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Piracy by Pierre Holstein
post here when Holstein steals your content, performance, ideas.
Topic Rating: 4.9 Topic Rating: 4.9 Topic Rating: 4.9 Topic Rating: 4.9 Topic Rating: 4.9 Topic Rating: 4.9 (12 votes) 

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February 14, 2013 - 9:34 pm
Member Since: February 14, 2013
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our film God's FiddlerJascha Heifetz has been copied and streamed illegally. The FBI has his Fort Laurerdale address, and is investigating.

Please post additional piracy and theft experiences.

Merritt Island, Fla

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February 14, 2013 - 10:03 pm
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what are you talking about? stop smoking crack before posting!

"Please play some wrong notes, so that we know that you are human" - said to Jascha Heifetz.


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February 14, 2013 - 10:07 pm
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Pierre stole my version of "Happy Birthday" and sold MILLIONS of copies!!! I want to join your lawsuit!  LOL

Fort Lauderdale
February 14, 2013 - 10:33 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

rosenprod, I think you are a very confused individual. If someone posted a film here illegally I'd be happy to remove it but be clear about what you are saying or just stop spamming our site.

I was not the one to post the film about Heifetz though I did have a look at it and enjoyed it.
If you are serious about this you should try to figure out who posted the original copies. If one or our users find something interesting related to the violin or music and share it here there is no way for us to know where it came from or if it was illegally copied.

I resent you using my name without any idea what you are talking about. I hope you retract your comments and apologize for this slander or the FBI might have to come after you instead.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


February 14, 2013 - 10:38 pm
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Nothing illegal has been done by anyone here, including Pierre.  Take your trolling elsewhere. I don't know who you think you're fooling, but it's certainly not me. 

Fort Lauderdale
February 14, 2013 - 10:39 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

By the way, the film is only being shared here. It is embedded from youtube so if it really is your film you should contact youtube and they will remove it and suspend the account of the person who uploaded it.

http://www. youtube.com/watch?v=L6y0BkiTnGo

I put a space before youtube so that you don't get confused when you see the embedded video here instead of a link.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


Honorary advisor

February 15, 2013 - 3:17 am
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I will confess that i am the one who posted it here.....BUT, it was embed from youtube, which was uloaded by a user on youtube using the username "Jascha Heifetz", it was uploaded there and not here, again, it was only embed here, which makes it LEGAL! You are the one who is giving a false accusation! You have no rights to do so!

cheers! - ⁰ℨ

Kevin M.
Nicholson, Pa

February 15, 2013 - 8:49 am
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It seems as though the idiot uploaded to youtube as a public file.  His loss.

This seems more a case of deformation of character.

Midwest, US

February 15, 2013 - 11:25 am
Member Since: April 9, 2012
Forum Posts: 605

rosenprod said
our film God's FiddlerJascha Heifetz has been copied and streamed illegally. The FBI has his Fort Laurerdale address, and is investigating.

Please post additional piracy and theft experiences.

Oh wow.......where do I begin?


First, this is a public site where anyone can access information.  That being said, what you just did is the very definition of Defamation, specifically Criminal Libel (malicious intent) as you called for action on a false accusation.

According to Lawyers .com:

"Defamation: n. the act of making untrue statements about another which damages his/her reputation. If the defamatory statement is printed or broadcast over the media it is libel and, if only oral, it is slander."

(your false accusation was posted publicly on an open forum)

"Malice: n. 1. the intention to do evil; ill-will. 2.  Wrongful intention esp. as increasing the guilt of certain offenses."

(you called for action in your topic title against the named individual based on a false accusation)

Secondly, you should actually read Youtube's Terms of Service Agreement (TOS).  They can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/t/terms

The issue, if based in truth, would have to be taken up with Youtube.  This then becomes a civil matter between you, Youtube and the original user who posted the video.  

As a "filmmaker," you should be well-versed in these laws and regulations as you have signed agreements with producers, talent, staff and distributors.


Okay, my PR rant is over!  ......you gotta love trollers! lmao  Orange Blossom Special anyone?

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” ~Benjamin Franklin



Fort Lauderdale
February 15, 2013 - 11:52 am
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The man making the accusation is not the one who uploaded the video to youtube. Obviously someone else got their hands on the video and posted it. The guy who accused me found his film after doing a search on Google. This site is so powerful "SEO" wise because of the views per day, amount of content, keywords, etc., that searches reflect posts here faster than a new unknown youtube channel.
We all know you only posted a link to a great video that you found on a public youtube video oz.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Coleshill, Warwickshire

February 15, 2013 - 2:15 pm
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You are the obvious 'perp' Scurvy Holstein!!, especially after he saw what you do in your spare time!

I am amazed at how old people of my age are.....

Russia, Tatarstan rep. Kazan city

February 15, 2013 - 6:41 pm
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rosenprod said
our film God's FiddlerJascha Heifetz has been copied and streamed illegally. The FBI has his Fort Laurerdale address, and is investigating.

Please post additional piracy and theft experiences.

facepalm Please, think before You post something, Rosenprod. You're not even funny.

Fort Lauderdale
February 15, 2013 - 11:49 pm
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In Peter Rosen's defense, he made a movie (I'm pretty sure he did, I checked his credentials) and he must of gotten quite upset to find that the film was copied and available for free. I'm sure a lot of money and time was put into making this film.
He is probably a decent guy too but I really don't know.
I'm just waiting for him to admit publicly that he made a mistake and then all will be well.

Hopefully they will find out who copied the movie and uploaded it to youtube as well because that is just not right.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


February 16, 2013 - 2:19 am
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Its also not right to accuse someone of this or any sort of thing without first putting your ducks in a row, dotting your i's and crossing your t's.


Oz, a penance for your non-crime is for 6 days you must remove the D string from your violin and play something from Paganini In tune, in key, and in time with proper bow strokes. You have 2 days to prepare.blurry_drunk-2127

"I find your lack of Fiddle, disturbing" - Darth Vader

Adirondacks, NY

February 16, 2013 - 11:16 am
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If my name were used in slander like this, I would call the Ft. Lauderdale field office and ask for the caseworker who may be involved with this bogus case - if there is even an open case which I doubt.    He or she would have a good laugh with me about it and other than wasting the agent's time, it would be good for the false allegator to know that there are consequences for making a false accusation.  They could be charged with a "Filing a False Instrument" which is a D class Felony.  Knuckleheads people are all too free to become condescending and falsely empowered by saying things like "The FBI has your name".  Personally, I know that the FBI employees in our country are upstanding, honest citizens who stand (not kidding), for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.  They may like to go visit this nucklehead and talk some sense into him and get him to stop wasting their time (and ours).  I do think that making a public apology to Fiddlerman would be the sensible thing to do, and is certainly easier than having to face a D Felony.  Let's see the movie industry support your so-called movie artistry after you've had to plead down a Felony charge related to your impulsive an immature rant.  Perhaps he should endure a quick visit to the local mental health center for a checkup (escorted by the authorities).


Time's ticking, tick tock, tick tock.... clockwe're waiting for the apology Rosenprod.


Mt. Fiddler.

Midwest, US

February 16, 2013 - 11:41 am
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Filmmakers and directors are definitely a different kind of character.  

Funny thing is, I actually have some experience working with two of them as an extra (Civil War:  Fields of Valor & Europe Under Fire-WWII), also while working in PR for a Chicago corporation, making commercials and public service announcements.

Some can be very difficult to work with and are usually followed by of team of handlers to take care of the legal matters.  It might be an ego or "artist" thing or whatever.  Granted, it doesn't give him the right to say these things, but Pierre did the best possible thing by giving him an opportunity to make amends.  Pierre could have easily gone down a different road such as removing this post (and his profile) for rule violations or even hired a lawyer.  

Hopefully, this guy does apologize and wipes the slate clean!

Most likely, we will never hear from him again and the issue becomes mute.  It just sounded like an angry rant without any thought about the consequences.

I'm sure we've all said things we didn't mean in a moment of anger.  Hell, I cussed out my fiddle for the D string coming unwound when I clearly didn't put enough pressure on it when tuning! LOL  .........we're friends again, in case you were wondering! ;-)


“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” ~Benjamin Franklin



Adirondacks, NY

February 16, 2013 - 11:56 am
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emailed to:  [email protected]



Peter Rosen Productions, Inc.

9 East 78th Street, Suite 5A

New York, New York, 10075

(212) 535-8927

(Fax) (212) 517-5337


Dear Mr. Rosen,

I belong to an online website called "Fiddlerman.com", which is an excellent resource for aspiring violinists and fiddle enthusiasts.  You have taken affirmative action to attack the character and reputation of the site and the site's owner and attempted to defame his good name.
I am a member of the site and see clearly that you should post a public apology to that site.  Apparently you felt free to make an impulsive and wrongful statement about Fiddlerman and his private name, and the decent thing to do is rectify the situation by simply apologizing.  Doing so will ensure that you don't bring shame or potential embarrassment to the family name of Rosen for undertaking such a shameful and cowardly act.
These are my own personal comments and I feel strongly about this because the community which you chose to attack is innocent of all wrongdoing, is good natured and upstanding, and did not deserve your cruel treatment.
I see myself taking no further action on my part other than to feel free to express my views of your behavior and I ask in the name of decency and in the good family name of Rosen that you add a post to your original comments apologizing for the wrongful treatment you subjected the people there to, myself included.
I cannot speak for the rest of the group, but should you then desire to join the community and learn a great deal about violins and fiddling, my impression is that you'd be welcomed to partake in the wonderful experiences offerred for free on Fiddlerman.com.
Thank you in advance,
Mark Keating
Merritt Island, Fla

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February 16, 2013 - 12:12 pm
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Bravo Mark!

Thanks for the email address, I too penned a strongly worded yet kind request. Basically copied and pasted yours lol. Still, a stern talking too and harshly pointed finger no less.

"Please play some wrong notes, so that we know that you are human" - said to Jascha Heifetz.

Kevin M.
Nicholson, Pa

February 16, 2013 - 12:57 pm
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I think at this point it is best to leave this up to Pierre and not email him.  I know we all back Pierre but something might get taken the wrong way and put Pierre in a bad place.

Fifi La Fume

February 16, 2013 - 2:21 pm
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I wonder if the person that posted is actually Peter Rosen.

When I first saw the post I just ignored it as just some Quack.

Maybe it's just a troll getting his/her jollies, watching all of us react this way!dunno



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