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Christmas 2020 A Time of Celebration!
Winter Holiday Project for 2020
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Brora, North-east Scotland
November 8, 2020 - 11:21 am
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Fiddlerman said

caseclosed said

Thanks for all your work again, @Fiddlerman! Another great project! Just confirming that we should prepare our parts using straight eighth notes (as heard in the drum tracks) instead of swing eighth notes (as written on the individual parts). Thanks!

No @caseclosed, the click track was created using Finale's midi file. I wrote the eighth notes straight to simplify writing it and am going to make a video about swinging eighth notes.

I guess I'll have to figure out how to get a midi program to swing eighth notes. :(

When you see two eighth notes play them like 3 triplets in which the first of the eighth notes gets two beats and the second gets one. I suppose you've all heard "Let it Snow" and know how it's usually performed.

The sheet music is correct in that I wrote to swing the eighth notes. I was hoping that this would not confuse people but now I see that it does. Personally I don't get thrown off by the straight eighths on the track and didn't realize that others would. I apologize for that.

:) @fidderman TY !!!! - (and to those confused) - I was trying to explain pretty much what you said - and - of course I "understand the comments and why they were raised" ....    You're right of course - and an "easy way" to get the swung-1/8ths triplet sounding 'right' if that's what some folks want ( or need ) - is to modify the timing in a MIDI view of the piece - where you can "successfully defeat" the inbuilt 4/4 timing by just altering the note durations for the item in question.   Clearly, it cannot (easily) be done in the score itself........

Disclaimer - personally - it worried me not - because of the questions raised, I was trying to assist/explain HOW these swung 1/8ths should be approached - to me ( as I think @Jim Dunleavy and others suggest ) - the click is a "guide" - you are told in the instruction (attached) how to play it.  And yup - I DO understand why folks really WANT to adhere to the click "in the ear" - really I do understand that - but - it has to be interpreted as per the instruction - it (the click) is a "guide" - no more no less


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I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)

Fort Lauderdale
November 8, 2020 - 12:13 pm
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OK guys. I had to spend my morning redoing the playback files.

Please check them out. :)

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November 8, 2020 - 12:33 pm
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There's that swing--thank you, Fiddlerman--smile

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Brora, North-east Scotland
November 8, 2020 - 12:43 pm
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You're a star, boss ! @fiddlerman ! LOLOL

I can understand why some folks wanted it...  cool !

I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)


November 8, 2020 - 4:36 pm
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@Fiddlerman -

https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/table-display-with-sparkling-snow-and-brilliant-explosion-picture-id1187229454?k=6&m=1187229454&s=170667a&w=0&h=OqWcJYXBjrPacOoWWdhEbiMd1yfc_HGykURHAiJnyRs=Image Enlarger



HEY!  Everyone get this? 



- Emily 

@John Bracone , @Grandpafiddle , @Jim Dunleavy , @Roy , @caseclosed , @Gordon Shumway 

Fort Lauderdale
November 8, 2020 - 9:13 pm
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You are all welcome. I just couldn't figure out how to make Finale automatically swing but I finally did. :) Now I'm happy that I learned how to do it.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

November 9, 2020 - 8:36 am
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@Fiddlerman I have a question. 

I am looking at Cello. 1, at the moment, but it appears in other the parts. It is measure 18.

This does not match up with how I know Let It Snow. There are a couple notes added. When this happens to a song I know, it messes me up terribly because rhythm and timing is difficult for me, so common songs become unfamiliar in sections that are changed up, even slightly. It becomes like jazz, makes no sense.

There is a triplet(?) added for the 2nd beat. I know the rhythm as the first note, G, being a half note, your third beat is a match, the second beat, as I know the song is just a quarter note, not an 8th note slur. Try as I may, the entire medley is gone for me with this changeup. The rest of the song, or most of the song, on a good day, is lost when I try to do this as written because I keep thinking that that is not how I know the song, plus, the sight of a triplet freaks me out. I don't play fast enough for triplets. 

It took me a long time to figure out why that sounded so different from what I know. But then it dawned on me that if I remove the triplet and slur and keep the basic notes, it is as I have heard it sung. 

Can I play this song in the 18th measure as G (half note) G, A, then continue with the F starting the next measure. I am just dropping the fill in triplet and changing the first note to the half note to fill that triplet beat, and I eliminated the A G 8th note slur by giving the A a quarter note status.

I might be able to get that A G 8th note slur in over time with the triplet eliminated, but if I can't, is my solution acceptable? it, but the triplet just throws me completely off. I tried just fake bowing, but the beats are not what I am used to. I can't fake bow, anyway. It is hard enough to bow properly. 

Thank you.

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

Fort Lauderdale
November 9, 2020 - 10:06 am
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Mouse said
@Fiddlerman I have a question. 

I am looking at Cello. 1, at the moment, but it appears in other the parts. It is measure 18.

This does not match up with how I know Let It Snow. There are a couple notes added. When this happens to a song I know, it messes me up terribly because rhythm and timing is difficult for me, so common songs become unfamiliar in sections that are changed up, even slightly. It becomes like jazz, makes no sense.

There is a triplet(?) added for the 2nd beat. I know the rhythm as the first note, G, being a half note, your third beat is a match, the second beat, as I know the song is just a quarter note, not an 8th note slur. Try as I may, the entire medley is gone for me with this changeup. The rest of the song, or most of the song, on a good day, is lost when I try to do this as written because I keep thinking that that is not how I know the song, plus, the sight of a triplet freaks me out. I don't play fast enough for triplets. 

It took me a long time to figure out why that sounded so different from what I know. But then it dawned on me that if I remove the triplet and slur and keep the basic notes, it is as I have heard it sung. 

Can I play this song in the 18th measure as G (half note) G, A, then continue with the F starting the next measure. I am just dropping the fill in triplet and changing the first note to the half note to fill that triplet beat, and I eliminated the A G 8th note slur by giving the A a quarter note status.

I might be able to get that A G 8th note slur in over time with the triplet eliminated, but if I can't, is my solution acceptable? it, but the triplet just throws me completely off. I tried just fake bowing, but the beats are not what I am used to. I can't fake bow, anyway. It is hard enough to bow properly. 

Thank you.

On measure 18 you are welcome to play the G for 3 beats (dotted half note) and skip those extra notes. It will still match up perfectly. You just continue as written from the two eighth notes on the last beat of the bar.

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November 9, 2020 - 10:35 am
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@Mouse , @Fiddlerman  -

You were right to find a problem, Mouse, but not in measure 18. 

Cello vs Violin/click track numbers are OFF BY ONE WHOLE PART. 

Cello 1 = Violin 2 and click track 2 

Cello 2 = Violin 3 and click track 3 

Cello 3 = Violin 4 and click track 4 

Cello 4 = Violin 5 and click track 5 

Cello 5 = Violin 6 and click track 6 


I didn't check Viola parts. 



- Emily 

@Ilona - hope you see this!

November 9, 2020 - 11:14 am
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@ELCBK I wasn't talking about the click tracks, I was actually talking about the sheet music. I knew what the answer would be, actually, but wanted any new participants to see what Fiddlerman would say anout an issue that is similar that they might encounter.

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


November 9, 2020 - 12:09 pm
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@Mouse , @Fiddlerman  - 

The Cello parts should be re-numbered (there is NO number 1 Cello part).

If anyone tries playing the written Cello 1 part to click track 1 - it doesn't match.

It matches click track 2.  If you listen to the correct click track, with the corresponding written part, it can help you.

Measure 18 is supposed to be different in each part. 



- Emily 

I wasn't saying you can't/shouldn't simplify a measure for yourself.🥰


November 9, 2020 - 12:55 pm
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I see what Emily is talking about.  Yikes. 

Essentially, the only “part 1” is Violin 1 on the individual parts sheet music.   I would suggest

(1) Re-label the click tracks


(2) Re-label the sheet music for Cello & Viola. 


Option 1: Re-label the Click Tracks

(so it matches existing sheet music)

Click Track – All Parts

Click Track - Part 1 Violin

Click Track - Part 2 Violin/Part 1 Cello & Viola

Click Track - Part 3 Violin/Part 2 Cello & Viola

Click Track - Part 4 Violin/Part 3 Cello & Viola

Click Track - Part 5 Violin/Part 4 Cello & Viola

Click Track - Part 6 Violin/Part 5 Cello & Viola

- Or -

Option 2:

Re-label the sheet music parts for Cello & Viola

(1 – 5 becomes 2 - 6, so it matches the score & click tracks)

Let it Snow – Viola 2                        Let it Snow – Cello 2

Let it Snow – Viola 3                        Let it Snow – Cello 3

Let it Snow – Viola 4                        Let it Snow – Cello 4

Let it Snow – Viola 5                        Let it Snow – Cello 5

Let it Snow – Viola 6                        Let it Snow – Cello 6

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November 9, 2020 - 3:41 pm
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Fiddlerman - the new click track fixes the eighth note swing issues.

However, I'm still having a problem with the written music for violin 1 and 2, measure 16.  The second beat in the new click track now sounds like 2 eighth notes played with swing but the music is written with one quarter note.  Same issue for viola 1 and 2.

Assuming you want the 2 eighth notes, which 2 notes do we play?

SharonC thought it was the drum beat in the click track.  But it does not sound like the drum  beat to me.


November 9, 2020 - 7:08 pm
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@Roy -

Sorry, for Violin1/measure 16 - I (personally) hear exactly what's written.  snowflake.png?w=223&h=253


- Emily


November 11, 2020 - 5:16 am
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Does everyone already have their parts picked out (or done recording) for "Let it Snow"?  

Looks like I'm going to be able to play a Viola part and a Violin part - nice having a 5-string! (lol) 

Turns out it wasn't hard learning to read the Alto clef after all, so I tried the Viola 1 part (= click track 2) and didn't have any problems. 


Now, I just need to decide what Violin part to play! 

❄❄❄ Btw, to all Beginner Fiddlers - did you know you can loop and/or slow down the click tracks, at first, to help you quickly learn/memorize the part/parts you wish to play?



- Emily

Remember... Viola 1 or Cello 1 parts = click track 2!  Viola 2 or Cello 2 = click track 3!  etc... etc... etc... 

@Fiddlerman - can the Viola & Cello parts be edited/re-labeled, to read 2 thru 6 - so click tracks match?


November 11, 2020 - 11:50 am
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ELCB said 
Does everyone already have their parts picked out (or done recording) for "Let it Snow"?  

No! 😄
I was planning to do cello part 3, but I practiced all of them a little bit and now I just can’t decide which one I should choose. 🤔 Part 4 is also very nice, I might change my mind and choose it. Or maybe I should do them both...

I practiced them without the click tracks, and now when I listened them I realized I will need a lot more speed. So I’m definitely not ready yet! 


November 11, 2020 - 4:22 pm
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Ilona -

Until Fiddlerman can make a correction -

Listen to/use click track 4 for Cello part 3. 

Listen to/use click track 5 for Cello part 4. 

It would be GREAT if you did both! 

Fiddlerman would use both, but only show you actually playing one of them. 


- Emily

Sacramento, California

November 11, 2020 - 4:33 pm
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ELCB said

Does everyone already have their parts picked out (or done recording) for "Let it Snow"?  


I'm not going to make a decision at all. I'm just going to print out all the viola parts, do a single take of as many of them as my shoulder will allow, and submit every video that I consider satisfactory. I may also play the Violin 1 part just to complete the set.

I realize that sight-reading in the recording means it's not going to be my best playing, but at the moment I can only play for 20-30 minutes at a time and only one or two times a week.

John Bracone
November 12, 2020 - 8:31 am
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ELCB said


Does everyone already have their parts picked out (or done recording) for "Let it Snow"?  

Looks like I'm going to be able to play a Viola part and a Violin part - nice having a 5-string! (lol) 

Turns out it wasn't hard learning to read the Alto clef after all, so I tried the Viola 1 part (= click track 2) and didn't have any problems. 


Now, I just need to decide what Violin part to play! 

❄❄❄ Btw, to all Beginner Fiddlers - did you know you can loop and/or slow down the click tracks, at first, to help you quickly learn/memorize the part/parts you wish to play?



- Emily

Remember... Viola 1 or Cello 1 parts = click track 2!  Viola 2 or Cello 2 = click track 3!  etc... etc... etc... 

@Fiddlerman - can the Viola & Cello parts be edited/re-labeled, to read 2 thru 6 - so click tracks match?  

Working on part 1 here. Trying to get consistent with those 4th positions, I don't usually play that high, a weak spot for me which just means I need to practice playing there more often. I'm almost there though, I think I should have it by middle of next week if not by Monday ready to record if I keep with my 3 hour practice time. The pandemic has kind of been a small blessing for me, I have been working from home since February which allows me extra time to practice.


November 12, 2020 - 2:47 pm
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>>ELCB said
Does everyone already have their parts picked out (or done recording) for "Let it Snow"?<<  

I'm going to do Violin 1. Maybe some of the other parts once I have the 1st one done.

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