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Random stuff from the fiddle cave
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February 5, 2024 - 9:21 pm
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That is so neat. Well, I am working on another. When I get semi-good, I will put it into my blog. This is quite fun.


The Bumblebee Flies!

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February 5, 2024 - 11:46 pm
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LOVED Moon Over The Ruined Castle & The Golden Castle! 

You both sounded great - worked very well together! 

I enjoyed playing along, too - both tunes! 


February 6, 2024 - 12:02 am
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That was very cool, great collaboration. 


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


February 6, 2024 - 12:31 pm
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thank you Mark and elcbk!


February 6, 2024 - 8:14 pm
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@ABitRusty  and @Mouse  Awesome collab! Ominous cello there, Mouse, and excellent mixing Abitrusty!  Rusty Mouse has been born!  When’s the tour?smile   

Great playing by you both!


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February 6, 2024 - 8:47 pm
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Thank you! Just kind of happened after ABitRusty heard my audio track on my blog. I kind of like that song. It is in the Suziki book 2, the version I played, and also book 3. Book 2 has it in the key of Bb (Eb and Bb?). Book 3 has it in key of G. I like the eeriness of book 2. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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February 9, 2024 - 12:52 am
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thank you sharonc on the rusty mouse vid 🙂.  Fun little activity that night.

This one is a tune ive been messing with for about a year and a half now.   Just never have buckled down and tried learning all the parts.   FINALLY think i have it in my head but oh too slow.   i usually think most of these can be slow and sound ok..but this one needs some speed.  right now im like an ogre trudging through the woods.  BUT.. some progress.  placeholder to see if i can get it up to speed or at least faster and not lose the notes and get sloppy... ER.  happy with progress on it the last couple of weeks though.   it came up in a class so easier to devote more time to since more will be playing it in my group.  

probably should just played the melody on guitar or left out..not really what it should be but all i could feel with it.  Really need to break off for a while and get more focused on more Iriah type rhythms instead of my campfire type stuff.

fiddle takes all the time though.


February 9, 2024 - 1:08 am
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Sounding good, enjoyed listing to that.


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons

February 9, 2024 - 11:19 am
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Nice job!


The Bumblebee Flies!

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February 9, 2024 - 12:12 pm
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thanks mark and mouse.  that one even more rough than most so appreciate it.  🙂

its a cool tune up to speed


February 9, 2024 - 8:25 pm
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@ABitRusty -

Really enjoyed listening to your Humours of Ballyloughlin - sounded great! 

Thanks for sharing & keeping a record of what you are doing.

Hey, this is a big jig - it's a lot to memorize! 

How fast do you think others in your group will play it?


Climbing out of my comfort zone is hard for me & I keep trying everything possible.  I've even forced myself (on & off) to play along with a video that's up to speed.  It sounds terrible when I do this!  I may only get to play a few notes at first, sometimes I'm happy to play the downbeat notes, but I try to keep good intonation.  It lets me start to feel 'faster' is okay. 

Hate to say it, but think it's inevitable you're going to lose quite a bit of the bowing detail you've worked on here, when you try to speed it up.  In the end, I can only play as fast as I still feel some groove, so I experiment to decide where bowing techniques can have the greatest impact.   

It still seems to take me forever to play something fast that I think sounds good, but it's getting much easier than it used to be.  Just wish it was as easy as 'picking up' new tunes. 

Staying relaxed, while trying to push faster - VERY hard for me, but if you can do it I think you'll be able to increase speed easier.


February 9, 2024 - 11:27 pm
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thanks @elcbk!  and also appreciate the encouragement!  Im not stressing about the speed.. I would like to play it at least half again faster..but itll take the work and time and some more musical maturity to do it.  Theres parts I could do faster but ill have to zero in on most other sections for a while and hopefully itll creep up over time.   The D part last before repeat to beginning has ONE MEASURE that is tripping me up everytime.  I bet Ive played it 100 times ..just that one measure.   Ive made it a mental block now. lol.   Gonna shelf it for a day or two and try again.  If i get another 10 or 20 bpm maybe will post a do over for my sanity.

que the eyerolls...but..

Skip playing this has the same feeling to me that the guitar riff after the i want my mtv.. part in money for nothing ..dire straights... or phil collins drum solo in in the air.  lol.

as far as the others im not sure yet.  we went back over some other stuff this week.  ill see next time maybe.  i dont think its as big a hit with the rest as it is with me 😉🙂


February 16, 2024 - 12:04 am
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Had a small sesh with the group this week.  wasnt to bad.   My picks were The Old Favorite/The Humors of Ballyloughlin.  Got Ballyloughlin faster.  maybe 1.2 what it was above and thought held together.   The leader pushed for another round of it.   I was done after 3 reapeats of both.  but all good.  the other set was the sligo maid/sally gardens.  My intonation was drifting a bit on sally.  maybe next time better.

one set that was called was The Lark in the Morning into Morrisons.   Iplayed The Lark and learned it.  but hadnt played in so long it was sketchy at best.  got mad at myself on that one. 

worked on that tonight.  think i got it back.  as usual needs to be faster for a normal session.  If your used to hearing this elsewhere itll sound like its dragging..

Anyway ..im ok with the fiddle.  mission accomplished getting the notes back up front in my head.   but not liking the guitar again.   got too much WAAHH WAAHH low.  i was done with it though and best i could do with eq.   this one will sound better with headphones.   shouldve used my 28 i think.  and maybe capoed up and played out of C shape.  think it wouldve sounded better.   if I do a do over and its amazingly better at that particular moment 🙄😏 ill share 

think its better than the one i did a year and half or so ago.  that one is private now. 😉



February 16, 2024 - 12:38 am
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Sounded GREAT - is that fast enough for your group?



February 16, 2024 - 1:08 am
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thanks Emily.

i mean they would play it like that if i started.  but im on the very low end.  its ok though.  i can do it..just where i settled in tonight trying to get it back all the way through a couple times without stumbling.  ill try bumping up more tomorrow night.


February 16, 2024 - 4:00 am
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Very nice, great tune to eat my lunch to.

For what it's worth, 

I personally like the sound of the guitar, the way it sits in the mix against the fiddle. 

The low rumble pairs nicely with the highs of the fiddle.

Then again I'm a bass player and like the low register.


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


February 16, 2024 - 8:09 am
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@ABitRusty, love this Lark in the Morning!  So nice to stumble on this for a peaceful start to the day.  Love the fiddle playing, bow work and rhythmic flow.  I like the guitar as is.  Gives it a nice, subtle backbone without competing with the fiddle.  

Really like your tempo here.  I always prefer the more mellow tempos where the musicality shines through.  Back in the day listening to my Celtic recordings, I’d usually fast-forward through the rollicking tunes and get lost in the lovely subtle ones regardless of the band.  Still looking forward to your album… 😊

I always practice and play two ways, a moderate pace focusing on beautiful tone and expression for me, and then those crazy-fast jam tempos with the metronome for the group.  I’m fortunate to have the option of playing at a mellow old time jam in addition to the rousing Celtic one.

I also really liked the great cello work by @Mouse combined with your fiddle skills in that Rusty Mouse collaboration a while back.  So nice!

February 16, 2024 - 8:20 am
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Loved it, and I listened to it first thing in the morning. That was great. 

I loved the speed. I prefer them when they are not at full speed. I can hear it better and appreciate the talent. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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February 16, 2024 - 8:20 am
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Thanks unfretted.


The Bumblebee Flies!

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February 16, 2024 - 9:44 am
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thank you @Mark .  The rumble is because i left my mics higher instead of moving them down like i normally do when switching instruments.  to compensate i pulled over a bar top type stool.  to start the recording i turned around and clicked the mouse then spun back around to record but didnt position myself and guitar.   So the mic was right over the sound hole.  I dont know for certain but pretty sure thats what i did looking back.  All i could hear this morning in the car was the rumble.  a couple more spots was in transition between parts i think i hit the strings way too hard..it didnt need that.  like at 1:28. whenever i do that i think i shouldnt

thanks @Unfretted !  that first note came in too loud maybe?  more like a morning mockinbird 🫠  i should eased in better.  i  think maybe the 2nd time through in B part i got a bit Alfalfa from little rascals around 2:11 to 2:15  the slide works but its either to slow of a slide or i over/under shot.  just sounded overly hammy.  maybe the whole thing but those stood out more.  I think i improved with it though.   i like 2:25 on.  I like the Em to G chord in the C sections even if not very Irish sounding.   I liked it.

anyway..just making a list of things i heard to do better in addition to do what youre talking about in that theres a way of practicing for a group and just playing for yourself.  Gotta get and be comfortable a bit more up tempo because itll be faster. we always want to improve but those hopefully ill remember when i get back to gear again.  🙂


thank you mouse!

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