Congratulations to “Sadie” and “cdennyb” for winning the pet sing-along competition.

Congratulations to Dennis and Sadie,

It was a dead tie between the both of them and two caps have been sent out last week. Thanks again for your great and interesting entries.

The competition was for a member to record a video of themselves and their pets playing and singing together. Both were required to be in the video and any instrument was acceptable. Members had nine days to submit a video to be a part of the voting poll. The voting poll was put to the members who voted even numbers to both participants. Each entry miraculously received 58 votes and Fiddlerman had to ship two Fiddlerman caps as a reward for their hard work.

Sadie posted the first video or her playing Fur Elise on the piano with her Chihuahua Pal singing along side.

Dennis posted soon after playing the violin with his best friend Duke



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