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April 6, 2023 - 1:29 am
Member Since: February 10, 2019
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quiet bunch.   what yall playin' today?

Any new stuff?


April 6, 2023 - 2:25 am
Member Since: September 30, 2014
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I had been working on an Easter medley with a pianist unfortunately sickness and family issues have shot that down for this year.

We have another one I just started looking at (at the moment the name escapes me) and the last four lines appear to be above my paygrade, going to have to buckle down and figure it out or simplify it to my ability.

For Christmas found a backing track to a bleak mid winter that I am going to down load and prepare

Praire spring waltz  is coming to the front of the music stand to learn

And I'm way behind on submissions for party's folks on the forum have started

With spring here and out side work starting going to a busy year.


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


April 6, 2023 - 2:47 am
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🤔... today, I was seriously thinking of starting THIS tune, but I just haven't been able to get into a Bluegrass mood. 


NO new stuff today, just worked on:

Some variations of "Edward Corcoran" - from the Find a Special Jig You Are Drawn To? Thread

"The Cats Of Paphos Reel", "The Boiling Hen" & "The Unicorn Waltz" - from the Celtic/Cape Breton Music Over-run With Critters! Thread

"Sleeping in The Cold Below", "Joli Rouge" - from the Try a Sea Shanty! Thread.  And, also "Captain Down Below", "Foggy Dew" & "Here's a Health to The Company". 


- Emily

Sacramento, California

April 6, 2023 - 3:58 am
Member Since: November 5, 2017
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I've been too tired to keep my blog thread updated. Long-haul COVID is not fun. Which is not to say I'm doing less... I'm actually testing my limits a bit more as the brain fog and fatigue improve, but it means I also get more tired and don't keep up with this forum as much. I'll try to write a longer update soon.

Still doing the same solo stuff I've been working on for a while: the Brahms E-flat major viola (clarinet) sonata and the Hoffmeister viola concerto.

In orchestra, this week was the second rehearsal for our late April concert: Price Andante Moderato for strings, Liszt Piano Concerto No. 1, Lutoslawski Symphony No. 4.


April 6, 2023 - 8:33 am
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Nothing new at all, I have been going through all my old tunes polishing them, more than enough in the bank now. As for practice I am doing a lot of double stop studies, I had come to a dead stop with intonation and progress so it’s something different, I have a lot of other things going on as well, so not quite as much time.

April 6, 2023 - 9:07 am
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Just getting past a rough patch, but getting back to normal now. 

I had to restock my cards because I used up quite a few and gave some to some people to use. Time to restock. Also have been cataloguing my dies, stamps and stencils so that I know what I have. I need some more sympathy, thank you and bday cards, a few more get well cards. So, I will be making them off and on for a little while.  Plus, I send my granddaughters and a great-niece generic cards with uplifting and/or funny messages, periodically. Just sent them froggy cards.

Learning my new knitting machine and ribber. The last couple of days have been a bust, so I am staying off it for a few days. Overthinking it. I did learn a lot, though, picking up dropped stitches with a ribber in the way, 😂.

Picking up painting, again. Sticking with watercolor. Water is hard to paint with watercolor! Easier with acrylics and oils, but I don't use them any more. Just a student, nothing great, and going at my own speed, for fun.

Okay. Cello, Viola and Violin, now, I am working on a song on my viola. I don't think I bow correctly. Please, no videos. I know they help others, well, most others, they don't help me, they just get me frustrated. I am getting better with the song. I am taking it slow because I have always loved it. Not saying what it is. Tuners help me, immensely, so I ordered a mini D'Addario tuner for my viola. I have one for my violin, but it doesn't open wide enough for my viola. My tin ear tells me I am good when I am way off. So, my tuner is helping me, and I am finding my viola much more enjoyable to play. Enjoying it a lot more because I feel like I am getting better, now. 

I am doing another song on my cello. Two days ago, my former instructor sent me sheet music for a piece he will be doing with some other cellists. He said it is well within my abilities. He is right. But, there is a lot to learn from it. For one thing, I need to smooth up my bowing, a lot of dynamics, and high registers on the A string. I love the high registers, but don't have much opportunity with the songs I play. I cannot wait to get a link to watch the performance by my former instructor.

I have ordered new strings for my cello. I have been playing it for a while, and I really think the new strings will make it a little warmer. Can't wait to try them out. If I like them, I might order them for my viola. They are gut, so I am not sure how much trouble I will have playing them. We will see. I tried gut, same brand, on a violin in my wee early days, Had issues. I have been doing it a while longer, and this is for my cello. I have a much easier time with the cello. My arms and wrists are not contorted like with a violin or viola.

I have a backup brand in mind, thanks to a back and forth with customer service at Fiddlershop. If the guts are not very forgiving of my playing, I will give them to my former instructor. He will use them, he has before, if not, I know there are other students at the college who will want them.

I am happy to be back in playing mode, with my heart in it. So much fun!

So, I have been busy. Oh, I have lost 10 pounds, hopefully, I won't find them, Sure, they will be what I fund that I lost! I would like to lose 5-8 more. Been working on it since Seotember. I have leveled off for now. It was a long stretch, but, that might make it easier to keep them off.

Had a run of spam the last couple of months, so that kept me busy, doesn't take long. Hopefully, grocery stores won't restock 😂. 

Ao, that is what I have been doing. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

Gordon Shumway
London, England

April 6, 2023 - 9:25 am
Member Since: August 1, 2016
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Not up to much.

I don't think I have COVID, but I am permanently tired - a lifetime's insomnia catching up with me.

I spend 4 days a week at the gf's house offline practising in a boxroom (when she lets me - the cleaning lady's vacuum cleaner is my main accompaniment) with an earplug in and being reasonably happy with my sound. I spend 3 days a week at my place in a bigger room unhappy with my sound and rarely finding the right combo of energy and self-confidence.

Currently practising Bach BWV1021 Adagio and Tchaik Mélodie (I chose the first video because the phrasing and bowing are open to interpretation, and it contrasts with Manze. As usual, Anna Magalena is wayward and it demonstrates that an Urtext is always an interpretation): -



April 6, 2023 - 11:09 am
Member Since: February 10, 2019
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Hoping to pick up fiddle and play today...I havent been able to touch any instrument since the John Naughton post.  Im hoping to give that one another go in G on fiddle this time.

Great stuff above!   Really like Prarie Spring Mark.   

Gordon the vac cleaner...funny.   Id say sample and use as a backing but then you get wrapped up in distractions even more.   Like the Bach.  Very peaceful.

mouse.. i have to figure out what im doing on viola to what i hear as choking the notes out or something.   not sure if im gripping too hard on strings or bowing too hard but it doesnt sound nice too me.  

good luck on concert Andrewh!  hope youll be able to shake the long haul covid soon.  imagine the rain out there doeant help.  I assume youve been getting all think.   for some reason thinking youre in Cali.  i like the Andante Moderato.  especially around the middle where theres this part that slows down.   Imagine the timing tricky.    the 2nd piece with piano... i like the piano pieces that arent as grand.  that one is is DAH DAH..  very large sounding.   just a preference thing for me.

April 6, 2023 - 1:27 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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@ABitRusty I really like this topic. It was great just catching up. Thanks.


The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


April 6, 2023 - 2:27 pm
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yes!   good to read what everyone doing...Theres alot Ill have to listen to in the way of videos to know what the music.   Ive discovered alot of music that way over my time here.  

Tuners.. I still use 1 alot.. Im not reliant on it but if having trouble or feel like im drifting ill put it on.   Really what ive been using alot lately is in my computer music software.  Theres a software tuner that i can make as large as i need on computer screen..   I found it there by accident 1 day and contiue using.   Ill turn on my mic then within the software on computer screen can open the tuner, set to strobe mode and play.   Im not watching so much for specifics but can tell by strobe how im doing.   Its a tool thats there if needed.   

When im at class i use what you bought...the ddadario mini.  small and easy to see.  my favorite and only one on fiddle ..well other than the computer one.


April 6, 2023 - 7:38 pm
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I’m working on Mozart Quartet #4 in C Major K 157, 2nd Violin part, that I’m going to be playing soon with my teacher, her husband, & a musician friend of theirs (yes, that makes me the weakest link 🙃) . 

Also working on Corelli Sonata #7 (from 12 Sonatas opus 5). 

Once I’m done with the Mozart Quartet, I’m going to be revisiting the Bach Double to perform with my teacher. 

Plan to spend the rest of the year on the Bach Double, & stuff by Corelli & Vivaldi.

Also working on a tune to video record for the Forum, but it will probably be a while before I complete it.

Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.


April 6, 2023 - 11:32 pm
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@AndrewH -

Still sounds like you are VERY busy - no wonder you're tired! 

Can't wait to hear your Concert! 


@SharonC -

Sounds like you'll have fun with Mozart. 🤗

Nice to see you going Baroque with Vivaldi & Corelli! 

You learning the whole 7th? ... I like it.


April 6, 2023 - 11:49 pm
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like the quartet sharon.  Seems like something that would be rewarding to work on and play together.

Gordon Shumway
London, England

April 7, 2023 - 3:58 am
Member Since: August 1, 2016
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ABitRusty said
Tuners.. I still use 1 a lot 

I use one all the time to tune my violin, but never while playing.

My teacher says my intonation is perfect (I think she means it can be, when it's in good form), but I just can't hear open strings and can't tune my violin. Before orchestra each Friday morning, I tune using a Snark or equivalent; then I make adjustments to the E string when I hear that it's drifting flat.

We have threads on intonation somewhere. It's a complicated subject.

There are all the sympathetic resonances you can use for reference, plus familiarity with scales and keyboards*. It depends on whether your notes are cents out or a third of a tone out. If the latter, then it may be that you are playing difficult stuff without a slow warmup first. The best thing to do is practise slow scales, with the purposes of training your ears as well as your fingers.

Ultimately, tuning of individual notes is contextual and a tuner doesn't know what the context is. My keyboard reference is contradictory, but if you are a beginner to the sound of a scale, then keyboards are a good start.

* If you have a copy of Fischer's Violin Lesson, there's some stuff on it on pp. 85-92.



April 7, 2023 - 8:26 am
Member Since: February 10, 2019
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Gordon Shumway said

ABitRusty said

Tuners.. I still use 1 a lot 

I use one all the time to tune my violin, but never while playing.

My teacher says my intonation is perfect (I think she means it can be, when it's in good form), but I just can't hear open strings and can't tune my violin. Before orchestra each Friday morning, I tune using a Snark or equivalent; then I make adjustments to the E string when I hear that it's drifting flat.

We have threads on intonation somewhere. It's a complicated subject.

There are all the sympathetic resonances you can use for reference, plus familiarity with scales and keyboards*. It depends on whether your notes are cents out or a third of a tone out. If the latter, then it may be that you are playing difficult stuff without a slow warmup first. The best thing to do is practise slow scales, with the purposes of training your ears as well as your fingers.

Ultimately, tuning of individual notes is contextual and a tuner doesn't know what the context is. My keyboard reference is contradictory, but if you are a beginner to the sound of a scale, then keyboards are a good start.

* If you have a copy of Fischer's Violin Lesson, there's some stuff on it on pp. 85-92.


Thank you!  i dont have fischers.  ill get a copy on amazon.

Ill will do open string comparisons to scale notes just not everytime i play.  Ive been trying to do that more though... Especially if its been a while since playing.   e.g. an open G to each G scale note. .. here lately ive been trying more tunes out im playing more in F dm.  Ill use tuner more.   

using a tuner comparison when playing  I cant tell specifics as i play a tune.  The notes are changing too fast.  but i can here drift.    If Im drifting ill stop and check what im doing to a tuner or go back to open strings.

  Its not always intonation that i feel is my biggest hurdle though.  I know its ALWAYS something to pay attention to.   Dont think its something that once one gets never loses.   and for me  it changes depending on what im attempting, how i feel..how tired ..yadda yadda.. 

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