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Random stuff from the fiddle cave
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February 17, 2024 - 10:34 am
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ABitRusty said
thank you @Mark .  The rumble is because i left my mics higher instead of moving them down like i normally do when switching instruments.  to compensate i pulled over a bar top type stool.  to start the recording i turned around and clicked the mouse then spun back around to record but didnt position myself and guitar.   So the mic was right over the sound hole.  I dont know for certain but pretty sure thats what i did looking back.  All i could hear this morning in the car was the rumble.  a couple more spots was in transition between parts i think i hit the strings way too hard..it didnt need that.  like at 1:28. whenever i do that i think i shouldnt

thanks @Unfretted !  that first note came in too loud maybe?  more like a morning mockinbird 🫠  i should eased in better.  i  think maybe the 2nd time through in B part i got a bit Alfalfa from little rascals around 2:11 to 2:15  the slide works but its either to slow of a slide or i over/under shot.  just sounded overly hammy.  maybe the whole thing but those stood out more.  I think i improved with it though.   i like 2:25 on.  I like the Em to G chord in the C sections even if not very Irish sounding.   I liked it.

anyway..just making a list of things i heard to do better in addition to do what youre talking about in that theres a way of practicing for a group and just playing for yourself.  Gotta get and be comfortable a bit more up tempo because itll be faster. we always want to improve but those hopefully ill remember when i get back to gear again.  🙂

thank you mouse!

Well, @ABitRusty, this is why your work sounds so good.  You really are analytical and self-critical with your playing.  Perfectionist tendencies result in great outcomes.

I like mockingbirds!  Love waking up to them in the morning, and love being awakened by them on full moon nights.😊 But, you are right.  I listened again and I see what you mean about a softer entrance.

I really didn’t pick up on these subtleties the first time I listened; I was just so darned focused on discerning whether your trees and birdhouses were real or not this time around!!🤣

I like the Em.  Adds a nice feel to it, and keeps with the mood of the piece. It’s why dessert recipes call for sugar AND salt.

Glad to see in another post that you do listen to Martin Hayes.  I was wondering and going to suggest him. He’s probably my favorite living Irish fiddler today.  Such expressive bowing and fine technique.  Your slower pieces have that Martin Hayes feel to them.  So much for all of us to learn from listening to him.

Again, thanks for sharing.


February 17, 2024 - 2:26 pm
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well thank you @Unfretted !  and no disrespect to any bird species 😁.. we have what we like to think is the same bird that perches on our chimney in the spring every year.   like for the past 14 😉😏🙂   very LOUD but has some nice songs.   And its getting close to time we go shopping for bird nest..aka porch ferns for the finches or sparrows... not sure what they are.   but its nice when spring geta here and all of them along with what we named mocky singing. 

when my daughter was still at home she had the upstairs bedroom right under the top of the chimney.  for a teenager ..the saturday morning songs it sung were a bit much for her beauty sleep.  😂   we still have laughs about it.  ill send her videos of him up there carrying on when the time comes.  

yeas listen to alot of Martin..i hqve all his records in digital form.  and checkout his patreon every month.  Jerrimy Kittle, kevin burke, Altan, Lunasa, The Floating Crowbar..Brian Conway all favorites.   

Brians albums have a bunch of tunes that I dont hear normally.  They sound more like parlor type music. idk... hate to classify but they sound alot more technical than the average session tunes.  Im sure theyre common tunes in sessions he leads.  Hoping one day he has some local workshops or one close enough to make a weekend getaway without a plane ticket and all that hassle.

sorry for picking apart my post after you commented.  just blabbing on what i hear i want to improve on.  still trying to get this stuff down better. 🙂


February 26, 2024 - 1:15 am
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This is rough sounding but trying to get it down by tuesday.  Playing around with timing and feel 4 times through.  starting out straight up how its written and just as much on the beat as i can.  each time through im trying to change something.  thinking the third time is more along the lines. or closer to the feel.  maybe too much of a dotted feel ..idk.  i do know i dont like the rolls in the 4th time.  they dont fit well the way im doing.  

also know from this the transition to the c is a weak point..one of the weak points.

i hate to talk about tempo but this one normally blazes so if you know take it easy..im trying 🙂


February 26, 2024 - 1:34 am
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I'm not sure how ppl play at the break neck speeds and stay in tune, when I try to play fast my intonation goes out the door.

Well done, the 3rd variation sounded good to me.


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


February 26, 2024 - 9:42 pm
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I like both of the last 2! 

There wasn't enough difference in feel for me to prefer the 2nd over the 3rd - they both fit your backing rhythm better than the 1st go thru. 

Do you really want to play this any faster? 

February 26, 2024 - 10:45 pm
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The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


February 26, 2024 - 11:00 pm
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@Mark thank you.  Todqy I searched for a version i liked.  i mean theres a few but found a lunasa version and when i slowed it down to around 59% 😁  and listened for a while i came home and played this.  changed the time to cut. maybe made a feel difference for me and just went the beat on 1 & 2.  basically a metronome click but drums instead.  recorded 2 fiddle tracks and 2nd time played to the 1st one and drum plus drone backing.

Hoepfully with as many times that ive played in the last 3 days this will stick and ill be able to play later.  as of 9:59 2/26/2024 im ok with this.   🙄  improvement i think.  





thanks @elcbk.   this will fly.  I like the tempo i played tonight though..its comfortable.

appreciate it @mouse!

February 26, 2024 - 11:12 pm
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I like this. The picture looks similar to a watercolor my daughter did. She gave it to me for Christmas, with a few others. 

Nice playing!


The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


February 26, 2024 - 11:55 pm
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That has a very good feel and sound.

Well done.


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


February 27, 2024 - 1:38 am
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@ABitRusty -


You GOT this!!! dancing 

Hope you do this well tomorrow night, whoops... tonight!


February 27, 2024 - 8:41 am
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Mouse Mark and Elcbk thank you!


February 27, 2024 - 1:50 pm
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Rea,ly liked 5he one with mouses cello on , the beginning gave it a really dark sound.

I thought the second pipes tune was far superior to the first, much preffered it, great playing on both versions though


February 28, 2024 - 4:48 pm
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@ABitRusty -

How did it go?


February 28, 2024 - 5:53 pm
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thank you @stringy!  yes i really liked mouses cello when i heard it that day and wanted to intially play with it but experimenting with her recording finally decided it was best just as she posted... so paired it as you heard.  hope she keeps posting those..🙂  

@elcbk it was ok.   it was our normal small group minus 2 but plus two that have been there but not in a while.

so things i probably shouldve done different is wait till my 2nd tune call.. but i was the 2nd tune turn and jumped right in. usually we jig a bit before reeling..BUT NOT ME..LOL.. not even much of a warmup.

I felt my 2nd video above had a slightly more ballad sound to it if that makes sense so i went with the feel that mark said he liked in that 1st video version.  i think my playing wasnt as good as hoped but maybe better than expected.. idk.. hard to explain..  with the nerves and a new tune it was rough but couldve been alot worse. 

its more of an open type session for anybody but its fairly private so sort of a training ground by nature and it seems everyone knows that.  still can be embarrasing when im bombing 🫠

later one of the regulars showed up and after everyone was wrapping up me, him the leader and the flute player did about 10 rounds with it and about halfway increased tempo.  being later in the night and things being more relaxed and in a more lets just work on this together approach it was fun.

nice night overall... in general compared to some other nights ive had there i walked away sorta beating myself up but glad i went for the last part, chit chat, and seeing where i fall apart under a bit of pressure on it so to speak.  WHICH was the last 4 bars of the A part which was the easiest for me to get going at home.  really strange.  i think it was i maybe felt like i had that one on auto and when i knew i missed the first few notes of it that became a thing and couldnt get it back.

also got a set list for later in a couple months yearly concert thing.  i know what to work on as far as a tune trasition from Creggs into.


March 3, 2024 - 2:16 am
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Worked on this one today.  


March 3, 2024 - 4:55 pm
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A real toe-tapper - sounded great! 

Like to hear a little bit about of what you did musically & visually for this video.

You are getting some really nice scenes with Unreal Engine! 

I broke down & bought the guide, "Unreal Engine 5 Character Creation, Animation and Cinematics: Create custom 3D assets and bring them to life in Unreal Engine 5" to look over before I start anything else... some tribulations of life starting to get in the way.


March 3, 2024 - 7:31 pm
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thanks @elcbk

I have that book.  bought back in october..november sometime.  I think if you are disciplined and follow step by step itll cover everything.  The problem i had was the first half is blender and I didnt have the patience for it yet.  Just wanted to make some scenes...not the 3D stuff in them.  I would like to eventually.

I would watch youtube videos as i got stuck on specific things.  I used that process mainly to get to where I was making things. THIS channel is especially good along with others ive shared above.  

musically its two fiddle takes using a pair of small condenser mics above me pointed down at an angle like he is foing HERE .  

Used1 guitar tuned in dadgad.  on guitar i have a mic atound 12th fret and one at the bridge.  after the big drum hit theres a small pluckey banjo part over a D chord.

between the opening where theres a break between the guitar playing.. i strummed a D chord and reversed the audio to get the build sound to a drum hit.   the high string orchestra sound that plays at the same time is a vst.

The big drum hit is one of the ezdrummer kits Action! and think its the orchesrtal kick or tom or kettle..

on the main output- eq.  cut at idk..100hz and below.  and a cut around 3800hz.. shelf boosts above that around 3 to 6db maybe..  and then after theres a multiband compressor adjusted to what i liked.. then a limiter adjusted so everything around -17 to 14db ..ish

probably should be just doing multiband OR eq.. but idk.. seemed to work.

exported as a wav file into davinci.   in davinci i imported the individual unreal .mov's and added the glow, vignette, light rays affects.

i know im off a little at the beginning.  the tune is in Dmix or Dmaj depending on how and when you play C's or C#'s

i went for Dmixobluelydian 😉🙂


March 3, 2024 - 7:55 pm
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Thank you! 

You are becoming VERY good at arranging, as well as playing & processing with Unreal Engine! 

Appreciate the explanation - helps a lot. 

Have you considered notating any of your arrangements, or still tweaking ideas? 


March 3, 2024 - 8:53 pm
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thank you @elcbk. its nothing special. basically I just play the tune and record it to get a base track to build on.   improv some chords down.  Thats alot of playing the first track on loop.  this works..that doesnt..kinda thing.  and all what i like and can play...not whats best.   id love to do dennis cahill playing on guitar but ..yeah.  gotta go with what i can do.  Sometimes ill work in reverse and record a chord track and play to that.  almost always have some type of drum track or metronome going.  

Then ill listen to where i think it needs something else.  maybe something more bass end maybe something more high.  i usually always record the fiddle again to fix the mess ups i hear then.  I dont think id ever finsih one if i fixed everything i hear.i try to at that moment but the next day theres always more.

. i know should strive for perfection but it is what it is.  good enough for a saturday night practice/play session. i guess.

theres nothing i think that could be notated that already hasnt.   its like all these tunes..get a base version and work on it.  for this one i had some music from a couple years ago from a class i refreshed with on the B part.. but i mixed and matched things as i played and didnt stick to one thing.  This is pretty much it though.  EDIT.. i know i was intentionally playing C's and C#'s.  its how i initially learned it.  THIS is actually closer to what I was playing minus slur notation and ornaments

Thats whats so fun about doing the recordings.. can play around and experiment for good or bad.

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