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Finally Made My Violin Purchase!!
My journey to leaning the violin can now begin!
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March 12, 2018 - 5:53 pm
Member Since: October 25, 2017
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Hello all,

I just had to share something I am super excited about. I just made my first violin purchase so I can now begin my dream of learning to play. I have wanted this since I was very young, however, my parents would not let me. 

I ordered the Fiddlerman OB1. Do any of you have this violin? How do you like it? 


Brora, North-east Scotland
March 13, 2018 - 3:51 am
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congratulations_pngon the new violin.

That's it, @AmandaKulp - there is now no escape.

Best wishes with what will be a lifelong journey :)  

I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)


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March 13, 2018 - 8:31 am
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BillyG said
congratulations_pngon the new violin.

That's it, @AmandaKulp - there is now no escape.

Best wishes with what will be a lifelong journey :)    

Thank you so much, Billy. Now I am worried that because it’s winter, and the violin will be sent across the states to me, will it get damaged from the change in temps? Isn’t it bad to have them in too cold or too warm environments? I did not think of this when I ordered. 

Brora, North-east Scotland
March 13, 2018 - 9:00 am
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Thank you so much, Billy. Now I am worried that because it’s winter, and the violin will be sent across the states to me, will it get damaged from the change in temps? Isn’t it bad to have them in too cold or too warm environments? I did not think of this when I ordered. 

  Short term shouldn't cause any real problems....  The two fiddles I bought from Fiddlershop were shipped in the cargo-hold of a plane at 35,000 ft - and it's pretty darned cold up there !

  But you are right to consider such aspects - the real important consideration (as I understand it) are the effects of humidity, and lots of folks attempt to keep as consistent a humidity as possible, even casing up their instruments every time after use, with a humidifier inside the case.   Our climate here, and our house conditions (which is where I almost always play from) generally don't necessitate such protection, however, in climates where humidity may swing widely between super-dry winters and dripping wet high-humidity summers, yes, I would consider some form of protection when it's not actually being played...   

  Others, who have real experience of these situations will be able to give better feedback than I :) but essentially, right now, just for the short period it will be in shipping, I wouldn't worry at all.

I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)

my own little world

March 13, 2018 - 10:20 am
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Congrats!!! I wouldn't worry about the fiddle going through the changing temps with shipping. Fiddles are tougher than we give them credit for :)  

World's Okayest Fiddler
☆•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨* •☆•*¨*¨*•¸¸¸.•*¨*•☆


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March 13, 2018 - 10:47 am
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Thanks for the reassurance everyone! I was really worried about it. I don't want anything to keep me from learning the violin. 


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March 13, 2018 - 4:09 pm
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Congrats on your purchase! Time to enter the world of obsession! :D


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March 13, 2018 - 5:23 pm
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Bella86 said
Congrats on your purchase! Time to enter the world of obsession! :D   

Thanks!! I am sure I am passed obsession lol. You should see my YouTube and browser history, along with the music on my phone.tongue Hah, my family already thinks I am crazy with how much violin stuff I listen to and look up regarding the violin. The obsession will only get stronger, I am sure. I just cannot wait to share my progress here on the forums. I've wanted this for so long. 

Mimi Aysha

March 13, 2018 - 5:29 pm
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Soooo very excited for you Amanda, you'll have many hours of happy playing!!! When I have ordered something from The fiddle shop its aways arrived perfect - and I have been guilty of stalking the mail lady to grab it too!


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March 13, 2018 - 9:01 pm
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Mimi Aysha said
Soooo very excited for you Amanda, you'll have many hours of happy playing!!! When I have ordered something from The fiddle shop its aways arrived perfect - and I have been guilty of stalking the mail lady to grab it too!  

Thank you, Mimi! With packages in the past that I was excited for, I usually check the tracking like every hour so I know exactly what you mean about stalking the mail lady. This violin is probably the item I am most excited to receive ever so I am sure this time won't be any different when it comes to watching the mail intently. I have looked through Fiddlershop's reviews on a number of their instruments and am no stranger to their YouTube channel. winkI feel confident in all the good things I read about them and their products that I am feeling pretty secure with my purchase. I just hope the delivery guys handle it with care as I have gotten a few packages damaged by my local delivery companies. Good thing it will be in a violin case. 

Mimi Aysha

March 13, 2018 - 11:24 pm
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I look forward to seeing your progress, its kind of addictive in a good way, you are young and driven so I'm sure you will master it!...

I got stuck with a triangle at school, and I usually missed the 1 note that was required of me during band practice! - I waited way too long...but now it's my go to every day. 

If you need beginner books (although most things are online now) let me know and I'll shoot you a couple in the mail to start you off.

good luck!

Sacramento, California

March 14, 2018 - 2:33 am
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Congratulations on taking one step closer to playing violin. All that's left is to open the case when it arrives and actually start playing.

I'm definitely looking forward to following your progress, especially because it seems like we have similar music preferences.

Fort Lauderdale
March 14, 2018 - 5:35 am
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Yes Amanda, congratulations. I too am eager to follow your progress, BUT, don't make that or anyone else be a pressure to do well.
Set goals, but not expectations. Be content with anything forward. Even baby steps forward are good.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


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March 14, 2018 - 3:09 pm
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AmandaKulp said

Thanks!! I am sure I am passed obsession lol. You should see my YouTube and browser history, along with the music on my phone.tongue Hah, my family already thinks I am crazy with how much violin stuff I listen to and look up regarding the violin. The obsession will only get stronger, I am sure. I just cannot wait to share my progress here on the forums. I've wanted this for so long.   

I was exactly the same before I decided to give it a go! I was reading/watching/listening to all kind of stuff. Even reading and watching videos about advanced techniques. Which seem insane when you haven't even decided to learn. But I think all this research beforehand is something that really helps with learning the basics. You are aware of all the pitfalls and what to think about. And I believe it also builds an understanding for the instrument and playing.

I too am excited to see some progress videos of yours in a near future! (especially since I am unable to play myself for quite a while, it's driving me nuts. I need everyone else's videos! :D)


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March 14, 2018 - 11:24 pm
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Fiddlerman said
Yes Amanda, congratulations. I too am eager to follow your progress, BUT, don't make that or anyone else be a pressure to do well.
Set goals, but not expectations. Be content with anything forward. Even baby steps forward are good.  

Thanks, Pierre! One thing I know I might need to remind myself is to not get frustrated if I am not progressing as fast as I'd like. I have a habit of being hard on myself. I have no one in my family that agrees with me doing this and I think they think the idea of teaching myself is ridiculous. In a way, that could be good as I won't have others expectations to live up too. 


March 15, 2018 - 8:11 am
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Congrats on your new fiddle, I'm sure you'll love it.



Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


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March 15, 2018 - 12:34 pm
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Mimi Aysha said
I look forward to seeing your progress, its kind of addictive in a good way, you are young and driven so I'm sure you will master it!...

I got stuck with a triangle at school, and I usually missed the 1 note that was required of me during band practice! - I waited way too long...but now it's my go to every day. 

If you need beginner books (although most things are online now) let me know and I'll shoot you a couple in the mail to start you off.

good luck!  

That is very nice of you to offer to send me some books to get me started. That is very generous of you however, I actually just purchased two book and they came in the mail today. The one book I bought is the Suzuki Violin School Volume 1 and the second book I got today is the Essential Elements for Strings Violin Book 1. Do you have any experience with either one of those books? If so what were your thoughts on them? I wasn't sure which books to buy but those two had good reviews and I saw self taught adults use those as well. 


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March 15, 2018 - 12:36 pm
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Mark said
Congrats on your new fiddle, I'm sure you'll love it.



Thanks so much, Mark. It should be arriving here tomorrow. I cannot wait!


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March 15, 2018 - 12:40 pm
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Bella86 said

AmandaKulp said

Thanks!! I am sure I am passed obsession lol. You should see my YouTube and browser history, along with the music on my phone.tongue Hah, my family already thinks I am crazy with how much violin stuff I listen to and look up regarding the violin. The obsession will only get stronger, I am sure. I just cannot wait to share my progress here on the forums. I've wanted this for so long.   

I was exactly the same before I decided to give it a go! I was reading/watching/listening to all kind of stuff. Even reading and watching videos about advanced techniques. Which seem insane when you haven't even decided to learn. But I think all this research beforehand is something that really helps with learning the basics. You are aware of all the pitfalls and what to think about. And I believe it also builds an understanding for the instrument and playing.

I too am excited to see some progress videos of yours in a near future! (especially since I am unable to play myself for quite a while, it's driving me nuts. I need everyone else's videos! :D)  

I had ordered two violin book one of which is the Suzuki Violin book and the other is the Essential Elements Violin book. I am looking at them in horror and wondering what I got myself into lol. I guess doing a ton of research online isn't always enough to prepare you. I thought the books would teach me the notes more. Maybe when I have the violin in hand tomorrow when it gets to me, it will be a little easier to follow along. 


EDIT: So after further re-reading the first couple pages in the two books I got today, I can already tell I am going to like the Essential Elements method better as it seems easier to start and better explained. The Suzuki is still confusing for me. 

Also, I meant to ask but forgot to add it to my post. Why is it that you are not able to play currently? If you don't mind me asking.

Mimi Aysha

March 15, 2018 - 4:33 pm
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Essential elements is a ton of fun, playing along to the cds! - I have fumbled through suzuki and been so totally in fits when I tried to find play along on youtube only to be confronted with a 2 year old playing it through like a champ!

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