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Foxwing's Progress ^_^
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September 13, 2011 - 2:03 pm
Member Since: August 21, 2011
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This is my first video, I have only played the violin for 2 weeks now the first week I mainly worked on scales and fingering ex... just 1-2 days ago I started working on some easy songs to get my fingers used to all this new positions there not used to so here you go!! also there is a part in jingle bells I messed up that's cause some bugs decided to attack me sense are house is opened up due to the heat.

Fort Lauderdale
September 13, 2011 - 2:40 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

Great work for two weeks. Thanks for the post. First of all I'm really impressed by your bow contact to the strings. You play well into the strings and get a nice steady sound. Also, you are keeping your fingers close to the fingerboard which will help you play fast in the future.

Let's begin by cleaning up the intonation a bit. Slide your second finger up quite a bit to get a good C#. That will improve your performance immensely. In the last two bars of Jingle Bells you need to play a D instead of a C# after the two E's.

Thanks for the post.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


September 13, 2011 - 3:03 pm
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Thank you for the input, I see what you meant by the C#. And the whole deal with the ending was I got attacked by bugs at that moment thanks to Florida's wonderful wildlife xD.. But even then ill make sure to remember that part... I have been working on it some more today and even got in a harder song; I am now working on that one and may post it later today depending on how well I have got it down. But again thank you very much on the criticism, it has helped me see things I wouldn't normally notice due to my novice state right now.. tongue

Laguna Beach

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September 13, 2011 - 4:35 pm
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Way to jump right in Foxwing. It's good that you are recording yourself right away so you can catch your mistakes early on. Keep it up!


September 13, 2011 - 4:49 pm
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This is the other song I was talking about, it is called the Russian Dance Tune. Its a bit rough but then again I just started learning this one today and I have only spent 30 minutes give or take on it.

Fort Lauderdale
September 13, 2011 - 6:55 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

Two in a row :-)

Now that you have this recording, listen to it with a pencil and sheet music in your hand and make arrows pointing up over the notes that are too low or arrows down on the notes that are too high. This way when you work on the piece again you know where the tendency is.

Try to keep your left wrist a little straighter to give the violin more support. Also don't let the neck fall all the way down between your thumb and first finger. You'll be able to move your hand freer this way.

Keep up the great work.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


September 13, 2011 - 8:21 pm
Member Since: August 21, 2011
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I ... I like the whole arrow system ill give that a shot and see where it gets me... ^_^. And thank you for the criticism its helping a-lot. amuse

David Burns
Winfield, Missouri

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September 13, 2011 - 8:58 pm
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Very cool, Foxwing. Like MGN said, "Way to jump right in there!"  You sound really good for 2 weeks with the violin. I have a feeling you are not afraid of it. It can be pretty intimidating. You can be firm, it won't break. I think I have that same book, I know it has Russian Dance Tune in it. I like to play it on other strings using the same fingerings. Also change it up, the first few notes fast then a few slow then fast again. It will put some rhythm in the melody. I still use this to warm up. Kinda fun at different speeds.

Keep up the good work, you will hit spots and think, "I will never figure this out!" Keep hacking away at it. When you get really frustrated, take a break, but keep the violin in sight, on a shelf, never in a chair. It will call to you, ease back into solving the problem spot. When you get....Wow! It feels great.


Good luck and have fun.

Laguna Beach

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September 13, 2011 - 9:00 pm
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Yep, as all of us starting out on a new instrument we want to jump in and play songs right away...I'm guilty. But really practicing on all the basics will really help down the road.


September 13, 2011 - 9:16 pm
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Thanks for the support David, lets just say you are right here I am not afraid of the instrument even though it is intimidating at times. Why is because I have always wanted to learn how to play it since I was 8 but every time I signed up for strings class at my school I didn't get a spot; and people that didn't wish to be in the class got in the class before the people that cared for the violin could. So I had to postpone learning it at a younger age, till I got one form KKmusicstore, so I grabbed the chance and got one, my Grandmother's friend whom used to be a 1st or 2nd chair violinist in a major orchestra; tuned it up and made sure it was all set up right and she was amazed I got it for only $180, before I told her the price I got it for she guessed it was a 600-1,000 violin at-least, she showed off a bit on it playing some Mozart and other hard, hard sheet music on it before comparing it to her expensive one. So that alone hearing her on my violin and how rich it sounded has basically given me a permanent drive to become a professional violinist, once I am good enough that is. My train of thoughts like if she can make it sound like that, I can to!... one-day.... But Ill practice everyday, ill make sure of that.  xD But again thank you for your support ill post my progress as much as I can as I work to hone my skills in this beautiful art called being beings a violinist. :3


September 13, 2011 - 9:24 pm
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My first full out song that ill put on here will be this one...



But it will be a good time before I have the basics down well enough to try to play this.. yell


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September 13, 2011 - 10:01 pm
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Great start, Foxing. Thanks for sharing!


September 14, 2011 - 12:31 am
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Wonderful! You have only been playing for two weeks and two songs in a row! Amazing! Keep up your spirit and hard work!

One thing, I don't mind you not showing your face because I almost did it, too, but could you move to your left a little more so we could see your bow hand motions? Thanks!

I agree with what MGN said, "It's good that you are recording yourself right away so you can catch your mistakes early on."

i like the Fiddlerman's arrow system, too, I'm sure that will help me with my intonation.


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September 14, 2011 - 6:38 pm
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Great job foxwing, wow 2 weeks that's good for such a short time.
Like MGN said keep the violin out, it will call you to play. I have a stand for mine they also make wall hangers for them. It makes it handy to just pick it up and play.
I have found that the more I play, the more I want to play. Sounds like your hooked like the rest of us.
Keep up the good work.

David Burns
Winfield, Missouri

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September 14, 2011 - 6:57 pm
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And never put your violin in a chair, ever, not even for a minute. Disaster waiting to happen.

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