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Random stuff from the fiddle cave
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November 5, 2022 - 4:20 am
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@ABitRusty -

Yeah!  FIVE strings!dancinbunny 

Boy, THAT REALLY SOUNDS GOOD... like you & your banjo are best buddies already!!! 

Btw, LOVE that tune! 

You're tempting me. (lol)

- Emily 



November 5, 2022 - 10:13 am
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ELCBK said


I think all music should swing a little! 🤗

Like your Blarney Pilgrim, too! 


You are definitely settling into a good sound & groove. 

Thanks for sharing what you're up to! 

...newest reels I'm trying to get memorized: "See It There" & "Blue Gaze" (The Blue Keys)

- Emily


I posted both just as a contrast in what i was feeling.   I called it swingy.. someone who knows better would maybe say dotted rhythm..  It lierally was just a feeling thing I had when playing because I felt like I was being too stiff when i started.  To me it felt like I didnt have any life in it...and it still may not.. but after I forced what I called the swingy I went back and tried the straighty and thats what you heard.   IDK.. lift..lilt..life.. feeling..i think thats the thing im hoping for more than anything and maybe less pitchy..   The speed thing especially when by myself seems less important than just sounding nice.  But both are important eventually if trying to keep up with a group, which is happening less and less lately.

Just pointing out my thought process on it.  Not suggesting anything for anybody.. in case it appeared that way.  Its just what I was playing around with that night.

and @elcbk THIS is a great tune you pointed out.  I havent heard it so thanks for the share.  Im gonna try and get something going on it too!


tbanks again Mark and Emily! 🙂  alot of posts to listen to lately..


November 5, 2022 - 12:09 pm
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@ABitRusty -

Not so sure you'll have any trouble keeping up with everyone next time you get a chance to get together - won't adrenaline kick in? 

Don't read anything into me posting about Swing Rhythm.  I had been meaning to share those videos in your Groovey Stuff Thread last week, because of the COOL way of looking at rhythm as a cycle - you just reminded me. (lol)  

I know exactly what you mean talking about the "swingy" thing - it DOES add life!  Aren't we talking about "Phrasing" here?  Think everyone should try to add some life into their music, but don't you lose a lot of the lilt/swing if you have to speed up?  I'm always trying to hang on.

Btw, nothing wrong with calling it 'lilting' - I only stopped because Wikipedia said 'lilting' only pertained to singing! 😒  Decided there are so many other sources that say lilting CAN be musical rhythm - so that's what I'm calling it! 🤗


One thing I'm NOT sure about - what you mean by "less pitchy" (?) 

We're going to have to keep up - I posted about Brian Finnegan quite a while back! (lol)  ...too much goin' on! 

- Emily


November 5, 2022 - 1:43 pm
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So the way I think about it is phrasing will be how you approach playing individual phrases or parts of a tune.  Like measures 1-4 vs 5-8.   

Swing or dotted or straight type rhythms .. I think usually stay the same through a tune.  You could switch your rhythm up in the middle of a tune or go back and forth I guess.  But it seems to me that is usually consistent.  

Thats how Ive been thinking about it.


Yeah lilting technically is singing a tune..Dye-dee-dee-DYE-dee-dee-dye-DEE DEE .... but Ive also seen/heard people use the term lilt to mean lift or feeling of a tune or note.  Like..lilt that F# ..meaning maybe slide a bit or raise its volume some as you bow it.  potato potatoe.. kinda thing.  most know depending on the context of the conversation what is being discussed.   Anyway..just a term.. 

Pitchy...what I meant was if all my F#'s are off by +.12 cents every time  it may sound correct but not good.  Ive found in addition to having a note way off here and there that i could be spot on with maybe all my C's ..they all are the same pitch..but low by 15 cents.  Thats a term i just blabbed out Idk what youd call it..maybe a simple wrong would be easier. 🙂  still an intonation thing though.  At least consistently bad ..😁


November 5, 2022 - 11:20 pm
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@ABitRusty -

Okay, good to know.  I always felt lilting could be stretched & squeezed for expression - like phrasing.

Guess I better apologize right up front & maybe place a warning sticker on all MY videos! (not a bad idea😁)  Seriously, I have my doubts that I'll ever be able to hear something less than a quarter-tone off. 

RESPECT!  hats_off



...the cats make me do it. 

- Emily


November 6, 2022 - 1:45 am
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@elcbk Those values for cents were just examples..not literal.  I dont know what Id be able to detect.  Ill have to go back and watch one of the melodyne videos and pretty sure i saw some 50 cent devivations. like i said..just an example for the sake of discussion on the pitch topic.  I have seen the phenomenon where my notes would all be off the same amount down the time line in melodyne though.   Even though i was off at least it was pretty much the same amount that time.


November 6, 2022 - 2:20 am
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@ABitRusty -

You bring up good points!  Starting to think recording software is a torture device - slaps us in the face with our imperfections.

I think it's one thing if we're playing by ourselves - if the right intervals are there, who cares? 

When playing with others, don't you automatically key off each other to play harmoniously? 

So, does it matter if y'all are off together?  I mean, there's people & places who use a different frequency for 'A' than 440 Hz. 

Shouldn't we be focusing more on intervals? 

Oops - sorry, didn't mean to start a rabbit hole in your blog. (lol)

- Emily


November 6, 2022 - 8:01 am
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@elcbk said.. "When playing with others, don't you automatically key off each other to play harmoniously"

Hopefully!  Sometimes I just cant find it.. and have to drop out or not even start playing along.   sometimes its great and am able to keep up.. The worst is if Im playing too low and cant really hear exactly where i am at..think im good and get a bit louder and discover Im out of tune due to fingering.  We usually dont have an open string tuning issue. And most people quietly check the instrument tuning every so often between tunes.

  The main thing is to be able to JOIN and add without standing out.  Better to blend in.  but yes the group as a whole will have a rhythm and generally everyone finds and plays along.  I dont think i know of a situation where someone has detuned their instument off of a=440 and started a tune.  Everyone tunes 440 where I attend..

thinkingabout here for the question...

If someone started not a=440 non fretted stringed instrument would have to finger all the notes and not use any open strings..that just doeant happen on purpose in my experience..  flutes and some whistles can adjust their A. i just dont know about concertinas accordians though.  guitars and mandolins could too.  theyd have to set their tuners to match everyone elses tuner, or better yet use the same tuner or tune off someone playing an open A.  That happens alot.. someone will tune and others tune to them.  Who knows..maybe they had a tuner adjusted 415 or something and we played low all along 🙂.


November 6, 2022 - 11:02 am
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@ABitRusty -

Good discussion & maybe more for Fiddlers than Classical players!

Was just thinking how we all compare our intonation with tuners, apps & software - can suck the joy out of playing.  Think we all need to use them when we start learning, but when do we stop needing them? 

We aren't supposed to be perfect. 

Brings me around to thinking fiddlers need more Irish Slow Sessions (Thread)!

- Emily


November 6, 2022 - 11:10 am
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@elcbk I Dont use apps all the time.  And Use them to diagnose or help when needed! 

Others may find a use for things like melodyne that you may not need or care to use..theres plenty of other topics here on this forum using other methods..   I havent seen anything on apps like melodyne much.  

I DONT have a tuner turned on or software loaded up on a pc sitting in front of me everytime i sit down to practice.   But I do know about the apps and what they do if needed.  I think some may have wanted more info in this topic and is why i thought about including it as a post in this blog and Ill post more about things I find fun or interesting...not necessarily practical.  I really dont want to debate its usefullness.  I enjoyed making the other vids about it..im sure people see its just extra stuff.


November 6, 2022 - 11:33 pm
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@ABitRusty -

Guess what I was getting at - are we ever free of comparing our intonation against the perfection of tech intonation these days, when most musicians step into the creative world of multi-tracks, mixing, audio & video editing? 

Was pondering on "yesterday"... maybe before all this tech became available to the general public, everyone just practiced hard & enjoyed playing - didn't have the stress of imperfections staring back at them from a computer (something I'm not looking forward to).  Sound engineers were magicians.  ...did musicians have to be freakin' perfect professionals before they dared step into a recording booth? 

Anyway, I just feel fortunate - average, neighborhood musicians of the past missed out on all the techie, CREATIVE, fun we have readily available today! 

- Emily


November 7, 2022 - 1:29 am
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meh..most of my intonation problems are apparent by listening..lol.  im not good enough to have to see errors under a microscope.  Im just saying apps can help when used in certain circumstances.   better to ear train obviously.  I cant stare at a tuner and play anyway.  sometimes if its on i can out of the corner of my eye catch a glimpse of reds and greens.

I think theres more pressure when playing with others and is part of what makes it challenging a d rewarding. I found out real quick I didnt know stuff as well as i thought.  But that helps in ways and if never get another chance am glad ive been able to.

I also would think if money is on the line for recording time, a muscian would need to be as perfect as possible before trying.  At least with stuff available now one can play around with recording and only be out the money spent for the instrument and softwre..and computer and a relatively inexpensive mic.  99.00 will get you an sm57. another 100 an interface.  most already have computers.  I think its fun to play around with.. but Its just extra stuff though.  in the end the violin and you is what matters.  


November 7, 2022 - 10:38 pm
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A bit more up tempo knotted cord.   I like the loopdy measure in the A part and think Im making lrogress with it but i think i need to keep the base note ringing with it more some something I hope to visit more.  The B part is the tricky part for me.   Ive been trying to put a 4th finger cut between the A note and after a couple of times it feels like the finger locks up and sticks.  need to relax.  Also think im rounding off some of the notes..mybe need a bit of crunch to the bowed tripletts.  Feels like some progress.


Heres the slower from earlier




heres a great version i like.  they have the bounce im having some trouble getting.


November 8, 2022 - 3:11 am
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@ABitRusty -

Like it MUCH better! 

You gave it a nice bit of energy & played cleaner! 

Sounds GREAT - I enjoy listening to you what you work out! 


- Emily


November 13, 2022 - 1:30 am
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Kicked this one around for a bit tonight.  Cool tune but Im playing too choppy i think.  need to smooth out qnd relax.



November 13, 2022 - 5:00 am
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@ABitRusty -

Well, you took me along for a fun ride - I enjoyed it! 

Thanks for sharing this! 

I think it's amazing you can make something out of 9/8 time - I don't see where's that's an easy task. 

Looking at the sheet music image you supplied - can you give a little more bow to the note at the beginning of each measure?  I only mention it cause you told me you liked how Jon Harkness plays it & I think he exaggerates the accent on them. 

Overall, it sounded GREAT! 🤗  Wow... didn't you just start working on this tune?


https://imageproxy.ifunny.co/crop:x-20,resize:640x,quality:90x75/images/57c2cb5d3e292fb7c9eb89ff29337a4d78544110141ad5dfabef00a75f03e17f_1.jpgImage Enlarger

...archery season ends the 14th here, in Michigan - don't let the dogs out!  I actually overheard someone once exclaim, "Oh, look!  There's a rare albino spotted deer!" - but they were pointing to a harlequin Great Dane. 🤨 

😄 I think I say this every year. 

- Emily


November 13, 2022 - 5:10 pm
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"...archery season ends the 14th here, in Michigan - don't let the dogs out!


I think the leashes and hooman present will prevent any mistakes.  Most that hunt the area have met them so hopefully theyll be safe in their fence.

yeah that 1st measure sorta sets the whole thing doesnt it.. ill be working the feel on this one a while.  Joe has a nice vibrato o. those long notes too.  Ill try and hold them a bit longer and intonation especially on the later parts where it climbs up to high A and B.   


November 13, 2022 - 11:09 pm
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I think one time maybe i was having trouble with timing and someone suggested alternate bowing everything..like instead of holding a dotted quarter bow each division like an eighth.  makes for an annoying sound. but seemed to work.  did that initially tonight with this.  the last part of this sounds like a pack of coyotes..  maybe you like coyotes howling.  or nails on a chalkboard 😐  anyway..excerpt from my practice sessions.




November 14, 2022 - 3:35 am
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@ABitRusty -


I thought your timing sounded good to begin with. 😊 


November 14, 2022 - 11:32 pm
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Did another few slow runs of Whalley.. Cant seem to rid the scream bowing on it. 😐🙂  probably because trying to go faster than im able at this point on it.   Then moved to working on this one.  2nd repeat on B part tripping me up.  


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