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Frustrated with my instrument.
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Fort Lauderdale
August 21, 2011 - 10:17 pm
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nsamusicsupplies.com has the lowest price guarantee too in case you find a better deal afterwards somewhere.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


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August 23, 2011 - 1:01 pm
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The strings from Cat have arrived! Time to "fiddle around" (har har) with them. coffee2


Honorary tenured advisor

August 23, 2011 - 1:45 pm
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OK, I think I need a new fine tuner on the ebay violin. I just took the old g string off and noticed that instead of having a ball end (like the other strings) the string was tied in a knot to hold it in the fine tuner. I figured someone just bought the wrong string type. So I put a "new" string from Cat on and started to bring it up to pitch when …. POP! The darn ball end snapped off and the string smacked me in the face. I'm ok, but I'm guessing the tuner is somehow doing the damage.

So, does anyone know if a fine tuner is something I can (should) put on by myself? On second thought, it is only the G string (so far) causing a problem. Maybe I don't need  a fine tuner on that one at all?

Fort Lauderdale
August 23, 2011 - 2:15 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
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You don't need a fine tuner on the G string. Especially when you don't have steel strings.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


August 26, 2011 - 3:02 pm
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I read somewhere that you can change a ball-end string into a loop-end string -- untwist the string, take the ball off, then twist the string and make a loop. It seems pretty easier, you probably will need a plier. below is a link, but I'm not sure if this is what I watched or read, but the same theory applies.




August 26, 2011 - 3:05 pm
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i think this is the one I read about.


Fort Lauderdale
August 26, 2011 - 8:38 pm
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I've broken the ball on the end of the string to make a loop E string. It really breaks kind of easily if you squash it with a pliers in both directions. Just make sure you don't squash too hard as to damage the wire. Keep the loops too. There are usually two.

Actually you shouldn't have to do this unless you order the wrong strings and don't feel like exchanging them. Or if your string breaks and the only player that has an extra happens to have a ball end when you need the loop.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


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August 27, 2011 - 5:59 pm
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Was having trouble getting a good sound out of the fingered a note on the d string also the g string sounds dull and kind if muted thought it was just the fiddle. Got to looking it over after all the discussion about the sound posts. Looks like my is crooked, instead of straight up its leaning toward the back. Fixing that will help me to like this fiddle mor than I do now.dazed


Honorary tenured advisor

August 31, 2011 - 5:04 pm
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Ok, update on the old violin string situation.

When the strings from Cat arrived, (thanks again, Cat!) I put the dominants on the 70's ebay violin. They sound great. I tried the other string types (Black Diamond and Calvert Symphony) on the childhood 80's violin but was not happy with the sound of either set. So i ordered another set of dominants and a set of D'addario pro arte for the 80's violin.

I went ahead and changed to a lower bridge for easier playability while I was changing strings too. I put the d'addario strings on to try since I wasn't too familiar with those. Remember how I wasn't able to get a good tone on the lower strings before (expecially in 3rd pos or higher)? The tone has improved tremendously with the new strings. No more "scratchy" sounds! The d'addario strings have a much darker tone, and I'm not sure I love it, but I've only been able to play around with the new strings for a few minutes so far. It's hard to believe the improvement the can come from changing strings!

Fort Lauderdale
August 31, 2011 - 6:45 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
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You are right Sara. I've experienced it as well. The difference can be enormous. However, there are no guarantees. Some instruments benefit and others may not.

Happy to hear about the improvement.


"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

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