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Traditional Fiddle Intonation vs. Classical Violinist Intonation
Different Venues, Different Intonation?
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Fort Lauderdale
March 12, 2021 - 9:06 am
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ELCBK said

@Sasha -

You've really piqued my curiosity! 

What's the tuner you have & how do you use it? 

Does the Fiddlershop carry it or something similar? 

- Emily

Here are some of the tuners that we carry:

What specifically are you looking for Emily?

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


March 12, 2021 - 9:17 am
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I was curious that Sasha had mentioned - "strobe tuners that you can store sweetened/offset tunings" and she said, "The tuner I use has those offsets built in."

March 24, 2021 - 6:10 pm
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@ELCBK Did you ever find the strobe tuner mentioned? 

The Bumblebee Flies!

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March 24, 2021 - 6:56 pm
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@Mouse - 

Did some research on the Strobe tuners vs Digital - may find using a strobe tuner more worth the extra $ when I'm ready to play E/V, but not right now.

March 24, 2021 - 7:07 pm
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When will you start playing the E/V? Do you have one yet? Is it a 5 string one or will it be? 

The Bumblebee Flies!

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Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 25, 2021 - 7:21 am
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stringy said
I have even been to [Dalí's] house in figueres in Spain crazy house,  and well worth a visit.

Figueras is sweet - well, it was 30 years ago - I had a lovely lunch there - chicken, croquette potatoes and stuff and a local, but superb, white wine that cost 40 pesetas a glass. The café owner gave me a bottle. After I had finished I told him I had had 3 glasses, and he only charged me 40 pesetas! While I ate I watched the Flintstones on TV with his 4-year-old son.


Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 25, 2021 - 7:29 am
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I thought I had asked this before, but I can't remember.

Tuners often have V and C settings, for Violin and Chromatic. In an ideal world the tunings would be different (chromatic being ET, V being JI). But in reality I don't think tuners are anywhere near that sophisticated, or accurate - most of them will use off the peg chips and crystals.

I think I must have asked on vcom, as I remember calculating that there was only half a hertz in it and it wasn't worth the worry (although some of them claimed it was a couple of cents and they could hear that as a pitch difference).


Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 25, 2021 - 7:41 am
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Incidentally, I see @Fiddlerman sells Planet Waves tuning forks. They are beautiful. I have them in A and E. They used to do C 262 and twice I have ordered one but been told the listing was a mistake and they are discontinued. I occasionally check EBay for one, but no luck. (C tuning forks are useful for the ukulele, so I have a bunch of cheap Chinese ones in 523).

The Planet Waves forks are color-coded - that red ring is a rubber band that can come off and get lost, so it might be a good idea to glue it in place if you can squeeze out the tiniest drop of superglue. Otoh, the Wittner ones are surprisingly cheap.


Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 25, 2021 - 8:31 am
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When my teacher first turned up to our uke club, she was early and started tuning her uke before anyone else got there. I said, "wait till more people turn up and take an average". Many a true word spoken in jest!



March 25, 2021 - 8:50 am
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20181018_144524.jpgImage EnlargerGordon Shumway said

stringy said

I have even been to [Dalí's] house in figueres in Spain crazy house,  and well worth a visit.


Figueras is sweet - well, it was 30 years ago - I had a lovely lunch there - chicken, croquette potatoes and stuff and a local, but superb, white wine that cost 40 pesetas a glass. The café owner gave me a bottle. After I had finished I told him I had had 3 glasses, and he only charged me 40 pesetas! While I ate I watched the Flintstones on TV with his 4-year-old son.

I have some images of the inside of Dalis house if you are interested I will post them on here, he is my favourite artist, along with Michaelangelo.

Not been to Trapani but I have been to catania and syracusa, the latter being a beautiful town.

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Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 25, 2021 - 10:26 am
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I think Emily may be locating us somewhere between Uranus and Neptune by now!

Here's a picture by my favourite artist, and it's not even off topic!

21662_source_1567002520__62961.1567387388.jpgImage Enlarger


March 25, 2021 - 10:51 am
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I have to cut in here. We do not make derogatory remarks about other countries or areas within those countries on this forum. I have removed the derogatory remarks from the replies. If I missed any in your posts, please edit them out. 

We are a multi-national forum and all are welcome. As such, we do not make derogatory comments about countries or areas within those countries. I know no harm was intended.

Please get back in some vicinity of ELCBK’s topic of this thread. 

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


March 25, 2021 - 11:02 am
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No offence intended, I have been to a lot of beautiful places in Europe.

Love the image Andrew.

March 25, 2021 - 11:03 am
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@stringy 👍

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 25, 2021 - 1:20 pm
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I apologise. It won't happen again.


March 25, 2021 - 3:06 pm
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@Gordon Shumway Thank you. 

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


March 25, 2021 - 3:12 pm
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@Mark -

Thank you sooo much, for bringing to my attention some very interesting software! 

"Intonia" appears to have great potential for Fiddlers, Violists and Ceddlers/Cellists. 

Not only to help us tighten up intonation within a particular scale AND temperament, but also for analyzing traditional music... and much more. 

Not sure how this compares to other software out there, but I'm always on a quest to find the most user-friendly.  


Might help me take the guess work out of the tunes I've heard that don't fit into "equal temperament" - traditional Irish, Old Time and Nordic tunes with neutral, flatted or raised notes. 

Anyone regularly play tunes that use neutral, flatted or raised notes? 

Ref. Fiddling Around The World site




- Emily


March 26, 2021 - 5:22 am
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Just to wet your appetite, for a discussion on intonation.

Here is a discussion on that topic and a few other topics for the enquiring minds.



Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


March 26, 2021 - 11:34 am
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@Mark -

Brian says, "For much of our developmental violin lives, at least 10 years, maybe 15, we are all about setup (hand/finger position), proper setup - and if you are indeed properly setup, then you can reach everything and everything feels good and it's all pretty much in tune.  The last (pro) level though, has 2 components to intonation and that is your choice, where you put the pitch... which is what I'm mainly going to be talking about today, and your consistency in getting there every time." 

Laughing So Hard Smiley

...I probably don't have 10 or 15 years left for anything! 


Very interesting discussion on "Expressive or Melodic" intonation, though! 

Gets back to many points I tried to make at the beginning of this thread.


But hearing the difference in 2 cents... not holding my breath until that happens! (lol) 


Thanx, Mark - great find!  




Fired up!

...amazing how slang changes meaning over the years. (lol)

- Emily


March 26, 2021 - 10:31 pm
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Got to thinking I should mention more about the "Ear Training Video".

Starting at approx 21 minutes in, the discussion gets to the meat & potatoes as far as telling us which intonation to chose, where... and why. 

Thinking the moment an instrument is picked up to be played for the 1st time, should be the moment to start ear training.

Maybe everyone should try to start getting a grasp of what's possible with intonation after about 1 year of playing.  Think it's ridiculous to wait until you've been playing 10 years - this seems too important. 

This is an over-simplification, but I see "intonation is to the enjoyment of hearing music", like "baking is to the enjoyment of eating food". 

If we are taught there is only 1 spot on our fingerboard for each note, it's like being taught the best way to bake a cake or loaf of bread is by using a straight (no doctoring), "box mix".  But learning why there are different temperaments and how to use intonation, it's like learning what type/ratio of ingredients and method of mixing/cooking makes a really great cake or loaf of bread! 

I understand that many people are happy with Chili from a can and cake straight from a box mix - but if you are the one doing the cooking anyway, why not learn to make that little extra effort to reap huge rewards? 




Btw, we don't really need a fingerboard... I'm sure I sound like I don't have one, probably for a while longer.😁 


- Emily

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