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Ragtime & Swing on the Fiddle!
Gotta love that rhythm!
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April 21, 2024 - 9:21 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@Strabo -

Thank you for the run down on the Dill Pickles! 

I'll have to get on it after I'm done working on the other tunes I'm trying to get better at the moment (and I also have many more workshops to watch & try at Fiddle Hell). 

I thoroughly enjoy your responses with extra tidbits! 

Are you mostly choosing to learn tunes commonly played at sessions?


April 23, 2024 - 12:52 pm
Member Since: October 4, 2021
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There’s so much to be done! What a challenge to keep everything on track!

There are scales and arpeggios to keep the basics right, maybe even add some odd keys and modes from time to time.

There are new techniques to be gained and skills to be practiced: better bow control, tone, vibrato, chops, grooves, ornaments, and speed, speed, speed!

There are the fav tunes to be polished, enriched, and made even better -- having something great to play at a moment’s notice.

There is the growing backlog of music already learned, music that if ignored will slowly drift into the “forgotten” category. “How does that go???"

There are the interesting new things that pop up and beckon to be learned. Always something new & sexy on the horizon!

And now there are umpteen interesting sessions from Fiddle Hell -- gotta get to them before that four-month close runs out!

And finally, there’s playing for entertainment and fun! 


June 30, 2024 - 8:51 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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I do hear a difference between Western Swing and Bluegrass.  I've heard rags played in BOTH styles - think I prefer the Western Swing. 

I wanted to share some more ragtime tutorials, but first I wanted to find out why I hear 'Western Swing' & 'Bluegrass' played in different areas of the USA. 


The other thing I still have rattling around in my brain - I keep seeing it said how 'Blues' is so different from 'Jazz', but I feel I've run across a lot of 'jazz' music that falls inbetween.  'Ragtime Blues' Guitar seems to be another one - it's the happiest form of 'Blues' I've ever heard! 

Guitarists adapted a little differently to how ragtime pianists played, than fiddlers... and I see some exciting chord progressions developed because of it.  I've been trying to see what effects I can mimic, but I seriously need to find out how much I can juggle between 2 hands & my 6-string fiddle!  ...think I really need to buckle down on more doublestops! 😩


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