Category Archives: Members Articles

Post fiddle and violin news as well as fun music and musician stuff.

Vibrato – when and how much?

Vibrato is one of the violinists greatest expression tool when used correctly. Many argue as to how much and how often one should vibrate. Basically we should vibrate more when playing romantic music and tighter when playing classical music. When … Continue reading

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Violin playing improves childrens reading levels | News at

Playing the violin as an extra-curricular activity could help improve childrens reading levels, it has been suggested.Christina Patterson, writing for The Independent, said that not only does playing a musical instrument help to broaden a childs mind, it can also … Continue reading

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Why Play scales?

Why do we play scales? Besides playing to warm up before intensive practice, we play scales to establish finger patterns in our left hand that correspond with the pieces that we will be working on and performing. Continue reading

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Vibrate up to the pitch or above?

Should a musician vibrate with the pitch in the middle or only up to the pitch? Most experts say that the ear registers the highest pitch as the intended tone. Continue reading

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How should I warm up?

What is the best way for violinists and fiddlers to warm up? Should violinist vibrate when warming up or just play long even and smooth notes? Continue reading

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Musicians preparing for new symphonic programs

Musicians having to learn and prepare a new program every week often feel guilty about the time that they don’t spend on preparing adequately. Here are some tips on how to prepare quicker and enjoy the process as well. Continue reading

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How long should I practice everyday?

People often ask me how long they should practice. My answer is that it depends on what your goals are. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish and what you would like to be able to do with your instrument … Continue reading

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Practicing tips

A serious student spends much more time working on their own in a practice room then they do with a teacher or coach. Be your own teacher, learn to analyze your playing, listen very carefully to the sound that you … Continue reading

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How to tune a violin.

This video will show you how to tune a violin. Give you some tips that will help you find the right pitch between strings. Continue reading

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Changing the strings on your violin.

This video will show you how to change strings on your violin. It’s always a good idea to change strings on your violin often enough that you both get a good sound and avoid the risk of breakage during performances. … Continue reading

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