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...and this is what practicing Thaxted did to poor old Herman ( my fiddle ) .... (OK officer, I admit it - it was me - I lost my temper...)
If I'm not careful, I might be arrested for AVH - may not be an international abbreviation - but folks in the UK will get it....yes? ABH??? LOL )
( I was joking.... ) ( but only just! )
.... folks - I only posted this for a laugh - posts seemed a bit light on the ground last couple of days !
Bill ( muttering "all you're good for is fire-wood, fire-wood..." grrrrr ! - It's a bad workman that blames his tools I guess)
I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh -
Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)
Any ideas on a good free MP4 recording option for PCor iphone? I've never done this and looking to hear what others use please
UPDATE - Nevermind I found a free converter on the apple site. Now to get busy recording if I'm not too late!
Blogging my beginner journey and progress...Diary of a Fumbling New Violinist: http://learningviolin.ca/
Thanks Pierre
Blogging my beginner journey and progress...Diary of a Fumbling New Violinist: http://learningviolin.ca/
@Fiddlerman - You'll be getting one from me
Since it looks like there may be a lot of Violin 1's, I'll do V3. And time permitting, another part. Love this song! It's so beautiful, and pleasant to play.
And my apologies for not being around much these past few months. Life is just getting back to normal after my husband had to have a complete knee replacement.
@BillyG, LOL.....poor Herman. That gave me a much needed laugh, thank you!
"Music is what feelings sound like." ~ Author Unknown
No, this is not my submission ( ! ). But there's something a bit disturbing about it - it seems to be in Bb... (that was my strange attempt at humor)
[ For those who are wondering about how come you can "hear sound in the vacuum which is space" - you cannot ! The "sound" was recorded not as audio, but from the electromagnetic spectrum - you've heard of FM radio, "Medium Wave" radio, "long-wave" radio - these "sounds" were recorded using an "Extremely Low Frequency" radio receiver on-board the craft - using a radio antenna, not a microphone - and tuned to receive RADIO frequencies in the range 20 to 20,000 Hz- frequencies which we normally associate with human hearing - although my own aging eardrums give up at about 12kHz nowadays...]
I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh -
Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)
I need to go back and read .. I know I know.. we are not sprending files this time.. convert, then sprend?
Busy as ... at work .. but I put in good Thaxted Practice. My evil nemesis tempo and I are not getting along. When I play by myself it sounds fine.. ha ha..
I Should have a recording by the end of the month... 20th is coming too soon. I see no rush. I'd like to see 100 people playing with us.
Vibrato Desperato.... Desperately seeking vibrato
@Fiddlerman, Thank you for the Portato confirmation.
Hopefully it'll end up sounding properly played by the time I get it recorded....lol!
@coolpinkone, Hi Toni - Always good to see you too! And the hubby is doing great thank you. He actually healed faster then they expected.
@BillyG, Cool video! Parts of that almost sound like someone playing a saw in the wind.
"Music is what feelings sound like." ~ Author Unknown
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