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Mouse’s Cubby Hole
Mouse's meanderings about learning, playing, etc.
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December 29, 2023 - 8:53 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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I just finished my cello. I am quite pleased! Strange, because I am not feeling all that well tody, but better than I did this morning.

My sound from the cello was stronger.

My upper registers were clearer. 

My intonation was better.

My bowing was better.

What happened? I put a set of Dominant Pro strings on. They were given to me. No, not a Christmas present. They are making a huge difference! 

I just put them on tonight. I am hoping they do not change in me after they break in. They are supposed to have a fast break in period, so I should know in a few days if they keep this lovely strong sound. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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December 30, 2023 - 10:01 am
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I cannot wait to hear if my new Dominant Pro gifted strings are as wonderfully full and strong as they were yesterday, when I installed them. That is how much I like them. I thought of them first thing this morning.

Funny, I had them on a different cello about 3 years ago, not this particular set, it was a cello rated lower than this one. Not quality, just what level player. It was a beginner cello. I never noticed this much difference before. I did not like them on that cello at all. This was an interesting test and realization about cello strings, and it would follow through with viola and violin. 

The cello they are on now is a Fiddlerman Master Cello, and yesterday it had such a full, rich, projected sound. The A string, which I am particularly picky about, was sweet and lovely. Fingers crossed they don't make a turn in the future. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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December 30, 2023 - 10:21 am
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Along with my two previous posts. For my cello, viola and violin, the sound is extremely important to me. If I am having issues with how the sound is, even when the intonation is spot on, I cannot play well and have no fun because I am thinking so much about that sound. I guess I know what I am looking for in sound too much. 

The A string on the cello and viola, and the E string on the violin are extremely important. The other strings need to have a sound that is acceptable to my ears, but that A string or E string is imperative, even if the other strings are perfect. I am extremely picky about that, to the point that it annoys me. 

I love my Master cello. I can get some great mellow sound from it, I have heard it, but I was not able to find a set of strings to work consistently with it. I was definitely going to upgrade, until I tried these strings. I am still considering it, but it is not as imperative now because yesterday I found the beautiful mellow sound I knew it had. I am hoping it is sustained with use. It makes this Master Cello sound a few steps up. 

I was not feeling well yesterday. I am a little better today, but still not quite right, NO, IT IS NOT COVID! Everyone says or asks that, geesh! I will be back to my cello if I feel a little better later. I hope this lovely sound is still there. I can upgrade, but I would rather not, if I do not have to, one person said I should anyway. I felt like it was upgraded yesterday when I played it.

Heck, I could not get a good shifting note sound with the other sets of strings I tried. With these strings, my shifting sounded really nice. One song goes up to the upper register B on the A string. Those E, F, G, A and B upper register notes on the A string sounded great. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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December 31, 2023 - 11:10 am
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Ok, I was able to do my cello yesterday. It still sounded pretty good, but not as good. It might be me. I am trying to not put the tapes on ... again. It does not go well when I so that. I was lucky the first day with the strings, of course, I did easy things to test them out. 

Please, no comments about if you think it is bad to use tools that actually help you, and how to play without those tools, etc. Yes, they are tools, and tools are meant to be used to help. Sliding around to find the spot every time does nothing for me, and others, to hit that spot next time, even repeating and repeating. I learn to slide around to find the spot. It is a matter of opinion. As far as I am concerned, if something helps, use it. If you need tapes, use them. If you need a tuner, use it.

So, back to my playing. I was trying to not have to put my tapes on, so my fingers were sliding around most of the time, trying to find the right spot. I just don't want the hassle of putting the tape on.

Two days ago, I was lucky when I was playing, either that or even the flat or sharp notes sounded sweeter! That day, I did purposely play some notes, via tuner to see how they sounded on the cello, too, not in use with a song, which is entirely different, as far as hitting the mark on the fingerboard goes. Nice sound. Today, I was having to find that spot in real time in songs, not so good. I will try again later today. I might have to think about adding those tapes to my fingerboard. 

I do know that the better sound makes it much more fun to play, and more encouraging to play, and mostly, makes me want to play. The wolf on the D string, open or fingered anywhere, was still there, but yesterday, was not quite so noticeable. Maybe the string type/brand makes a difference. Might, considering the different vibration. Hmmm.


The Bumblebee Flies!

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December 31, 2023 - 3:57 pm
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Well, I said uncle. I used dots to mark some placements. It was a pretty good session. I am thinking that it will be cello for a couple more days, and then I will go back to violin, with a little cello.


The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 4, 2024 - 12:27 pm
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Went to book 1 today. I need to do what I was rushed through with the early lessons. I need to do the songs until I can actually do them, and then move on. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 9, 2024 - 3:34 pm
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I was playing songs from book 1 today, and they are getting better. I also do not want to forget songs beyond Book 1 that I have done. I played a couple of old standbys. They went well. 

I did record myself today for reference. Not posting it, it is for my reference to compare with another day. 

I also did an experiment. I played with my eyes closed. It was interesting. Please, no lectures, videos, or anything about this. It would be too much information, information overload and just confuses things, and probably not exactly what I was experimenting with. I know what I was trying to do. It was an experiment.

I am finding that I am still loving these Dominant Pro cello strings, so much so, that I felt confident enough to write a review about them on their spot in the Fiddlershop's website. I hope others find it helpful.


The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 15, 2024 - 1:15 pm
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Having a cup of Raspberry Coffee, then I will be doing my cello. I did my beautiful violin yesterday. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 15, 2024 - 4:02 pm
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Okay, never made it to my cello. I got busy with emptying that room again. I had to put some books I have tried to give away for the past three years into the recycle bin. No local library around here. It was sad, but had to be done. I need that room and the books were old, dated, and not needed. Probably why I could not give them away. 😁


The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 15, 2024 - 4:04 pm
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Oh, when I was in the room, I was thinking that I might be able to bring my cello in there once in a while. Might be better yo do the Group Project video in there. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 15, 2024 - 4:09 pm
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Another, "Oh", moment. I had some simple guitar books and simple piano books. They were single notes in the treble clef, no double notes, which I am not at on the violin right now. I kept those because they had songs that I was interested in. Couldn't they be used for my violin if they are in the range, which they are?


The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 15, 2024 - 6:50 pm
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Why not? 

A melody, is a melody... is a melody - it's giving you the notes to use.  Interpret it how you want to play it on your violin, viola, or cello (bowing, etc...). 🤗 

If you pick up a book of Christmas Carols - it's for singing, but that's how I learned them as a child.  I wouldn't hesitate to play them on any instrument. 

Kinda thought it's what I've been trying to show, sharing notation & videos of beautiful tunes, but normally played on/by other instruments. 

...as long as it's standard notation (not tabs).  


The only time I ran into trouble - was with playing along with scrolling video sheet music for a transposing instrument (it was trumpet).  You said you don't play along with videos - so you don't have to worry about it.  Still, maybe stay away from sheet music for trumpets, clarinets & saxophones. 😉

January 15, 2024 - 7:30 pm
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The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 16, 2024 - 5:06 pm
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I installed Evah green label strings on my Fiddlerman 15 1/2" Soloist viola today. They sound fantastic on it, so far. I will let them settle before I do any serious playing on them. I did do Ash Grove, Ashokan Farewell, and another song on them. They have a much fuller sound. Nice.


The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 17, 2024 - 10:57 am
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I just did my elliptical. I was listening to the Highwaymen's (Willie-Kris-Waylon-Johnny) live concert disc while doing it. I noticed something. My speed and rhythm changed with the songs. I didn't do it on purpose. Some of the songs were faster than I normally do it, but there I was doing the elliptical to the beat. I wonder what will happen when I get to Dixie Chicks disc (Fly). I don't know if it has happened all the time. I just noticed it today. I tried to go against the beat. Messed me up and I ended out with the beat. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 17, 2024 - 11:56 am
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music on any exercise machine is a must.   and the playlist was always important.

January 18, 2024 - 2:11 pm
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January 18, 2024,I recorded a 2017 concert by the Lumineers, that was aired on the AXS Channel. I have never heard them before. I watched it today. Wow.

They have a background cellist/singer in that group. That group would not be so good if it was not for that deep soulful cello. This group's cello, in every song, was sooooo "visible" and haunting.  I might have to get a CD, I do not stream, I play CD's. 

It is described as American folk-rock. It was a concert at something called Musilac Festival. That cello, although not the main instrument in the group, was fantastic. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 18, 2024 - 4:28 pm
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really like them!

January 18, 2024 - 4:34 pm
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@ABitRusty Did you notice the cello sound?

The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 18, 2024 - 5:16 pm
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I didnt listen/watch the exact recording youre tqlking about.   I do like the band and their music though.  That style of music/bands ive noticed is more likely to have strings in the mix.  

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