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E Phrygian Dominant Revistited.
Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 (3 votes) 

Honorary tenured advisor

April 12, 2015 - 11:00 pm
Member Since: January 19, 2014
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Earlier, I described the E Phrygian Dominant scale as being a slight variant of the E Phrygian scale.  The E Phrygian scale is the same as the C Major scale, but starts and ends on E rather than C.  The E Phrygian Dominant (also called the Spanish Gypsy scale) raises the 3rd note of the scale 1/2 step. So instead of E F G A B C D E, you play E F G# A B C D E. 

Here's an  example of a song that uses this scale.  It is a section of Waves on the Danube by Losif Ivanovici that was reworked into a song sung by Al Jolson and called The Anniversary Song.  It's pretty easy and here's how to play it.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

California, the place of my heart
April 13, 2015 - 3:29 pm
Member Since: January 11, 2012
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Very Nice Uzi.

I have lost so much of my music theory.  It is nice to read your notes and get some refreshment and actually understand it a bit.   I remember taking scales and changing them in class years back.. Descending Melodic minor.. etc.

Thanks for posting.  Thanks for the lovely song and music also.


Vibrato Desperato.... Desperately seeking vibrato


April 13, 2015 - 4:50 pm
Member Since: January 14, 2013
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I haven't been playing with modes much since I started the Viddle. Been so concerned about the Major\Minor thing and intonation. This post just inspired me to start venturing past that > thanks Uzi

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