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Fiddler Heaven
Potentially new Florida, Pompano Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Broward County Fiddle Festival.
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Fort Lauderdale
March 15, 2022 - 1:25 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

I have the perfect location for a Fiddle Festival, a city that is very interested in my idea, and the perfect winter get away location.

City of Pompano Beach owns the property behind Fiddlershop lining the canal and was psyched when I spoke to them about my idea.

There is money available for events west of Pompano Beach and I've been thinking about this for a long time.

The problem is that I need help. It will be a huge project.
The first thing that the city needs from me is a plan/map.
What will be there? I can make stuff up and change it later and it's better to go big and reduce later.

It's a huge property and the city will involve the Fire Department, Traffic Control... Parks and Recreation will be helping.

I actually purchased 4 domains because I couldn't choose between these 4 that crossed my mind.


I'm looking for volunteers and thinking that February of 2024 could be a great goal for the first event. I would love to get help from anyone involved in any other Fiddle Festivals.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Greater Chicagoland

March 15, 2022 - 1:59 pm
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Great idea. Two quick things, first, personally I would choose FiddlerHaven.com as it would suit a broader segment of population (atheists/agnostics would not be offended by "heaven") and fiddler versus fiddle since violists can be fiddlers! lol

Second, third domain is misspelled, double LL in fiddlle is incorrect.

Sounds like a massive undertaking. Is there an online map of the facility?

The old curmudgeon!


March 15, 2022 - 9:42 pm
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@Fiddlerman  Not Fiddlermania?  Attendees would then be  "Fiddlermaniacs"! smile

Is it to be something structured with classes, workshops, ensembles?  Fiddle music (i.e., like Fiddle Hell) and/or other types of music (like SCOR! Strings)?    

Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.


March 15, 2022 - 11:50 pm
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@Fiddlerman - 

I've only been to open concert night at a couple Banjo festivals in a Hotel here in Michigan (noticed other rooms on the 1st floor had other goings on & spontaneous jams everywhere), 2 small-town Fiddle Festivals where mostly beginners got up to squeak out a tune, and then the last 2 Online Fiddle Hell Festivals - and I've never helped organize an event, of any kind. 

If you are planning to do something on a scale similar to Fiddle Hell, yes, I can tell that's going to take a lot of hard work from a good-sized committee. 

I don't possess any knowledge or skill set that I see could be of help, don't even know how to use a computer very well and I'm not good with deadlines anymore - so I'm bowing out because I don't qualify, I'm only good at giving opinions. 🤣   

Hope you get some people to volunteer that have some actual experience. 


My idea of Fiddle Heaven is more like sitting on the back porch or by the lake (on a calm day) playing a couple tunes the way I like them - not the frenzy & excitement of meeting new people and trying everything new there is to learn and hear! 

I see Fiddle Festivals as grueling, exhausting and SO MUCH FUN - like a HUGE party with condensed school in session, at the same time! 

🤔... The Fiddlerman Games, Fiddlerman's String Extravaganza.  If I have to choose one of from the OP - Fiddler Haven, but doesn't sound very exciting. 

Really like SharonC's idea of "Fiddlermania"! 


Love these threads - I always learn more amazing stuff!

Just read about "Scor Reunions" (thanx, @SharonC ) in Western NY - the idea of including a Fiddlerman Forum or Group Project 'Reunion' is enticing!

Do Classical Violinists have Festivals like Fiddlers? 

I remember reading about a Chamber Music Festival at the University of Michigan - with guest artists and a judged competition. 

Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp (Michigan) offers adults a 1-Day Session of Irish Fiddling, a 4-Day String Orchestra Session, and a 6-Day Session of "Chamber Music for Fun"! 

Any ideas for including Classical players? 


Think festivals count on not only local sponsors and suppliers, but also sponsors like the Fiddlershop - so, will competitors shy away or can they be rallied to help out? 

Fiddler Hell had some great workshop instructors that were affiliated with your competitors, but I didn't notice any shop promo during these workshops. 

Just read that one music festival here in Michigan got a good-sized grant from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs - maybe hit up Florida's?  The grant required funds be matched by other public & private dollars.

Setting up anything for donations? 


Sorry, getting carried away - just curious. (lol)

Fort Lauderdale
March 17, 2022 - 6:11 am
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

JohnG said
Great idea. Two quick things, first, personally I would choose FiddlerHaven.com as it would suit a broader segment of population (atheists/agnostics would not be offended by "heaven") and fiddler versus fiddle since violists can be fiddlers! lol

Second, third domain is misspelled, double LL in fiddlle is incorrect.

Sounds like a massive undertaking. Is there an online map of the facility?

Great points.

I fixed the third domain spelling in my post, and point taken with the segment that might be negatively swayed by the name.

I will post a map later today.

SharonC said
@Fiddlerman  Not Fiddlermania?  Attendees would then be  "Fiddlermaniacs"! smile

Is it to be something structured with classes, workshops, ensembles?  Fiddle music (i.e., like Fiddle Hell) and/or other types of music (like SCOR! Strings)?

Darn Sharon, you are good.....
I like that. Crazy me, I just bought both of those names too just in case. LOL

Yes exactly what you are suggesting. Those are my thoughts. More like folk related music. Old time, fiddle, bluegrass, Cajun....the list goes on... perhaps many jam sessions spread out over the area.

I also want to have 2 stages and have concert events planned every day. Hopefully a few names that will draw crowds and make the event interesting.

I'm not familiar with SCOR.

ELCBK said
@Fiddlerman - 

Just read about "Scor Reunions" (thanx, @SharonC ) in Western NY - the idea of including a Fiddlerman Forum or Group Project 'Reunion' is enticing!

I also looked it up.

Do Classical Violinists have Festivals like Fiddlers?

Yes but not in the same way. More like courses and performances.

Any ideas for including Classical players? 

Not really, though theoretically it would be way more up my alley.

Think festivals count on not only local sponsors and suppliers, but also sponsors like the Fiddlershop - so, will competitors shy away or can they be rallied to help out?

I'm the kind of person who believes in working together and whatever happens, happens... I wouldn't turn away competitors. Rather find a way to work together. The idea is not to have string shops at this festival.

Fiddler Hell had some great workshop instructors that were affiliated with your competitors, but I didn't notice any shop promo during these workshops. 

Just read that one music festival here in Michigan got a good-sized grant from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs - maybe hit up Florida's?  The grant required funds be matched by other public & private dollars.

Setting up anything for donations?

Not yet, but it's always possible. Hopefully the some of the participants can give courses or workshops based on collecting prospects and new members.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 17, 2022 - 7:03 am
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I'm not keen on haven, as it implies there's something that needs to be sheltered from.

I like fiddlermania best.


Fort Lauderdale
March 17, 2022 - 8:08 am
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

Gordon Shumway said
I'm not keen on haven, as it implies there's something that needs to be sheltered from.

I like fiddlermania best.

Another vote for Fiddlermania :) Thanks

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Fort Lauderdale
March 17, 2022 - 8:46 am
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


March 21, 2022 - 10:16 am
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@Fiddlerman - 

Wow!  That's one LONG strip of property! 

How will you manage traffic from one end to the other? 

People going to be able to come in via the Canal? 

You are hosting a live event, but in hopes you can include Fiddlers who can't attend - you posted a while back in the Fiddle Hell Thread, wondering about how Jams worked there, virtually. 

Fiddle Hell uses Zoom - the instructor/guest musician plays tunes at a moderate rate, while we are playing at home, muted to them.  They take requests, but it's not really much more than a concert. 

I don't know anything about computers, but seems to me that JackTrip software may be helpful.  May not end up helping me out with your event, but may help you include some high-profile musicians that are not local. 

Here's a recent glimpse... the software's been out for a while, so you probably already know about it. 


Fort Lauderdale
March 23, 2022 - 3:40 pm
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People will not come in off the canal because there is a water level control damn on one side.

I think the city will be very involved. I just need help with some type of plan so that we can have a meeting.

What do you guys think should be included in this festival?

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


March 24, 2022 - 11:39 am
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Parking & access look like they would be concerns.  Parking lot at the west end on SW 30th  Ave looks like it belongs to the Gateway Building (i.e., not municipal).  Access, not just for people coming in & out, but to get equipment/stuff in (stages, port-a-pottys, etc.,). 

Fiddlerman said ...
What do you guys think should be included in this festival?

My brainstorm:

(1) Group Play-alongs.  I’m thinking besides fiddle music type jams that are fast & memorized/improv (although these are good, too).  A group of pieces could be put out (similar difficulty level as FM Group Projects) that folks could get downloaded ahead of time.  Time to practice, but not necessarily memorize. 

Folks would need to bring a portable stand (or rent/buy one at the festival), and someone would have to lead the group (good volunteer opportunity for music students?).  Different songs could be scheduled at different times throughout the festival (1 hour session), maybe repeated at different times.

(2) Contests – performances for best solo, duet, ensemble, under-age 15/youth, etc., Sign-ups prior to event & onsite.  Judged by folks from local community?  Prizes: Sponsored Local community and/or vendor stuff?  e.g., gift certificate at local restaurant, etc., ?   

(3) Technique classes.  Kept to 1 to 1.5 hours. 

(4) Learn a fiddle tune classes (similar to Fiddle Hell).  Different levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced). 

(5)  Fiddle Jams (similar to Fiddle Hell).

(6) Vendors – I’m thinking specifically about sheet music, but other stuff like food, etc.,


Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.

Fort Lauderdale
March 24, 2022 - 12:59 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
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SharonC said

Parking & access look like they would be concerns.  Parking lot at the west end on SW 30th  Ave looks like it belongs to the Gateway Building (i.e., not municipal).  Access, not just for people coming in & out, but to get equipment/stuff in (stages, port-a-pottys, etc.,). 

Yes, I spoke to the Parks and Recreations about parking on the grass with parking crews. An adequate amount of the space would be allocated to that.

You can't tell how big that parking lot is but it's huge and practically no cars. It's a business center so I'm guessing hardly no one would be there on the weekends allowing the city to rent it for the event. Between the two options, we would be able to park 1000 cars easily. Our personal parking lot at Fiddlershop has about 230 spots.

The city will probably help with the Porta-potty's. As mentioned earlier, money has just been made for events west of the beach. :)

Fiddlerman said ...

What do you guys think should be included in this festival?

My brainstorm:

(1) Group Play-alongs.  I’m thinking besides fiddle music type jams that are fast & memorized/improv (although these are good, too).  A group of pieces could be put out (similar difficulty level as FM Group Projects) that folks could get downloaded ahead of time.  Time to practice, but not necessarily memorize. 

Folks would need to bring a portable stand (or rent/buy one at the festival), and someone would have to lead the group (good volunteer opportunity for music students?).  Different songs could be scheduled at different times throughout the festival (1 hour session), maybe repeated at different times.

(2) Contests – performances for best solo, duet, ensemble, under-age 15/youth, etc., Sign-ups prior to event & onsite.  Judged by folks from local community?  Prizes: Sponsored Local community and/or vendor stuff?  e.g., gift certificate at local restaurant, etc., ?   

(3) Technique classes.  Kept to 1 to 1.5 hours. 

(4) Learn a fiddle tune classes (similar to Fiddle Hell).  Different levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced). 

(5)  Fiddle Jams (similar to Fiddle Hell).

(6) Vendors – I’m thinking specifically about sheet music, but other stuff like food, etc.,


I love all your ideas. Need more stuff to show on paper and to attract people from all over the country.... Thanks for those great ideas.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


March 24, 2022 - 1:53 pm
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Really like Sharon's idea about the contests, especially if some could be geared for Kids AND, also some for Classical or Baroque Strings - Solo, Duets, Quartets, etc..! 

I know of NO other Fiddle Festival that includes anything for musicians interested in Classical music!  

Don't they like to have fun, too?  Or, too afraid to catch a little Fiddler-itis? (lol)

Was hoping some of you, that strictly play in Orchestra, could come up with more ideas to be included - maybe a "Bach Style" or "Baroque Bowing Techniques" workshop? 

It would also be great if some less stressful group Fiddle activities could be provided for Kids - without competition... 🤔

The Scottish "Highland Games" I used to attend, here in Michigan, had people park in a large Parking area, then shuttled them to the sight to prevent congestion.  Shuttles ran constantly - like at our big Ann Arbor Art Fair. 

The Highland Games would have a Cèilidh in a big open tent, more like a big concert the night before - Bands played one after the other, with picnic tables for eating/drinking & room to dance in front of the small stage.  During the Games, groups also continued to play traditional and popular Scottish & Irish music all day long.


I can't say much other than you know the variety of workshops I've enjoyed - from what I've posted for the last couple Online Fiddle Hell Festival threads. (lol)

All you members here, that have attended LIVE Fiddle Festivals & Fiddle Camps - what did YOU enjoy the most?  Anything for Kids?

- Emily

Fort Lauderdale
March 24, 2022 - 2:21 pm
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ELCBK said
Really like Sharon's idea about the contests, especially if some could be geared for Kids AND, also some for Classical or Baroque Strings - Solo, Duets, Quartets, etc..! 

I know of NO other Fiddle Festival that includes anything for musicians interested in Classical music!  

Don't they like to have fun, too?  Or, too afraid to catch a little Fiddler-itis? (lol)

I think the issue is more that Classical musicians tend to read music, and play in organized groups with slightly more tempered instruments. They don't play outdoors as often. 

Folk musicians often play without sheet music and don't care how many are in the group. They also love playing outdoors.

I figured since this will be an outdoor event, a "fiddle fest" vs a violin fest....

However, I'm not saying there will be nothing available for Classical musicians just yet. :)

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

March 24, 2022 - 3:03 pm
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Maybe some “how to” bootcamps for newbies or parents of kiddos on maintenance. Like how to re-string your violin, replace a collapsed bridge, fix loose pegs, etc. 

Not sure if that was mentioned, or not.

Raffles for Fiddlershop strings, not sure how easy that would be. 

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


April 23, 2022 - 4:48 pm
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Fiddlerman said
I have the perfect location for a Fiddle Festival, a city that is very interested in my idea, and the perfect winter get away location. 

The problem is that I need help. It will be a huge project.

The first thing that the city needs from me is a plan/map.

What will be there? I can make stuff up and change it later and it's better to go big and reduce later.

I'm looking for volunteers and thinking that February of 2024 could be a great goal for the first event. I would love to get help from anyone involved in any other Fiddle Festivals. 

Get any volunteers, yet? 

...isn't there anyone, on the forum, who's attended Band Camps & Fiddle Festivals (live, in-person), or helped work at them - that could lend a hand? 🤗

April 23, 2022 - 5:03 pm
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I already talked to the wife and we plan to attend if it comes to fruition, that said the final decision will depend on how my mom's doing if we can get away at that time.


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