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Hello folks,
Greetings from IL! I'm new to this forum. I recently bought a number of used student violins from a local violin shop when they replaced them with new violins.
Some will be used for my sister's violin studio and some will be sold. Apparently we will have a number of extra violins as we bought them as a lot (Lot of 100 vioilins!).
We'd like to donate some violins to young musicians who may be in financial difficulty. We found an organization who does this job (http://hungryformusic.com/). If you know any other places I can do this, let me know.
I might donate one violin per one sold (similar to Tom's shoes??).
Your input would be greatly appreciated.
I think that is a wonderful idea. though i don't know of any organization that does that, the fact that you are considering doing that is just great! I hope all works out for you. there are some great people on this site who can probably really help you out. good luck!
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~General George S. Patton
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