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Er, hello again
Rejoining the forum after several months away
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West Sussex, England UK

June 14, 2021 - 7:51 am
Member Since: September 27, 2019
Forum Posts: 378
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Hello fellow fiddlers,

I took an extended time away from violin in general until recently, and shamefully turned my back on this forum. The reasons are somewhat personal, and in no way reflect negatively on your good selves.

This last weekend I took out my homespun solid fiddle and cleaned-up the dear thing with fresh electrics and removed the polycarbonate transport guards. It's staying home and I'm playing it again; I only realised how much I'd missed that feeling until I touched strings with a bow again.

One of the issues which took me aside from violin was a home-made electric bass. It has dominated my time for some months, and may become my primary instrument. For those interested, it is a solid bass guitar with a 762 mm scale length and no frets (why bother with speed-bumps when you can intonate properly anyway?).

Sure I'm a bass player now, but I can't get by without my violins.


"It is vain to do with more that which can be done with less"  - William of Ockham

"A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in" - Frederick the Great

June 14, 2021 - 8:44 am
Member Since: December 26, 2018
Forum Posts: 5451
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Great to have you back. No need to explain anything. It is just great to see you back here again. 

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


June 14, 2021 - 5:51 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
Forum Posts: 8090
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@Peter -

Remember your homemade electric bass - very cool. 

Glad you're back! 



Check out our new "Party Room" when you get a chance - hope you'll join in. 

- Emily


June 14, 2021 - 8:33 pm
Member Since: June 24, 2020
Forum Posts: 1550
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@Peter -

Good to see you back!  smile

Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.

West Sussex, England UK

June 15, 2021 - 1:58 am
Member Since: September 27, 2019
Forum Posts: 378
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ELCBK said
@Peter -

Remember your homemade electric bass - very cool.  ...

Check out our new "Party Room" when you get a chance - hope you'll join in. 

- Emily

Without even looking, the Party Room sounds super interesting; I'll search for it.

Here's a picture of the bass as it stands now; I've done a fair bit of work on it. I've also included a pic of the violins; here's what the violins look like now. I've de-cluttered the solid fiddle.

762_3_3.jpgImage Enlarger

fiddles_21-06.jpgImage Enlarger 

sp_PlupAttachments Attachments


"It is vain to do with more that which can be done with less"  - William of Ockham

"A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in" - Frederick the Great


June 15, 2021 - 5:24 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
Forum Posts: 8090
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@Peter -

You have been busy - those are looking GREAT!  

Really love your built-in shoulder rest on the EV.

🤔 Curious - what is the circle under the bridge for your EV for?

You probably know all this already, but we've been talking about different software for making backing tracks and I've been looking into EDM and Indian drum rhythms for possible use.  You might like to get in on the conversations. 

Making Backing Tracks Thread 

EDM Thread

Suggest Post No.9 & 18 

Indian Music Thread

I should've given you a link to the Party Room (sorry). 

Party Room Thread 




Could use your help with some livening up around here! 

Think everyone's on vacation. (lol) 

- Emily

West Sussex, England UK

June 15, 2021 - 6:52 am
Member Since: September 27, 2019
Forum Posts: 378
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The circular device is a piezoelectric pickup. It needs work; it sounds very shrill (trebly) so I shall give it a coat of elastomer to damp the high-frequency bias. I don't use the pickup when practicing, the violin gives plenty of acoustic output for a quiet room.

Backing tracks interest me greatly. I use regular recordings with the bass wound-out for bass practice, but for violin I get by with a metronome. I'd like to use more adventurous techniques, and jam tracks for both instruments would enhance my confidence. I occasionally jam with a drummer and keyboard-player, and look forward to local folk sessions opening up again for fiddle playing.

I found the Party Room; I'll organise a contribution (or two) when I can, it looks (and sounds) like a lot of fun.


"It is vain to do with more that which can be done with less"  - William of Ockham

"A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in" - Frederick the Great


June 15, 2021 - 7:20 pm
Member Since: February 10, 2019
Forum Posts: 4008
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good to hear from you @Peter !  your instruments look great and congrats on the accomplishmet there!


June 16, 2021 - 12:01 am
Member Since: September 30, 2014
Forum Posts: 2177
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Welcome back Peter,



Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons

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