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Do I need a 3/4 violin?
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March 28, 2024 - 10:26 pm
Member Since: September 25, 2023
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I've done all the measurements, and they all say I need a 4/4 violin. 

But no matter what I do, the G string is a major challenge and one that is nearly impossible once my fourth finger or a flat with my first finger becomes involved. I cannot put my first finger on the A flat and reach the B flat on the E string with my fourth finger. My hand simply won't go there, not without a lot of pain-inducing tension or overstretching. And curling my pinky there is out of the question. There simply isn't enough finger. 

I love my violin, but I'm beginning to feel like I'm fighting a losing battle every time I play the A flat scale. My teacher doesn't really have any advice other than to move my thumb closer to the first finger, but then I really can't reach with the pinky. Would a 3/4 violin be a better choice for me? (I can't afford a 7/8). I'm 5' 4", and I have long fingers on my hands, but I have small hands. I also have fairly short arms. I also have somewhat limited shoulder mobility, so the amount that I can make up for my arms and hands by moving my elbow farther under the violin is limited. 


March 28, 2024 - 10:55 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Is there a place that has a 3/4 violin that you can try, and maybe take home to do a test drive? 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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March 28, 2024 - 10:58 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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I am sure someone will ask, but can you post a photo, different angles, pf you holding it?


The Bumblebee Flies!

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March 29, 2024 - 12:26 am
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@nykteria -

I'm sorry to hear you are having these problems. 

You can certainly try a smaller violin & may have a very hard time finding one that sounds as good as a full size instrument, but find somewhere to try out more than one!  

Whatever choice you make that keeps you practicing & wanting to play/learn more - is a GREAT choice! 🤗 

Many of us have had similar issues - including me!  ...but I was at a bit of a disadvantage starting with FIVE strings.  

This is what I did to be able to play comfortably: 

I had to find the VERY lowest shoulder rest - so my violin didn't perch any higher on my shoulder than absolutely necessary AND it allowed me to tilt my violin some (E string side lower) when I needed to reach my farthest strings, but still gave me some stability.  I tried several shoulder rests.  The 'low' Resonans worked pretty good - now I use a Performa rest, it's much more expensive, but I LOVE it!  If you need height, I suggest making it up with a taller chin rest. 

You only have 4 strings & may not need anything more than a shoulder rest that lets your violin sit tilted more toward the E string, instead of parallel to the floor.

I also had to completely change the way I used my hand - it HAS to be able to move.  I cannot force my elbow far enough underneath my violin to help, so I have to turn my hand more parallel to the edge of the neck (and tilt my violin) to reach the SIXTH string on my newest violin.  I can play on that sixth string (with fingers curved), NOW - and no pain!

This video helped me, but there were others, too (more discussion in "Small Hands or Short LH Pinky? Thread"). 

More LH to think about from Murphy Music Academy! 
Hilary Hahn can tilt her violin this much - but you may have to be able to tilt the violin BACK UP some when you need to play on the E string... depends on your body & posture.   
Best of luck!

March 29, 2024 - 11:45 am
Member Since: September 25, 2023
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Mouse said
I am sure someone will ask, but can you post a photo, different angles, pf you holding it?



I'll post a video this afternoon/evening. Thanks!



March 29, 2024 - 11:48 am
Member Since: September 25, 2023
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@ELCBK, thanks for all that information. Everyone keeps bumping my shoulder rest up high to fix it and I even just bought myself a BonMusica. It helps me keep my thumb relaxed but doesn't help the reach problem. I have a low shoulder rest, I'll give that a try! And I'll check out the resources you posted. Thanks so much!



March 29, 2024 - 1:14 pm
Member Since: September 25, 2023
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Here's a video- I was able to use my lunch break to do it. 


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Fort Lauderdale
March 29, 2024 - 2:38 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16437

Welcome to the forum @nykteria 

One thing that is not taken into consideration when taking peoples measurements for violins is the hand size. They strictly go after your arm length.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with an adult getting a 3/4 size violin in order to be more comfortable. I'm not completely sure that it will help you as you still need to get your had around the violin, however, you're probably reaching the D string OK right?

In that case, the G might be similar to the D on a full size and the 3/4 will help you.

NOW, there could be other drawbacks. For example, your fingers will touch multiple strings easier. Not saying that is a problem though. It's OK for your fingers to cover multiple strings as long as it's in the right position when playing the notes that you intend to play. You can also do double stops but the last string and first one that you cover must be from the edge of your fingers.

If you purchase a violin from Fiddlershop, you have a 45 day satisfaction guarantee. We don't want our customers to be dissatisfied and therefor offer that return.

If you need any help don't even hesitate to give us a call.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

March 29, 2024 - 2:52 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Thanks, Fiddlerman.


The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


March 29, 2024 - 3:52 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@nykteria -

Glad you posted a video! 

Since you just purchased your 4/4 Fiddlerman Apprentice (and like it), you certainly can't go wrong asking to exchange it for the 3/4 size from the Fiddlershop! 


Only one last thing I wanted to share, but took me a bit to find it - helped me think differently about my LH elbow. 

Just skip to the 'Conclusions' time stamp & start watching there. 


Almost forgot we had talked about modifications to the violin neck shape making it easier to play in the Violin/Viola Neck Profile - How About Options? Thread.  If you can talk with a local luthier (or ask Fiddlershop if they can help) - they might be able to fit your violin to your hand better, but it may not be worth the cost & I assume it will void any warranty. 


April 9, 2024 - 12:25 am
Member Since: September 25, 2023
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Thanks, everyone for the advice and input! I decided to stick with my 4/4. The BonMusica rest did help me get closer, and today I installed my new chin rest. It's one of those over-the-tailpiece models. That really feels like a game changer, and I was able to position my hand much easier. And the violin felt more secure, too. 


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