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Sacramento, California

April 9, 2020 - 7:34 pm
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cid said
I can”t figure out the watermelon.


I think it's like blowing across the top of an open bottle. It probably has narrow holes cut to different depths. Also, it's probably a wax gourd rather than a watermelon. Note that the entire cut surface is light green. They grow to about the same size, and the wax gourd would be more suitable for cutting into that way.

The one I'm surprised by is the trombone-like sound coming out of the squash at the beginning.

April 9, 2020 - 7:54 pm
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Thanks for the exp,anation, Andrew. That whole thing fascinates me, as does the Kong Island Vegetable Orchestra.

This thread has sure taken a turn, @ABitRusty  Thank you, a much needed diversion.

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


April 9, 2020 - 8:28 pm
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cid said
Thanks for the exp,anation, Andrew. That whole thing fascinates me, as does the Kong Island Vegetable Orchestra.

This thread has sure taken a turn, @ABitRusty  Thank you, a much needed diversion.


yore welcome!  it's good to let the conversation gourd where it will.  never know where it'll end up. laugh

Brora, North-east Scotland
April 10, 2020 - 2:24 am
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facepalm ( Shakes head in disbelief.... ) LOL @ABitRusty

I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)

Brora, North-east Scotland
April 10, 2020 - 5:45 am
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Oh man, it really is cabin fever time - how about "Hurdy G(o)urdy Man" D'Oh... 

They just don't make 'em like that any more....  [ ROFL - aye, and I know what's coming in response to that.... ]


I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)


April 10, 2020 - 8:14 am
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haha...yeehaw @Billyg .  I like the hurdy gurdy man.  the song...I dont know anyone that plays the hurdy so I can't point and say I like that hurdy gurdy man...he's a good dude. which would really be odd if the hurdy gurdy player was a female.  then it would be she is a really good lady...In fact on YouTube the only hurdy gurdy player ive watched is a woman.  and why did he call him the hurdy  gurdy man?  like hey its the ice cream man or the candy man.  nobody says..hey it's the violin man or oh look here comes the Basson man...where was I going with this...I'll get back with you. 

Brora, North-east Scotland
April 10, 2020 - 8:18 am
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GregW said
haha...yeehaw @Billyg .  I like the hurdy gurdy man.  the song...I dont know anyone that plays the hurdy so I can't point and say I like that hurdy gurdy man.  which would really be odd if the hurdy gurdy player was a female.  In fact on YouTube the only hurdy gurdy player ive watched is a woman.  where was I going with this...I'll get back with you.   

.... it's OK @ABitRusty - help is on its way....

I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)


July 31, 2021 - 12:32 am
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Smiley Broke Apart Smiley 


Okay, I just had to revive this thread! 

Been a little frustrated with everything lately, except for my Mortimer - which is always fun to play. 

Can always use a good laugh & this thread was full of them!


July 31, 2021 - 12:47 am
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maybe this time around we will win the NHL virtual stanley.  

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