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Henry Ford's Violins
A passion for fiddle music and dancing.
Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 (1 votes) 

November 8, 2021 - 9:29 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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I've mentioned, elsewhere, that I grew up in a 'Ford' home, in Henry Ford's town - not far from The Henry Ford Museum and the Greenfield Historical Village.Ā 

I never had a clue that Henry Ford was so instrumental in reviving Old Time Fiddling and dancing in the 1920's, after Jazz had taken the post-WWI spotlight - sponsoring Violinists and dance events, reviving his childhood memories.Ā 

Fun note - think it's marvelous that in 1932 an Alabama farmer gave Henry a fiddle he made from a 1923 Model T Touring Car!

Ford did own some very impressive Italian violins, but there's no indication of how well he played.Ā 
  • 1647 violin, by Nicolo Amati
  • 1740 violin, by Carlo BergonziĀ 
  • 1780 violin, by Carlo Ferdinando LandolfiĀ 
  • 1735 violin, by Nicola GaglianoĀ 
  • 1744 violin, "The Doyen", by Giuseppe Guarneri del GesuĀ 
  • 1703 violin, "The Rougemont", by Antonio StradivariĀ 
  • 1709 violin, "The Siberian", by Antonio StradivariĀ 

Even Henry Ford's employees couldn't escape all of his enthusiasm - he created a Dance Room at the Ford Motor Company's Engineering Lab - where, many years later, my Father would work as an Engineer!Ā  Dance Parties for the adults and lessons for children - all gone by the time my Father arrived.Ā 

Many great little snippets of history, more about Henry Ford's Violins and/or related music events, here. Ā 

Henry Ford & His Violins - The Henry Ford

Here's a photo of my Great-Grandfather (in front), Henry Ford (behind) and Jim Bishop (to the right) -Ā  Greenfield Historical Village (Dearborn, Michigan), 11/08/1944, dedication of the Edison Illuminating Company Building.Ā 

https://thfemu.s3.amazonaws.com/CollectionImages/_social/photos/thf244455.jpgImage Enlarger

I've heard some of Ford's obsessive nature is why my Great-Grandfather, George W. Cato, considered him a friend and worked beside him at the Edison Illuminating Company, but would not work for him - when Ford started up his own business. (lol)Ā 

- Emily

Fort Lauderdale
November 16, 2021 - 3:17 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16437

I did not know this. Very cool!

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


March 29, 2024 - 6:24 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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MORE! šŸ¤— Ā 



I've been living a bit farther away from when the Museum was just a healthy bike-ride for me growing up, but if I was just well enough to actually go see these violins - I could fully appreciate them, now!


Just found some YT videos of old Detroit News film clips that appear to be related to this topic!Ā  Pretty cool to watch the bowing & hands of these guys (NO WOMEN!) - amazing how some of those beards don't get in the way of playing!Ā 


All for the Henry Ford Trophy!


...just found out there's some cool old Michigan Fiddling History that I knew nothing about!

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