... hard to keep current with many.

Fort Lauderdale
October 20, 2020 - 10:59 am
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The opinions/responses above show that the idea of you posting too much was just in your own mind..... We appreciate all positive content and if you say something controversial, we'll have a discussion about it.

Historically the forum has gone up and down a lot. Every once in a while a new user shows up enthusiastically and suddenly we see many posts from that new user. Usually that tapers off. Fortunately with you, you keep your passion going and you should be proud of that.

Thanks for your input and concern.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

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