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Random stuff from the fiddle cave
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June 7, 2023 - 12:13 am
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Think its coming along.  inspite of the 2nd repeat flub.  I honestly think this one will flow better played faster but i was trying to work on a pulse or lift and not sure i got it.  the ending phrase flows better.  listened to another version and that part and put it in here.   i think im also going to try and put some tripletts in on part 5 string crossings in 1st phrase.  messed around with them tonight but havent got yet.


June 7, 2023 - 12:19 am
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Very cool, for me getting ornaments to sound right is hair pulling for me.

Yours are sounding good.

Thanks for posting 


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons

June 7, 2023 - 7:36 am
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I love hearing you play, You sound so light with the bow, like it is natural. You have such a nice sound in any form you play, Such fun.


The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


June 7, 2023 - 8:08 am
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Thank you mouse and mark..

im going to keep working on it for sure.  


June 7, 2023 - 8:29 am
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@ABitRusty -


Nailed the groove! 🤗 


June 7, 2023 - 11:29 am
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thanks emily.. sigh.  i wish i felt the same.  need some swing still or something..i think im still too tight.   i hqve the tune in my head.. but transferring that is now the challenge.   Im wondering about dropping some notes and also what may be throwing me off is the 1st part using thos triplets. 

its been consuming the last 3 days..  as slow as im playing i still may need to slow down even more and really add a dotted quarter kinda bounce...THEN slowly work back up tempo.   or put on a jzzy drum track and play to it and see what comes out.


June 8, 2023 - 2:11 am
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@ABitRusty - 

Did you get a chance to watch Simon Streuff's cover of "Hanging Tree" in 5/8 (post #73 of the Time Signatures Thread)? 

I only mention it because he talks about how he spends A LOT of time before making a cover... I don't think you need to beat yourself up over spending more time finding exactly what you want to get out of a tune. 

Bowed triplets are hard for me on lower strings, I still can't get them like Kevin Burke's tutorial yet.  Think you've got a great plan if you're going to experiment with some ideas you've talked about. 

All I can shoot for is groove, smooth & clean (of course I don't get it all 🤣), but you know there's a lot of ways to try to use the bow to get any of it. 

If I was looking to add space in my playing for more emphasis on groove, I'd have to steal time from somewhere - so usually I'll look to shorten time on multiple string crossings, change the articulation for quicker response and also I'd look for more places to slur - especially like Kevin Burke does right before a bowed triplet (not saying you don't), but I've also practiced slurring across strings (as well as beat articulation on an up bow). 

I don't think experimenting is ever wasted time (I'm trying not to be so hard on myself right now), but important for growth - so if you found where someone plays a certain part of this the way you like, see how many different ways you can try to get there & you might discover something you like even better! 

Do you have to learn this for a particular date or event? 

Thought I read somewhere that people make this a show (off) tune (?)


June 8, 2023 - 6:10 am
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ELCBK said
@ABitRusty - 

Did you get a chance to watch Simon Streuff's cover of "Hanging Tree" in 5/8 (post #73 of the Time Signatures Thread)? 

I only mention it because he talks about how he spends A LOT of time before making a cover... I don't think you need to beat yourself up over spending more time finding exactly what you want to get out of a tune. 

Bowed triplets are hard for me on lower strings, I still can't get them like Kevin Burke's tutorial yet.  Think you've got a great plan if you're going to experiment with some ideas you've talked about. 

All I can shoot for is groove, smooth & clean (of course I don't get it all 🤣), but you know there's a lot of ways to try to use the bow to get any of it. 

If I was looking to add space in my playing for more emphasis on groove, I'd have to steal time from somewhere - so usually I'll look to shorten time on multiple string crossings, change the articulation for quicker response and also I'd look for more places to slur - especially like Kevin Burke does right before a bowed triplet (not saying you don't), but I've also practiced slurring across strings (as well as beat articulation on an up bow). 

I don't think experimenting is ever wasted time (I'm trying not to be so hard on myself right now), but important for growth - so if you found where someone plays a certain part of this the way you like, see how many different ways you can try to get there & you might discover something you like even better! 

Do you have to learn this for a particular date or event? 

Thought I read somewhere that people make this a show (off) tune (?)


no i dont rememeber watching the video.  what did you want me to see in it?

i guess anything we learn and post here could br consisdered show off if not asking questions.  🤣

no like i said i like the tune in the album.  had to learn it!

i read its considered end of session tune.  the last one of night. 


got to work and before morning meeting read through the hanging tree question above..  You actually told me what you wanted me to get!!. 🙂

yeah.. i think the problem or mindset may be perfection.   At least in these tunes because even if i got a "perfect" version down, when I eventually have an opprotunity to play in a session it will be different.  nerves, tempo, instrument mix... itll change.  Itll never be perfect.  Improvement a better word...it may need to be improved to post first...but what the heck.  what are we doing here if not talk share music?! 🙂. 

these tunes seem to be parasitic.  they infect and demand to played to others.. 🙄😉🤣


June 8, 2023 - 5:27 pm
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...if only covid or the flu were tunes. 

Something I wouldn't mind catching!


June 8, 2023 - 9:45 pm
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@ABitRusty  Sounding good!  Nice tune—

ABitRusty said
...i think im still too tight.   i hqve the tune in my head.. but transferring that is now the challenge.   Im wondering about dropping some notes and also what may be throwing me off is the 1st part using thos triplets.


I know when I’ve played triplets in some fiddle things, I tend to slur 2 of the 3 notes—I usually decide which two (1st two or last two) based on string crossings (e.g., 2 notes on the same string, change bow for the crossing, etc.,) and the surrounding notes/patterns.  Not that I play any fiddle things very fast, but I feel less rushed on the triplets if I add slurs, so I approach them more relaxed.

Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.


June 9, 2023 - 1:16 am
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Thank you Sharon !


July 9, 2023 - 11:24 pm
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Brother to The Carraroe and cousin to Bluebonnets Over The Border..

my thoughts anyway.  



another go at it after a couple of months


July 10, 2023 - 12:45 am
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Sounding good,

Thank for posting


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


July 10, 2023 - 1:00 am
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@ABitRusty -

Really nice sounding, light-hearted tune! 

Love the way you put it all together - what am I hearing besides guitar & fiddles?


Thanks for sharing this!


July 12, 2023 - 11:54 pm
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thank you @Mark ! was another evening of experimenting with a tune.

Thanks @elcbk !  the photo was taken on a pedestrian bridge over Tn River in Chattanooga.  Lookout "mountain" in background.  Guitar, fiddle, piano ( very basic keying ) and a drone track.  Dmaj. The bell-ish kinda chime you hear is D2?  cant remember.. couple octaves above middle C I think and some base notes below middle c that follow the chords on guitar D,Bm,G,A. over and over and over 😐  played that first and got locked into them. 

**  how about D4 not D2..🙄 had to cheat and look. 

July 13, 2023 - 7:06 am
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Your playing is wonderful. Love to hear it.


The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


July 13, 2023 - 1:56 pm
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@ABitRusty  Wonderful blend of the sounds there--nice tune and playing; and picture is perfectsmile

Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.


July 17, 2023 - 12:00 am
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I learned a basic version of The Green Mountain this weekend which has been on "the list".  Id messed with it a little a couple years back which probably helped.  I dont recall it being played here any but Ive heard a version from a band that seems to no longer be around called The Press Gang from Portland Maine.  They had it with The Musical Priest and The Kerry reel ( which I dont know...yet)   so I ended with The Red Haired Lass.   another  recent addition. 

All 3 of these in isolation I can play probably 10 BPM or a bit faster but that transition from The Green Mountain to The Musical priest is a brain block for me for some reason.  Which is why Im sharing because I spent a lot of time working to jump between the two.  That is a success.. ill call it a practice win even though I started stumbling and eventually fell 🤕

IDK.. may have to pick something else.  how does it sound in general between the two if you can get past the draggy tempo and playing.   Id share that The Press Gang track but cant find it.   they make it sound so good.


July 17, 2023 - 3:44 am
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@ABitRusty -

Congratulations on this Set! 🤗  

Not the easiest tunes to put together! 


I've only played 'The Musical Priest'. 😞

...what can you do at the end of The Green Mountain, take a breath (?) - you can try altering, or eliminating, your pickup notes for Musical Priest & see how bowing goes, but you probably just need to play it more to smooth out the wrinkles.  

Keep going! cheerleader


July 17, 2023 - 10:16 am
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yeah theres something i am doing on the transition to musical priest that i need to change.   its probably a bowing on last section of green mountain to set myself up better.  thats what i noticed playing too.   when i get back to instrument im going to analyze a little closer what im doing.  i felt more comfortable on the 1st and last tune and whats funny is ive known the middle one longer and played more.   so shouldve been a snap.

also that long note hanging out in the A part of priest needs an ornamnet at this tempo..  gotta do something different there.

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